Profile Information

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General Statistics

Cadet Evekh Syrilius

Sex: Male

Race: Vulcan

Weight: 91 kg

Height: 188 cm

Age: 71 years old

Current Assignment

Transfer order SFR-02-0933-3440

Assigned to the position onboard the on Stardate

Physical Description:
Evekh is a standard copy-and-paste Vulcan. He is larger than most with very broad shoulders. He has brown eyes with a slight yellow flare that make them almost Golden. His hair is brown and it is orderly and precise.

Family & Personal History:
Evekh grew up with a prominent family in a large house on the outskirts of a city over looking the Sandfire Plains. His childhood was protected and he rarely to never faced adult like challenges in his youth. He was an only child and most of his life was routine. Growing up so protected made him leave into Starfleet without his parents approval.

Educational History:
Evekh went to Starfleet Academy as soon as physically possible. He excelled Tactical Operations and Weaponry. He had trouble with Quantum Mechanics and Warp Theory.

Medical History:
He is in perfect health.

Service Record

11701.18 - Assigned to the U.S.S. Tempest as CTO

11701.18 - Assigned to the U.S.S. Tempest as OPS