- , Mission #


Summary, Mission #10

The Sentinel is currently under attack from the agitated Arachnoid creatures, skittering can be heard throughout the hull and security teams are standing by at possible entry points to repel any boarders. Meanwhile, onboard the station, the XO, CSO and ENG stare down at the eight-foot creature barrelling down on them from a hidden alcove.

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Resume Mission >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>



@::rolls out of a Jeffries tube, charging his odd looking phaser rifle and takes a knee before shooting the giant spider, almost blinding the away team with the blast::



@::Aims her phaser:: All: Go for Cover!



@::screams and hits the deck, covering her head in terror::


ACTION: York's shot slams into the spider's side, the sound of chitin cracking echoes dully in the web-covered room, and the creature barrells over before recovering a moment later.



@::rips his oxygen mask off:: ALL: DAMNIT you idiots almost killed ME with that trick of yours! Are you mad? You know there are people in here?



@::charges his rifle again and fires:: All: Take cover!



@::shakily looks up, having fully expected to be dead by now::



@::Fires her own phaser at the huge spider::

ACTION: Claire's blast takes it high in it's face, multifaceted eyes disappearing in a gory spray before the creature slumps dead to the floor, stopped in its tracks.



OPS: It probably goes without saying that I'd prefer those things don't get inside. How are we looking?



@::throws the rifle between both hands:: Self: Oww! Crap that's hot.



@::stays on the floor, eyes closed and nerves shot::



@::Turns to the insulting man:: York: And just who are you?



@::throws the rifle at the XO as he walks over::



@XO: You can call me sir....actually no, you can call me Will. And you're welcome.



CO: They're scratching the paint trying to hold on, not much else.  We still don't want them getting in on the decks they're converging on.



@::tightens the bandage around his left arm as he takes in Main Engineering:: XO: They're out....for now. We should leave..you have a ship, right?



@::keeps replaying the CTO's decapitation over and over in her head::



@::Catches the rifle with no complaint:: York: Saying you're welcome usually implies that you did something to help. Since you're here and you're not with us...::Hears his comment:: Of course we have a ship. This webbing is blocking beam out however.


ACTION: Onboard the Sentinel, a siren goes off to signify a hull breach, and the skittering echoing through the corridors intensifies.



@XO: Watch out, it's clocked.



CO: And that would be them getting in!



@::takes several deep breaths, trying to regain her composure::



@XO: Have you found anyone else? Other than these poor sods? ::motions towards the cocooned lot::



@::Shakes head:: York: Not as such...We've lost one of our men when we discovered what we were dealing with. All the lifesigns we could detect were all here in ME.



*ALL*: All hands, we have a very likely intrusion. Proceed to identify and repel boarders.



@::nods:: XO: I'm sorry....but you need to get out of here before you lose the rest of your team. I just need some time to get them lose.



CO: Breach on deck 9, section 4. Security is on their way, trying to close that plug that breach as we speak.



*XO*: How are things looking over there Stradiot?



::kneels down in the corridor with his team, taking what cover her can, aiming for the section of corridor that'll be the likely point of entry:: *CO*; Echo team is standing by on Deck 9, sir.



@York: We know the risks. We're here to help get you all out of here. ::Looks right into his eyes:: Everyone.



OPS: How effectively are we dealing with these filaments? Do they still pose a danger to the ship?



@XO: Oh I plan on going, no worries. But not yet. Stay if you want, but I won't save your skin again. ::walks over to the nearest lifesign and grabs his tricorder::



@::efforts to not say 'except the CTO' as she gets to her feet, still trembling lightly::



@*CO*: Not all that pleasant sir. Met someone over here that's still kicking. We're working as quickly as we can.



@Self: Bloody mess.....I hate spiders. ::rips at some of the webbing to reveal a face and scans for known venoms::



*XO*: I know how you feel, things over here are getting less pleasant by the second.



CO: We're still able to get them out of our way, sir.  But I'd suggest not staying still for too long, or we might get caught up again.



