- , Mission #


Summary, Mission #11


The Sentinel has succeeded in retrieving the captive crews and it's own Away team from the - possibly nefarious - clutches of the arachnoids, killing many and destroying most of their web in the process. Their asteroid home remains, and it's now down to the crew as to what happens from here.


<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Resume Mission >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>



::riding a Turbolift on his way to the Bridge after having examined the cocooned officers and crewmen, his fists clenched in anger::



::sitting at the Helm, eyeing his instrumentation::



::Stands on the bridge for a moment, deciding on how to approach her orders.::



::sits at the Engineering station on the bridge, all of the former CTO's blood removed, though the memory remains::



::exits onto the Bridge, his brow furrowed:: All: What the hell is this I hear about you wanting to wipe out a species?



::jumps slightly at the sudden yelling::



::turns in his chair to eye the Commander:: York:  I know I taught you better than to walk onto a Bridge and start yelling, -York-.  You address our XO properly, or I’ll show you what-for again.



York: An invasive species that's a threat to every ship and station in this system.



::points his finger at Marsland:: NAV: Sit down, Lieutenant Commander. Or do I need security?



York: Right, before you call security on my helmsman, who exactly are you?



::looks at the Commander, then himself:: York: I am sitting?



::turns to the Captain of this vessel:: CO: Commander. We have saved the research team and crew. We can't just kill something because we fear it...there has to be another way.



NAV: Well...stay that way.



::looks to the Captain:: CO: Sir, as much as I .. dislike.. this intruder on our ship, I must agree.  We don’t even know if the species has a consciousness, or that it was acting maliciously. I can configure some message pods to warn vessels to stand off.



::raises an eyebrow and thinks that's a first::



Self: This is just what happens when Starfleet gives a tank like this to a kid.



::Raises an eyebrow at the commanders statement.::  Cmdr_York: While I'm usually in agreement on such matters, I must advise caution.  If this species holds true with other high order arachnids, even one could result in massive devistation should it make its to a habitable system.



::mutters:: All: Seemed pretty malicious to me...



::turns to the CSO and fights the urge to sneeze:: CSO: I know you.



::listens to the statements:: ALL: That being said, they aren't warp-capable, and thus I would have no qualms about detonating the station and the entire lot of them. For all we know, we aren’t killing the species, just this infestation of them.



York: There's plenty of people we didn't save, and I'm not willing to put my crew or vessel at risk trying to contain these things. Nor am I willing to bet the safety of other crews and ships on a passive warning beacon. Lock on those torpedos.



::Coughs and nods, putting on his best nervous smile.:: Cmdr_York: Ahh, yes.  We served together....briefly.



CSO: Right. ::turns back to the Captain:: CO: Well I will note my objections. Be sure of that.



::eyes York:: York: With all due respect, get off our bridge. -Commander-.



CO: Can you control your helmsman?



NAV: You should stand down, sir.



York: I'd rather deal with your objections than those spiders on my ship. NAV: Cool your jets Marsland. You're on thin ice already.



::Straightens and tries to return to steer the discussion back to the arachnids.::  Cmdr_York/CO: If I may, I would suggest posting a team to investigate and study the arachnids futher.  They are an unusual species and their subspace connection merits further study.



::rubs her face in her hands, trying mightily to keep herself together, to keep her mind focused on the task at hand... whatever that was::



::turns back to his station:: Self: If you only knew… ::accesses tactical controls, locking on torpedoes:: CO: Aye, Captain. Torpedoes locked on.



Cmdr_York/CO: However, if at any point it becomes clear they represent an imminent danger, deadly force would be advised.



CO: The cat is right.....have you even tried to talk to them?



CSO: You would need a pretty heavily armed team to survive getting close to those things...



Cmdr_York: Their penchant for eviceration left communication somewhat....stunted.



CSO: Yes, that was then. Now we are no longer facing death by spider.



OPS: Indead, which is why I would suggest automated probes and other unmanned means of investigation.



NAV: You may fire when ready.



::almost growls::



::feels a sudden welling of anger:: York: They murded Lieutenant Rolands. As far as I care, we can study their ashes!



::punches the ‘Fire’ button.:: ALL: Torpedoes away!



