Profile Information
General Statistics
Ensign Owain Rice
Sex: Male
Race: Human
if (!empty($char['character_race_sec']))
/ echo $char['character_race_sec'] ?>
} ?>
Weight: 75 kg
Height: 178 cm
Age: 38 years old
Current Assignment
Transfer order SFR-02-0933-3440
Assigned to the echo $char_position ?> position onboard the echo $name['ship_nameprefix'] ?> echo $name['ship_name'] ?> on Stardate echo $char['last_join_date'] ?>
Physical Description:
Dark, curly, short black hair. Dark brown eyes. Dominant eyebrows. Has a slightly raspy voice with a strong Welsh accent.
Family & Personal History:
The only child of long-serving Starfleet Admiral Cerridwyn Rice and retired geographer and cartographer Joseph Rice. Born and raised in Wales until the age of 19, then lived on Deep Space 6 for a few years before joining Starfleet Academy back on Earth.
Educational History:
Standard education and a graduate of Starfleet Medical Academy. Spent two years as a doctor at the Tantalus V penal colony.
Medical History:
Healthy; nothing of note.
Service Record
11609.28 - Assigned to the U.S.S. Bremen as MED