Profile Information
General Statistics
Lieutenant Velina Tailor
Sex: Female
Race: Human
if (!empty($char['character_race_sec']))
/ echo $char['character_race_sec'] ?>
} ?>
Weight: 63 kg
Height: 163 cm
Age: 39 years old
Current Assignment
Transfer order SFR-02-0933-3440
Assigned to the echo $char_position ?> position onboard the echo $name['ship_nameprefix'] ?> echo $name['ship_name'] ?> on Stardate echo $char['last_join_date'] ?>
Physical Description:
Pale skin with a bluish cast, deep set warm hazel eyes set in a heart shaped face with a slight ridge running through the center. Mid-length dark brown hair tinged with purple.
Family & Personal History:
Human, with a hint of Bolian, due to a genetic manipulation in her family's past that allowed one of her ancestors to have a child with a Terran; otherwise the incompatibility of their body chemistry would have made it very difficult. A few generations later, Velina was born on a space station to a starfleet mother and civilian father. She moved back to Earth with her family mid-way through her childhood; spent most of her time there restless and wanting to get back to the stars, and so joined Starfleet..
Educational History:
Specialties: Aerospace medicine/Internal Medicine. Pilot training: Shuttles. Interned on a hospital ship, the Sirona, during the Tzenkethi War, then transferred Vinland Station just after the war.
Medical History:
No major medical issues.
Service Record
11702.15 - Assigned to the U.S.S. Atlantis as MED
11709.20 - Promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade for Excellence in Service
11709.20 - Assigned to the U.S.S. Atlantis as CMO
11904.03 - Promoted to Lieutenant for Long-Term Excellence in Service and Devotion to Atlantis