CO: Captain! May I remind you of Starfleet's General Orders?!



CO: I'm also objecting to this....for the record.



ENG: They murdered alot of people, Ensign! Get over it...::looks at the screen as the torpedoes launch and goes silent::



::Takes a deep breath and nods to himself.:: CO: If possible, I would like to aquire as intact a specimen as possible.  Should anything survive the detonation that is.



::starts to understand why Marsland decked him in the first place::


ACTION: The Sentinel's forward torpedo turret swivels as it locks onto its target, before a steady barrage of quantum torpedoes screams through the intervening space before crashing into several weak structural points amidst the asteroid cluster. Huge explosions rip the material to shreds, biological and inanimate alike.



::folds her arms, feeling little comfort as the spiders are destroyed::



::Shakes his head slightly, seeing both sides of the argument having been present for the arachnids ferrocity.::






All: All objections have been noted and will be forwarded to starfleet with the reports of what happened here.



ALL: If you object to this action, you are more than welcome to record it and report it. But I will hear no more of this on the bridge.



CO: You can bet your arse I will.

ACTION: The dust clears, little remaining of the asteroids or their inhabitants.



::walks over to Science 2 and takes a seat next to H'ret::



OPS: What is the condition of the station?



::Taps away at his console.:: CO/Cmrd_York: i'll compile what we were able to learn about this species and include it in my reports captain.  Best to share what little we learned about them should anyone else encounter the species.  I would also suggest sharing this with non-Starfleet sources as well, we aren't the only ones out here.



CSO: Show me. Especially the subspace scans. There must be a way to communicate.



CSO: Agreed.



CO: No lifesigns remain, sir. And the station is in poor shape. I'm reading no power, hull breaches everywhere, the side facing the asteroids is all ripped to shreds. I would call her crippled.



::thinks back to the young man he left to die on the station and closes his eyes for a moment::



CO: It wouldn't hurt to throw a quarentine beacon out here....just in case.



Cmdr_York: Assuming they are a sentient species.  If they are simply a high functioning insectoid species, communication may be impossible.



CSO: Show me the subspace readings, there must be something the UT can lock on to.



::sighs, wondering who the hell this guy is to be giving orders on the bridge::



CO: I agree with Lt. Baudin Captain.  This system should be quarentined until Starfleet gives it a clean bill of health.



XO: Best not to take any chances. OPS: Any of the creatures left on the station?



<CSO means Stradiot>



::Brings up the subspace records of the arachinds and their asteroid,   Motions to the screen for the Commander.::



CSO: Waddia got?



::starts running a frequency search::



CO: Reading no lifesigns on the station, sir. Including our spider friends.



York: Shouldn't you be helping the patients in sickbay?



XO: They'll be fine. I see a level head is needed up here.



::mutters under his breath:: Self: Never did know how to do -his- job, always wanted to do someone else’s…



OPS: Very well, contact Starfleet and inform them of what's happened. With any luck we may be able to salvage parts of the station.



CO: I would suggest taking at least one of the arachnid corpses for study Captain, full biological containment of course.



CSO: Very well, but take every precaution. These things could still be dangerous, even when dead.



CO: I'll include all reports and objections thusfar and keep them up to date on anything else we find. ::with a nod to CSO::



::pats the cat on the back:: CSO: That's more like it. Examination room....::checks the screen:: five is free.



::Blinks at the Commander, remembering now how cantankerous he was capable of being.:: Cmdr_York: Well, given the intense savagery of the species, we cant take too many precautions.  Our first encounter with them was...horrific.



York: I must remind you however...You're a guest here. A survivor like the rest. You are not part of this crew.



::sighs softly, feeling progressively worse; she tries to get Stradot's attention:: XO: Commander?



::stands up:: All: But I am your expert on these species. I was there when they first arrived. I've had some time to study them. ::lies through his bare teeth as it was chaos when they arrived::



::Witholds a snap:: Eng: Yes?



::Clears her throat:: XO: Per-... um, I request to be relieved... ma'am...



York: And we all saw where that got you.



York: An expert? Very well, where do the originate from? Why were they here?