@York: You with the Station staff or the downed ship? ::Moves over to the cocooned men and starts scanning.:: CSO/ENG: Come on, up and at 'em.



@::looks at the XO, then down at his tricorder::



@Self: No known protein markers.....::taps the side of his tricorder:: Come on.



@*CO*: Shoot to kill with these buggers. Nothing can be done diplomatically....obviously.



@::walks around to another body:: XO: Nothing in our medical database....I might have some luck if I can get to a laboratory....::looks at the XO:: XO: I kinda burned mine down..



OPS: If we can, I'd like to turn the Sentinel into a sort of icebreaker. Use it to ram through these filaments and neutralize whatever effect they may be having on the station.



@::moves to the master systems display, starting to set up the tachyon field, mostly on autopilot at this point::



@York: I have no idea who you are. You've yet to identify yourself, I believe. ::Takes a look at the results of his own readings::


ACTION: A handful of smaller spider creatures bursts from around the corner, skittering and screeching as they clamber over the walls and ceiling in front of the Tactical team on Deck 9, who open fire in a blaze of phased energy.



@::turns to face Stradiot:: XO: I'm Will, I'm a Scientist. And these men..::points at the cocooned people:: are all sedated...in some sort of a coma, probably medically induced.



@::Nods:: York: Alright, Well we had a plan to cut everyone loose, loosen the webbing on the walls and get a beamout directly from here. We can't carry 70 or so people by ourselves.



@::walks over to the master pool table and retrieves a Medkit from beneath:: XO: This should have something we can use.



CO: We could try and redirect the pulse back onto the ship, get her nose charged with tetryon particles and ram on through...



*CO*: Captain! Echo team reports contact with the life forms.



OPS: I love it, let's make it happen.



@::sniffles lightly, double checking her settings:: XO: The tachyon field is ready, Commander.



@::wipes sweat of his brow and retrieves a hypospray from the box and walks over to the nearest body and injects it into the woman's neck::



*aTac*: Skip the warning shots. Don't give up the ship!



@York: A plan like that work for you?



@XO: Busy!



@Self: Bleedin' middlemen.



@::flips his tricorder open and scans the woman as her lifesigns pick up::



@::Frowns and turns:: ENG: Alright, with or without him, we're moving forward with what we planned. Get a hold of the ship and have them try a beam out on our signal.



@::puts a hand on her cheek:: Woman: We're here...we're going to help you. ::reads from his tricorder and grimaces::


ACTION: Even though the woman's body is paralysed and unable to move, from looking in her eyes it's like she's silently screaming.



@XO: She's still paralyzed and her pain receptors are firing like mad......I need to get these people to a proper facility!



@::Attempts to control her temper:: York: What the bloody hell do you think I'm trying to do here? Care to work with me now?



@::nods:: XO: Am I still deactivating the gravity plating?



@::turns to face the XO:: XO: I am doing my bloody job. ::points at a storage unit:: There should be transporter enhancers in there. Go do yours.



OPS: How's our icebreaker coming?



::works on redirecting the charge across the bow of the ship instead:: CO: If we scratch the ship more than these little spiders do, I'll put it on Nav's bill. We should be able to plow through...now. ::nods to a_nav::



@::grabs a small sidearm phaser from his trouser pockets and sets it to level 2, then aims at the webbing holding this woman in place and fires::


ACTION: The webbing holding up the woman disappears, and she tumbles to the floor roughly, rolling to a stop a few feet away.



@::Shrugs:: York: Just get everyone of their cocoons. The enhancers are only going to do so much. ::Goes to set them up::



@::scans the woman:: All: She's fine. Get the others.



@::Nods to the ENG:: ENG: Once everything is done and ready to go, yes.



@::nods, then taps her combadge:: *Sentinel*: sh'Tolar to Sentinel.


@::looks at the stimulant spray in his arm, and thrusts it against his arm and injects himself....taking a deep breath::



OPS: Alright, let's start with a close orbit of the station, try and break every filament leading to it.



