- , Mission #


Star Trek: Engage Transcript “ELDING”


Directed by: Aoibhe Ni



James Greenman as CO Captain Rhodri Griffiths

Brian Bailey as XO Lt. V'Lor

CJ Short as ENG Ensign Ilia sh'Torar

Kyle Renaud as TAC Cadet Darloch

Shawna F as SCI Cadet Raqiin sh'Hruvek






Mission Summary:

Last week, the Captain and Engineer sh'Tolar travelled by shuttle towards Kalardra 4, in an attempt to return Silvia to the planet surface where her influence on the Bremen woudl be less dangerous. But, they didn't account for the ion storm's effect on the shuttle, and they have


The Bremen herself has about 20 minutes of shield-power left, and and no way to call for help, and so, is left with a horrible decision to make; Does she search for the shuttle, or leave, hoping to find someone to help?


<<<Resume ELDING>>>



@::takes a knee next to the plasma coupling and sh'Tolar:: ENG: How does it look, Ensign?


<@Silvia> @ ::gazes out the shuttle window at the storms whipping around them::



@::lifts her custom-made dark goggles and looks to the captain, taking a moment to adjust to the light:: CO: Thrusters are shot, but impulse is a go. I can get us off the planet. Surviving for more than five seconds is another matter. Sir.



::V'lor's fingers interlock under her chin as she sits in the Captain's Chair. Her orders to set up a Rescue Mission are a go. Looking over at TAC Officer Darloch, her temporary XO:: TAC: How are things progressing any word from Engineering on bolstering the shileds?



@::nods slowly, but offers her a confident smile:: ENG: We'll make it, Ensign. The shields are shot, I take it? What about the deflector?


<@Silvia> <aNAV Dweeb> :: at the conn, working out the possible trajectory of the shuttle after it left the Bremen's sensors::



Sci_Cadet_ShHruvek: is there a way to create a large enough Tachyon bubble around the ship with the correct charge to deflect the ion storm away or worst case create a tunnel threw the storms interfrearence to help locate the shuttle



XO: working on a Tachyon pulse idea with Cdt shHruvek that might eithe bolster our sields or create a tunnel threw the interfearence to allow us to scan for the shuttle



::her fingers fly across a console, mouth a small line of worry:: TAC: We could try it, but I can't say how long it will work for. Our guest did a number on us while she was here...



@CO: Shields exist, but they're fragile. I would try to modify them like I modified the Bremen's, but there just isn't enough power in the mini core, sir. ::runs her fingers through her hair and frowns::



::V'lor's eyebrow goes up at hearing Darloch's suggestion:: SCI: Cadet Sh'Hruvek how long would that work. TAC: Good idea, Darloch.


<@Silvia> @ ACTION: A lightening strike hits the ground close to the stricken shuttle, sending a light shower of debris and earth over its hull



Sci: would taking power from a spair shuttle craft help boost the power we need for this? they are just sitting there at moment



TAC: Any power is good power!


@::jumps at the lightning strike:: CO: Time. Time is also an issue.



SCI: How long would this pulse give us?



XO: If we get this working, I'd say, at a guess...it'll work for as long as the shields hold. If we can draw power from any systems we don't absolutely need, the shields and the pulse will last all the longer for it.



:: ill start working on setting up drawing power from another shuttle to help bolster main shields



XO: It'll give us maybe another 20 minutes. 25?



:listens wanting some clarifcation:: SCI: So a total of 40-45 minutes then with the shields?


<@Silvia> @ ACTION: A second lightening strike, closer this time, blasts into the earth, rocking the shuttle



::her antennae draw back a fraction, annoyed at herself for being so imprecise around her Vulcan superior:: XO: Yes ma'am, we can stay in the ion field about that long. It's more time than we would've had before.


<@Silvia> @ ::gasps, as she gazes out at the lightening:: ENG: This is beauty.



@::hops up and moves to the flight console, starting to feel that sense of anxiety; she looks back to Silvia:: Silvia: Sure, it's nice to look at. If it hits us, we're dead, though. ::looks about, trying to find some source of power she hasn't thought of yet::



::The prickly Vulcan with her Scottish dialect almost grins seeing the annoyance on the SCI Officer's expression:: SCI: How long until we would be ready?