::Stands and quickly tries to head off any immenent hostilities.:: CO/Cmdr_York: Captain!  Umm, I would like to examine the specimen now if thats alright with you.  I'd like to have Commander York accompany me, give a medical perspective and perfom a biopsy as well.  With your permission?



ENG: Of course.



::points at the screen:: XO: From there. Other than that, I'm not a zooologist. But I am a Scientist and a Doctor.



::winks at the cat::



CO: Captain, where shall I set course?



::nods, and makes for the turbolift::



::mutters:: Self: Damn shitty one at that...



York: From there? Is that the best an "expert" can come up with? We'll listen to your imput, but you don't give orders here.



NAV: Once the warning beacon is deployed, take us to the edge of the system. I want some distance from the station, but Starfleet may have further need of us here.



::Waits for the Captains decision, tail twitching nervously.::



XO: Who's giving orders? I'm just joining your Chief Sience Officer....unless ofcourse, you have a skilled surgeon onboard that's free?



CSO: Yes, but take additional security with you.



::nods:: CO: Aye, Sir.  ::taps a few other buttons, launching the quarantine message beacons strategically around the perimeter::  ALL: Engaging full impulse.



::taps his console quickly, beaming the specimen into lab 5, full containment.::



::Shrugs:: York: I could technically do it myself.



::shakes his head at all of this nonsense between York and Marsland, sending off all the compiled info to Starfleet. they're never going to get anything done at this rate...::



XO: Nah. You're needed here I think. Can't leave him on his own..::motions for the Captain:: And I bet you want me out of your hair? ::walks over to the Turbolift::



CO: Aye sir.  ::Smiles nervously and motions towards the turbo lif , trying to herd the curmudgeon without being pushy.:: Cmdr_York: Commander, if you'll accompany me please?



CSO: Of course, Lieutenant. My pleasure.


ACTION: The handful of beacons shout out a warning to everyone for 5 light years that this system isn't to be entered, by order of Starfleet Command.



::taps his combadge and orders a security team to the lab as he walks into the TL.::



::Raises an eyebrow:: York: Pretty much. ::Turns around:: Oh and York....Don't come on the bridge without permission in the future.



::waves as the doors close::



XO: Saying what we're all thinking. Thamk you.



TIME WARP: An hour passes, with the Sentinel having moved to the edge of the system, her warning beacons putting up a notice to any ship within range. Onboard, in a secured and contained lab, one of the larger spider specimens lays dead on a table, it's eight legs curled up around the multihued thorax, dead eyes staring out, unblinking.



::still fuming at the Helm::



::Sits at a console on the bridge, reading over York's peronnel file::



::operates the tricorder from inside the hazard suit:: CSO: This is fascinating....I never got this close to one of them.



::lies curled up on her couch in the darkness, slowly managing to think of something other than Rolands' head exploding::


ACTION: One of the spider's legs twitches



::takes a step back::



::starts to lean over to NAV to say something, but a message at his console distracts him:: CO: Sir, incoming transmission for you. It's Admiral Tolar.



OPS: Put the Admiral on screen if you please.



::looks over at a Security officer, making sure he's still there::



::Strokes his furry chin with one hand, tapping the chittenous armor with a probe.:: Cmdr_York: I unfortunatly cannot say the same. I will say I do find it far less intense in this state...OH  :Jumps back at the involentary contraction.::



::wonders how bad this is going to be when he puts the admiral up...::


CSO: You really should have worn a suit....we have no idea what these things are made off.



::blinks and gasps for a second, hand over his heart.:: All: Goodness!



CSO: Shh. Just electric impulses.....I think.


ACTION: The Admiral's face blinks up on screen, and he glances around.



::looks forward at the viewscreen::



Cmdr_York: Working through the bio-containment field should suffice for any biological contamination....::Taps the chitten again.::  Cmdr_York:  I am curious as to how its armor reflected our normal scans.  Whatever its composed of, it acted as a natural camoflauge.



@*CO*: Captain Yeremenko, I think this communcation might be better served in your Ready Room. Lieutenant Baudin, please transfer me.



::shrugs:: CSO: Laser scalpel?



::Thinks to himself, 'oh shit I may be in trouble'. Then heads nods and heads to his ready room::



::so a lot of trouble, then. just gonna...slide that over to the ready room.::


ACTION: The viewscreen winks off.



