Profile Information
General Statistics
Lieutenant Commander Anya Nicole Jameson
Sex: Female
Race: Betazoid
if (!empty($char['character_race_sec']))
/ echo $char['character_race_sec'] ?>
} ?>
Weight: 69 kg
Height: 164 cm
Age: 43 years old
Current Assignment
Transfer order SFR-02-0933-3440
Assigned to the echo $char_position ?> position onboard the echo $name['ship_nameprefix'] ?> echo $name['ship_name'] ?> on Stardate echo $char['last_join_date'] ?>
Physical Description:
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Blue
scar on right shoulder from a childhood accident
Family & Personal History:
Father: Diemitri Jameson
Mother:Tanza Jameson
No Siblings
Her Father died when she was relatively young, when the family lived on earth in Russia. When the paternal figure in her life became deceased, her mother; an influential figure on her home planet of Betazed, took Anya to live there for her remaining years until Anya joined the Academy back on earth.
Educational History:
Anya was not a genius student, although she remained in the top five students in each of her classes. When she was given the chance, she found an interest in human herbal remedies and also in the more rebellious topic of the Borg. While assigned to the USS Seleya, Anya was approached by SFI to take part in research regarding the use of telepathy against the Borg, which she later dropped out of due to personal reasons.
For the last 6 years she has been teaching at SFA.
Medical History:
Anya once shared what she believed to be Imzadi with a lost love in her last years of the Academy. However, it did not last, and she has healed the mental and emotional rift.
During her absense from the USS Seleya, Anya was unwillingly admitted into a mental institute by the then Seleyan CNS (who later murdered Adm. Bolitho). After only a week of her being at the institute, the specialist recognised the true situation, and instead used Anya's allotted time in the forced relative captivity to increase her mental abilities and skills.
Service Record
10002.17 - Promoted to Ensign for good service to the United Federation of Planets
10005.14 - Awarded the Captain's Letter of Commendation for professionalism and dedication to duty
10005.14 - Promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade for continued good service to the United Federation of Planets
10102.15 - Awarded the Purple Heart for injuries sustained in the line of duty
10102.15 - Promoted to Lieutenant for continued good service to the United Federation of Planets
10201.30 - Awarded the Captain's Letter of Commendation for outstanding performance of duties
10205.19 - Promoted to Lieutenant Commander for service above and beyond the call of duty
10301.07 - Awarded the Medal of Commendation for outstanding performance of duties
10505.07 - Promoted to Commander for outstanding service and dedication in service to the United Federation of Planets
10805.04 - Removed from Active Duty to teach at Starfleet Academy
11402.05 - Assigned to the U.S.S. Hooke as XO
11404.29 - Assigned to the U.S.S. Bremen as XO
11410.30 - Demoted to Lieutenant Commander for misconduct and disobeying a Commanding Officer's direct order
11411.08 - Assigned to the U.S.S. Bremen as AUX
11508.23 - Awarded the Tzenkethi War Campaign Ribbon for dedication to duty during the Tzenkethi War
11508.23 - Awarded the Admirals Letter of Commendation for excellent service in defence of the Federation
11508.23 - Assigned to the U.S.S. Bremen as CTO
11604.14 - Awarded the Starfleet Decoration of Gallantry for your life-saving efforts in reference to Captain Kesh Suder
11604.14 - Awarded the Medal of Commendation for for exceptional crew conduct in relation to the safe recovery of Twissel to our dimension