<@Silvia> @ENG: It is but energy. Energy is life, good... ::smiles::  



@Silvia: For you, it is. We, uh... Fleshy people have to be careful with it. That much energy all at once would kill us.



XO: With Darloch's help with a boost in power, just give me a couple minutes to get this charge set up...and we'll be good to go. ::she can only work as fast as she can work. 'a couple minutes' will have to do::



SCI: Excellent.


SCI & TAC: Good Job to you Both.


<@Silvia> ACTION: A huge roll of thunder coincides with a fork of lightening, streaking down and crashing into the hull of the shuttle. The lightening continues, earthing in Silvia with a huge flash of light, leaving her crackling and glowing brightly.



@::grabs the seat next to sh'Tolar and begins looking for some way to deflect the strikes:: ENG: If we don't have shields, do we have enough power to polarise the hull plating? Dissperse the energye across the hull?



<move mine before the action>



:: places all Tac personell to Help Sci and Eng as needed



NAV: Add in the extra time Cadet Dweeb to your pattern. Give us a 5 minute leway incase of trouble. Get it ready by the time Science and Tac have us a go.



@::shields his eyes and leans away from Silvia, sensing the energy radiating off of her::



@::winces and looks around, expectin to see sparks everywhere, only to see Silvia take it all in:: CO: I don't... I don't get it. Why didn't it work like that in the ion storms?


<@Silvia> <aNAV Dweeb> XO: Yes sir! ::gets to work, glancing back at the new SCI officer and smiling briefly::



@ENG: Just be glad it worked here, otherwise that one would have smashed us into pieces. ::continues to watch Silvia through his fingers, wondering if she is about to explode::


<@Silvia> ::looks bigger, taller, now. Has to stoop to stand in the shuttle::


@ENG: See what we can do about polarising the hull plating, Ensign.


<@Silvia> ::smiles and laughs, clapping her hands together and creating sparks between them::


@::looks to her console, and nods, having gotten several ideas all at once:: CO: Yes, sir.


<@Silvia> <@>


@::gets up off of the chair slowly, moving around Silvia:: Silvia: Are you feeling alright?


<@Silvia> @CO: I am most solid. ::grins, her face glowing as much as the rest of her body::  


ALL: We save the Captain and Crew. First round of drinks will be on me. ::V'lor says knowing giving a goal for the crew would get them to work harder and better. She might be the ship's resident cast iron bitch, but she understands her people better than they thought.::


<@Silvia> <aNAV Dweeb> ::cheers, like a swarthy pirate, before realising no-one else is doing likewise and shuts up::



@::smiles slowly, his eyes watering some as he looks at her:: Silvia: You're certainly more solid than you were a moment ago. What happens if you feed on too much power?


<@Silvia> @CO: Too much? ::laughs:: CO: There is no "too much".



@::checks the plating charge circuits, but hesitates to initialize them, knowing power is already at a premium::



::Checks the deadline on her screen on the Captain's chair.:: ALL: Are we ready?



@::his smile turns a little worried:: Silvia: If you grow any...more solid...than this, we might find out how much is too much.



@::sighs in frustration, and just comes out with it:: CO: Sir, I... have an idea.


XO: Tac all ready shields good to go



@::turns to look over at the flight deck:: ENG: Hit me with it, Ensign.


<@Silvia> <aNAV_Dweeb> XO: Course laid in, sir! Search pattern.. ::makes up a name for the wiggly-squiggle he's laid out:: XO:... Iota.



TAC: I'm reading more power from those shuttles. You're a miracle worker; it's just what I needed. XO: We're just about ready to go, ma'am. Say the word.



@CO: I think having our shields up was part of the problem. I think... if we try to fly without them, she'll be better able to absorb the ionic energy. ::looks over as a console beeps:: The Bremen has changed course... it's heading this way, sir.


<@Silvia> @ACTION: Thunder rumbles over the shuttle, threatening the planet's surface ominously



:;Happy with her crew and training she gave them before the mission started:: ALL: Then let's begin.



@::nods slowly:: ENG: How sure are you? Because if we head into those ion storms without shields and we're wrong...