::Glances at York, swallowing as he hands him the scalpel.:: Cmdr_York: I see you've retained your...exhuberance...since last we served.



::snorts and accepts the blade and thumbs it on:: CSO: You know me... ::moves closer::



::Looks over at the CO as he walks to the ready room::



::Arives in his ready room, fish tank still without fish and activates the monitor:: *Ren*: Admiral, can I assume you disagree with my actions?



::applies to blade to the abdomen::



@::leans forward on his table with a worried look:: *CO*: Starfleet Command has gone over the logs from the...incident...at Outpost 69. I would like to hear your explanation.



::turns to the XO:: XO: Commander, thanks for keeping that guy off the bridge.  He has no place here, giving our crew orders.



Ren: And just what part of the incident would you like an explanation for?



@*CO*: Primarily, why you felt it necessary to commit genocide.



::Turns back to the autopsy, facinated.::  Cmdr_York: The armor is extremely resistant, almost bone-like rather than chitin....



NAV: Don't think I'm taking your side in this little game you two have. Quite frankly I'm with the CO on this. You're on thin ice for your actions. You are an officer and you assaulted another member of starfleet without provocation.



::applies more force:: CSO: Perhaps we should use a plasmatorch.



XO: Then court-martial me, Commander.  Don’t even ask for the story before you jump to accusations. York has had that coming for about 8 years now.  Court-martial me. I can become a Lieutenant, and I can testify to his assault against me 8 years ago. At least we’ll be even still there then too.



::turns back to his panel, visibly bristling::



::Frowns:: NAV: I don't need a story. I got enough of one from that stunt you pulled. You don't think I have enemies? People I despise? You want to know how I get on in my life? not by going back and killing and stabbing everyone who wronged me, but by letting it go. As for your fate, It'll be up to the CO. A punch isn't worth a court martial.



Cmdr_York: try adjusting the beam focus to a tighter focus. we'll cut along the natural seams of the chitten, they should be thinner and easier to cut through.



CSO: Wise idea. ::adjusts the beam and applies it again:: You've grown up.



XO: You’re the one that said without provocation, Commander. Not me. ::motions for his aNAV to take his console::



NAV: If this is going to be a problem, we can get someone else at the helm while you cool off.  Respectfully.  :: because right now it's damned unprofessional::



*Ren*: Genocide is a strong word. The species we were dealing with was not native to the system, had already disabled a Starfleet outpost and starship, incapacitating both of their crews. It was in the process of attempting to do the same to the Sentinel when we reacted. Furthermore, the nature of this species method of attack made it nearly impossible to predict when and where we would



be out of danger. Further study of this species would have been done at the expense of the safety of my crew.



::Glances sideways at York again as the doctor cuts.:: Cmdr_York: Your disapproval of the Captains decision on a course of action is...understandable.  Still, I feel perhaps a bit more....tact in expressing it could have made things a bit less...complicated.  Maybe.....yes.  :trails off uncomfortably.::



NAV: Immediate provocation. He had just materialized on the bridge. You ever stop to think about what he went through on that station? What we all went through?



CSO: That's your opinion. ::tries to split open a seam::



::smiles at the Operations Officer as he strides toward the turbolift:: OPS: I’ll be ‘cooled off’ when he’s off this ship. ::enters the TL:: TL: Crew Quarters.



::Sighs audibly:: Self: I have a lot of work to do...



@::briefly looks down at a PADD of his notes:: *CO*: Scans show that the area around the Sentinel was clear, and you have gone almost an hour without attack as of the firing of the Sentinel's torpedoes. I don't think that classifies as desparate situation, Captain, and it is the opinion of Starfleet Command that some extra thought should have gone into your decision to fire despite multiple objections from your bridge crew. The U.S.S. Wallace will be joining you in the system to see what can be salvaged, at which point you are to transfer the survivors and let them take over what study can be done.



::Smiles nervously.:: Cmdr_York: Yes....well....yes.  ::Turns his attentions back to the operation.:: Cmdr_York:  There, follow that natural seam and that should allow us to lift the entire abdominal plate free and expose the core.


<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< End Mission >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>


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