@::moves to the medkit and retrieves a vial of painkillers and replaces it in the hypo before administering it to the downed woman::



@::Keeps working setting up the enhancers::



@::taps his commbadge:: *Vilar*: Vilar...come on, I reached Main Engineering....we have a rescue team here. Over.



::activates the charge, ready to charge forward around the station::


ACTION: There's no response from York's comm.



@Self: Crap. ::wipes hair from the woman's eyes as she drifts off and stands up:: All: Come on people, we don't have all day.



*Sentinel*: sh'Tolar to Sentinel; come in.


ACTION: The Sentinel's deflector pulses, the tachyons sticking to the charged parts of the forward hull. As the Navigation officers plots a course, the sleek form glides through space, the viewscreen showing the strands snapping and dissipating as they hit the Sentinel's hull.



CO: Can't go too fast, sir. The charge needs time to work on the filaments before we can cut them.



@::frowns:: XO: I'm not getting a response from the ship.



*ENG*: We are coming for you, Ensign. Just having a bit of a rough time with these spiders...  What is the situation?



@::takes aim again at a cocoon not far from ground and fires::



@::Finishes the enhancers and moves on to helping people out of their cocoons::


ACTION: The Away Team begin cutting down the stricken crew, parting them from the webbing surrounding the Engineering hulls.



@XO: Leave them! We don't know what removing the webbing will do at this point.



@*OPS*: Sir, we're about to initiate a tachyon field, and are setting up transport enhancers. We're hopeful you'll be able to beam us all out soon.



*aTac*: Ensign, report. How's our spider problem?



::opens fire again and again:: *CO*: Sir, we're holding them back at Section 9 and I have teams Gamma and Epsilon at junctions 12 and 22. We're holding them back, but we've only seen the smaller ones!



@York: Removing the people from the cocoons themselves aren't going to make the situation worse. It's not like the cocoon is sustaining their life.



*ENG*: Acknowledged, I'll look for your signatures to lock onto.  Are you able to rescue the station crew?



@::leans against a bulkhead to catch his breath...:: XO: Are you a Doctor?



@York: I was. Now an XO.



@::grins:: XO: Alright then. But I suggest we leave them in for now, they are stable...I'd rather they stay that way until I can do a proper analysis.



::walks onto the Bridge, looking about::



::stands up and hands the helm over the Marsland as he arrives:: NAV: Sir!



@*OPS*: We've located about 70 people in main engineering; they're trapped in cocoons. I think the doctor said they were in comas.


@::takes a deep breath and examines his bandage before shoving himself off the wall and walking over to the nearest patient::



::takes a seat at the helm, scanning the area around the ship rapidly::



@::Nods:: York: Reasonable enough. ::Starts cutting the cocoons down from the walls, being careful that the patients stay inside them::



@ENG: You, Andorian. Start transporting this group to your sickbay. Tell your doctor that they need to be kept under until I arrive....is that clear?



@::gives the pushy civie a look and ignores him:: XO: Field is ready on your command.



OPS: Any way we can speed up the process of breaking through these things?



@::takes aim and fires at the next piece::


::turns to look at the CO:: CO: Commander, let's clear out this whole area.  With shields up, we should be fine, and this station is big enough to withstand the blast as well.



@::Nods:: ENG: Alright. Get them to beam all survivors to sickbay and tell the MO to keep them under. Science will need to do an analysis on the webbing before attempting to extract the patients.



@::overhears the XO:: XO: I will do the analysis. I've had some time to examine these things.



NAV: Alright, let's make it happen. Inform the away team they might feel a bit of a jolt.



@::nods again:: *OPS*: We're initiating the field. Prepare to beam all survivors to triage. ::initiates the tachyon field::



@York: If you're going to be on my ship, you'll follow our rules of things. You'll work with Science, or not at all. ::Gives him a stern look::


ACTION: The Station's deflectors pulse a bright blue, and a wave of visible energy pushes outwards about ten kilometres from the station. On the Sentinel's viewscreen, the silvery-blue subspace filaments dim and fade, losing their charge.