SCI: we may want to get some emergency back up power generators that can be used in situations like this down the road



@::checks over everything and nods, deciding to lie:: CO: I'm sure, sir. It's our best bet, at this point. ::looks to Silvia::



TAC: Are you sure Tactical is your calling? Cdt. Darloch?


<@Silvia> @::is standing, stooped over a little, enjoying the feel of her own crackling skin as she runs her fingertips over it. Is totally ignoring the CO and ENG::



::initiates the tachyon pulse, sends a little silent hope that they aren't wrong about it:: TAC: You'll have to take that up with the engineers.



@::thinks for a moment, sensing the trepidation in sh'Tolar's voice before nodding:: ENG: Alright. Initialise the engines and take us up, nice and slow. Deflectors to full, hull plating polarised, shields down.



XO: a good klingon warrior has to be usefull where ever the situation puts him tho Tac is where i get to have the most fun

<@Silvia> ACTION: SCI and TAC's tachyon pulse idea shows signs of working, evidence of a path clearing into the ion storms starts to appear on SCI's console



XO: It's working!



@::nods, initializing the impulse engines and hull plating:: CO: Taking us up. ::lifts off and heads into the atmosphere, one quarter impulse::


<@Silvia> @ACTION: The lightening storm on Kalandra 4 rumbles overhead, the shuttle a tiny pin prick in the roilign mass of angry clouds



::An uncharestic smirk appears on V'lor's face hearing that. She even chuckles a little.:: TAC: Indeed. SCI: Excellent job, Cadet.



@::keeps a close eye on Silvia as they head upwards into the storms above Kalendra, flying straight into the belly of the beast::



Eng: if we drawing power from shulltes for shields and pulse couldnt we rig some sort of comms from them as well to try to hail the shuttle?



@::increases to one half impulse, preparing to enter orbit::


<@Silvia> ACTION: Static electricity starts to build up around the ship's hull as it ascends, crackley fingers of lightening start to flash closer and closer as Silvia smiles and giggles like a child who has eaten too many skittles.



TAC: Ion Storms are creating interference. Power is not the issue a way around the interference is what we need. SCI: Can we use your pulse to help out Communications?



@::extrapolates the Bremen's course, and plots an intercept::



@::keeps his distance, but watches Silvia with a slight smile, relishing in that almost child-like fascination with her own abilities::



@ENG: Let me know once you have the Bremen in sight and put it up on the monitor. They should still have short-range communications and transporters, have them beam the two of us straight to the bridge once in range.


<@Silvia> @ACTION: A strike hits the shuttle, the power feeding directly into Silvia, making her glow even more, heat convecting off her in great waves.



@::turns back to Silvia:: Silvia: We'll be returning to-::puts up his hand and keeps his footing as the strike hits, wincing slightly::



XO: I'll see what I can do, but I'd like to point out that as long as we can clear the way and see them, we should be able to bring the shuttle in.



@::frowns:: Their comms might work. Ours... ours do not. ::flashes a sheepish grin::



@::tries again:: Silvia: We'll be returning to the ship soon...We're going to keep you here on the shuttle, where you can feed, and talk to you through the systems at the front - do you see? ::smiles softly and gestures to the wide viewing panel::


<@Silvia> ::grows another few feet tall. Is forced to sit down. Looks worried.:: CO: I feel... different.



@::hears sh'Tolar and turns to look at her:: ENG: Flight a torch out of the window, lock phasers, whatever you can do to get attention.



::nods:: TaC: Have the Tractor Beam Ready



@::turns back to Silvia, getting as close as possible and pulling out his Tricorder, running a quick scan:: Silvia: Do you feel more or less solid?



XO: they ready



@CO: I can beam us onto the ship from here. Silvia... I'm not so sure about her. ::puts the Bremen on the viewer::



@ENG: It's too dangerous, we'll need to do our communications from different ships for now. ::keeps an eye on Silvia to see how she's doing::



OPS: aOPS Injali get the teleporters ready to beam them on board in case.



@::swallows hard and looks at his readings:: ENG: This isn't good, she's losing cohesion with the extra power. Get those transporters working, Ensign.


<@Silvia> @CO: Different! ::she has no idea how to describe what she's feeling. Only knows it's not pleasant::



@CO: We'll be out as soon as we're in range. ::starts counting down::



@::watches Silvia almost sadly, wondering what could have been for this new life:: Silvia: You're...not well. The energy you're feeding on, the energy you need to live, it makes you...less solid.