@XO: Who said I was going to be ON your ship?



::glances at the transporter controls:: *ENG*: I see them. Thankfully. Beaming now. ::begins the transporter sequence::



@::Smiles unusually brightly:: York: Because that's where we're beaming.



*ENG*: Nice job on that field, Ensign.  It makes our job of clearing out these webs a little easier.



::inputs the necessary commands to transmit to the Monmouth:: *XO*: Exec, Nav here. You might feel a bit of a jolt in a bit. Brace for impact! CO: Captain, awaiting your command codes to initiate.



@::points his finger near her face:: XO: You are not Vulcan. ::smiles:: Alright, let's go.


ACTION: Bodies begin disappearing as the interference from the webbing dissipates, the transport enhancers allowing a perfect and clean lock. Triage facilities set up around the ship begin to receive webbing-coated crewmembers and orders to leave them be.



@::overhears the voice on the XO's comm and furrows his brow::



Self: It can't be.



::types in his Code:: NAV: Hit it.



::initiates the self-destruct of the Monmouth::






::almost stumbles as the stimulants start to wear off::


ACTION: The Monmouth explodes, the pretty little Sabre class ship having it's warp core overloaded remotely moment before it explodes sending shockwaves through the nearby space, tearing up the subspace webbing as it goes, the M/AM explosion being just the thing to clear out huge sections of subspace filament.


::grabs a railing as the station rumbles::



ALL: It worked! Looking pretty clear here now.



@::clenches her jaw lightly, wondering how much longer they needed to be there::



@::Grimaces and grabs the nearest console to hold onto::



CO: Hopefully nobody in sickbay is rolling around...looks like we have everyone, sir. And that shockwave helped knock a lot of those spiders off the hull. They're trying to crawl back whatever webs are still up.



@::Looks around and sees that the victims have been beamed out.:: *Sentinel*: All clear down here. Now get us out of this nightmare.



@XO: They're all gone....how about we bugger the hell off this deathtrap eh?


OPS: Alright, let's get the away team back here. How many torpedoes would we need to turn those asteroids to dust?



::steadies the ship for Away Team transport::



*XO*: Beaming you to the bridge, ma'am. ::initiates transport::


ACTION: The away team rematerialise on the bridge of the Sentinel, covered in spider gore and strands of webbing.



::grabs a railing as he materialises on the Bridge of a.....very large Bridge::



::looks in front of his console at the Away Team::



XO: You couldn't beam somewhere where you wouldn't ruin the rug?



::makes a mild, grossed out face at the gore:: XO: I see you picked someone else up, ma'am...?



::shakes lightly, unsure how much longer she can keep it together:: XO: Permission to take a break, sir?



::Rematierializes and glares at the whole bridge crew:: All: I.....hate.....spiders....



::hands his console back over to aNAV Willis, standing up as he makes eye contact with York::



XO: How long did you rehearse that.....line...::locks gazes with the NAV::



::glances at his console for a moment:: CO: Sir, we still have several large patches of webbing left.  Tactical says we'll need 30...perhaps 35 quantum torpedoes to start breaking it up.



ALL:  You sonofabitch.  ::takes a step into it as he rears back his fist, swinging at Commander York::



::jumps at the new conflict, backing away quickly::



OPS: Alright, let's lock on 60 just to be safe, prepare to fire on our next pass. NAV: Lt. Commander! What do you think you're doing.


ACTION: Marsland's fist takes York on his chin, sending him down to the floor in a textbook right hook.



::groans and turns around onto his back, his hand on his jaw::



::Raises her phaser to point at the two of them:: Nav: Stand down!



NAV: I guess....we're even now.



::backs up to the turbolift, and takes the opportunity to leave, heading for her quarters::


::whispers to XO:: XO: That's on stun right. Also can you stand somewhere else you smell like spider goo.



::Tenses up and speaks clearly:: CO: Care to not start something with me when I'm holding a phaser?........sir?



::looks up at Tom, a look of equal confusion and glee on his face::



<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Pause Mission >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>


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