<@Silvia> @::looks worried::



@::looks back at Silvia, feeling an immense wave of guilt::


<@Silvia> @CO: No, no, no, no! ::glows brighter as she starts to panic::



@CO: Five minutes.



@::holds his hands up calmly:: Silvia: It's okay, please...You would starve otherwise, there would be no feeding, no solid, never again.



::the console gives a beep:: XO: I see the shuttle. Two lifesigns...and a whole lot of energy.



@CO: Three minutes.


<@Silvia> @CO: Starve and hurt, feed and hurt? ::wrings her hands:: CO: Everything is hurt! ::becomes too bright to look at directly::


::Eyebrow up:: Are the lifesigns the Captain and Cadet sh'Tolar?






@::shields his watering eyes with a hand:: Silvia: You weren't meant to be solid, your kind can't live in this form...I know that you wanted something more, something different, but isn't life worth more than seeing what's beyond this system? Here you can thrive...out there, you would not.


<@Silvia> @CO: ::Shouts:: Solid is life! ::thumps a hand on the shuttle floor, sending sparks flying:: CO: I want to learn!



XO: I don't...know, ma'am. I just know that that's our shuttle. The huge power source is making it hard to pinpoint who the lifesigns are.



@CO: Thirty seconds.



SCI Can we beam them onboard?



@::prepares the transporters, setting coordinates for one of the cargo bays::



@::doesn't back away and doesn't back down:: Silvia: There would be no learning, only death. Nothingness! Not solid, not feeding, not energy. Just nothing.



XO: With that amount of power running around the shuttle? It'll be hard to get a lock on them.



@::glances over at the flight deck:: ENG: As soon as you can, transport us straight to the bridge.



@::changes the coordinates and initiates transport, giving Silvia one final look::


<@Silvia> @ ::cries aloud, freaking out in the tiny space the shuttle represents at this stage to her:: CO: No life, no solid?! You said you'd teach! Help me learn!



SCI: What do the energy readings say? Is it going Critical Mass?



@::puts his hand down, his eyes watering as he tries to look at her, his voice cracking with guilt:: Silvia: I'm so sorry...



XO: I don't even know what the power source is or where it's coming from. But it's definitely been getting more intense.


<@Silvia> @ACTION: The CO and ENG successfully beam onto the Bremen as the shuttle's window s start to glow out into space.



::feels her heart sink as she materializes on the bridge::



::rematerialises on the bridge, stumbling at first but immediately finding his footing and turning, eyes on Science:: SCI: Cadet, readings on the shuttle. Something is going to happen and I don't know what! ::turns again towards the Conn:: aNAV: Get us out of here, Ensign!



:;Fingers interlocked under her chin. She sees the Captain:: ALL: Get us out of here



XO: Explosion at shuttle location do we have everyone ?


<@Silvia> <aNAV_Dweeb>CO: On it! ::taps console speedily, hoping his pilotting abilities will be noticed now that aNAV Bleet is in recovery::



TAC: We have the Captain and Sh'Tolar. Silvia is not among them.



XO: at least we got the imoprtant ones



::places his hands on his knees and leans over, taking a deep, slow breath before standing back up:: TAC/SCI: Is there any sign of her energy signature in the debris? Any signs at all?



::scanns planet looking for any info on Silvia


<@Silvia> ACTION: A shockwave from the shuttle's explosion gently rocks the Bremen as it engages its warp drivie and shoots off into safety



::her antennae have straightened with surprise at the sudden appearance on the bridge, but she looks at the readings on her console, glancing at Darloch::



::slumps into the chair at the engineering console, a vacant expression on her face::



::getting out of the captain's chair moving back to her XO chair:: CO: Bridge is yours captain.



CO: no signs of Silvia



CO: Sir...there's nothing.



::glances over at V'Lor but doesn't say anything, his face leaden with guilt:: SCI: Understood...



::just stares off into space, tears suddenly spilling from her eyes, though she remains expressionless::



CO: Welcome back looks like you can use a drink XO said she was buying



Host GM_Aoibhe says:

<<<<End ELDING>>>>



Copyright 2014 Star Trek: Engage

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