echo $ship['ship_nameprefix'], " ", $ship['ship_name'] ?> - echo $tran['transcript_date'] ?>, Mission # echo $tran['mission_num'] ?>
"To the Winds"
:: still in their stateroom, talking to his boss on the commlink, Zuriyev's bald head blinding him ::
ACZ: Dammit Alexi, this is ATLANTIS we're talking about here!
Da, Ian, I know it. Remember, she was my ship before she was yours.
:: Sitting reclined in his brig cell on the bed. ::
:: quietly :: ACZ: I know we joke about it, but that's seriously the first time you've called her my ship.
:: standing outside Kate's stateroom, wearing a billowy blouse and a long flowing skirt, beaded sandals, and a floppy hat. She smooths her hands down her front, calming herself, one more time before pressing the chime. ::
:: arrives at the cruise ship's bring with paperwork on Randen ::
SEC: I have enjoyed your company greatly Lady Kuari. It would be a pleasure to converse with you again. It would be interested to hear and learn your natural language some time.
Door: Come in!
:: stands next to Blackthorne, ready to back him up on Zuriyev's call ::
Regardless, Ian, I think that your argument WILL fly. I just can not guarantee it yet.
:: presents all the necessary paperwork to the guards and makes numerous assurances on the part of Randen ::
:: bows her big head to Ilaihr :: ENG: I look forward to our next conversation. Where are you off to?
:: enters as the door swishes open, biting her lip at first and smiling nervously when she sees Kate :: How did I do? :: twirls ::
:: her face lights up when she sees that Lexy is dressed in Risan garb, and she exclaims something unintelligible in Risan ::
SEC: I may have been a trader, but I have always been an explorer at heart. So in a sentiment I believe you might appreciate; Wherever the wind shall take me. ::He smiled.::
:: stands near the exit, holding her bag and trying to adjust the collar of her robe to where it's not so tight ::
ACZ: Well, if you think it'll work. And I know you'll back us up, since this is your ship and all.
Da, of course. Now on the lighter note - :: looks at T'Kirr :: How is your lovely wife?
:: perks eyebrow, her hands at the small of her back :: ACZ: I'm fine, thank you.
Lexy: Furanda!
:: Standing right behind T'Lira starring at her wondering what she is thinking about::
:: When released from the cell and given back his duffle bag, he pats 1LT Syvek on the shoulder. :: Syvek: Thank you, friend!
T'Kirr: Brooke won't stop talking about that tea you brought to dinner last time.
:: raises an eyebrow :: I am not your friend, Cadet.
:: clasps her hands together in front of her, smiling broadly :: Kate: Is that good?
:: gives up on adjusting the robe, it will simply be as it is. :: aCMO: What would appear to be the better course of action, visiting the hotel first to place our bags in our rooms or going straight to a destination?
:: grins broadly :: ENG: Sounds like my kind of shore leave. I think I'll just ask one of the officials what the rules are on air space and have at it myself.
:: Shrugs. :: Thank you anyways.
Lexy: Of course! It means beautiful. You must have went to so much trouble to do this!
You are in serious trouble, Cadet. :: his Vulcan face looking even more serious than usual ::
:: blinks before giving a polite bow of her head :: ACZ: I'm glad she's found it favorable.
SCI: I think that the hotel would be the best course of action, best not to carry these around :: Motions to the bags::
aCMO: Agreed. Shall we? :: gestures to the exit and the outdoors ::
ACZ: How are the kids?
SCI: After you ma'am :: Smiles and winks::
:: blushes :: Kate: Sara! Am I saying that right?
:: grins, her attempt admirable :: It is close!
:: lifts an eyebrow and proceeds into the fresh air and to the hotel ::
:: smirks :: You've watched them grow so that they aren't kids anymore. Alexis has graduated and is now a Marine.
Ken is in medical school at the Academy.
:: Follows watching her walk and enjoying the scenery::
:: smiles :: ACZ: How time flies.
Syvek: For self defense? I think you're mistaken on who will be in trouble. :: Glares at the guards. ::
:: also grins :: Kate: Are you ready to go? I've got my rucksack sitting right outside.
Da, that it does. Alexis took after me and Ken took after his mother! :: laughs racuously ::
SEC: I shall see you soon. I must run off to the hotel first and change. ::Nods cordially, and disappears like a blue ninja.::
No, I am afraid that you are mistaken. Starfleet Officers are expected to maintain themselves with considerably more decorum than you have demonstrated. This incident will affect your Academy standing.
:: waves as Ilaihr disappears and makes her way outside ::
Lexy: I just need a few minutes to change.
:: continues walking and tries to think of a suitable topic of discussion to "pass the time" ::
ACZ: Ain't that the way of things?
Kate: Sounds great! I'll be waiting right outside. :: flashes another warm smile as she turns to leave the room ::
Syvek: Oh?
:: finds the nearest Risan "official" and pegs him for airspace info ::
SCI: So what would you like to do? I assume you are agreeable that we continue to spend the time together!
:: darts into her bedroom with a wry grin and doffs the jeans/t-shirt combo, going back for her traditional garb ::
It is, of course. Know that I will fight to save your ship as best I can. At any rate, they'll decide quickly so I'll let you know. You two have fun on Risa or wherever you end up.
:: thinking to herself :: Self, quietly: That went well! Good start. Good start.
aCMO: I believe that perhaps we consult a guide as to what the attractions are. Unless you have been to Risa before and know the area, as I do not. And yes, "spending time together", as you put it, is still agreeable.
::Ghosts passed Slade and T'lira. Walking at a calm pace, yet somehow fast.:: CMO/SCI: Doctor. Lieutenant.
Unfortunately, yes. It is my sincere desire that you succeed, and thus, learn from this incident.
ENG: Lieutenant :: offers a polite nod in his direction ::
ENG: Enjoy your vacation Lieutenant, dont forget your post leave physical :: Laughs::
:: eyes Kuari's wings :: Oh. Right. Well...transports have fly lanes, of course, but...recreational flying? Stay at least five kilometers away from towers with red lights on them. Respect balcony privacy, and...otherwise don't get reported as being a menace. :: smiles politely ::
CMO: You'll never catch me! ::He called back, now far away.::
:: Nods. :: Syvek: What now?
:: pulls on a sheer, translucent, flowing toga-like garment, sticks her feet into some sandals, and double checks her forehead ornament ::
:: sticks her feet into some sandals, grabs her bag, and heads out to meet Lexy ::
You are free to go, for now. But you should expect word on disciplinary action from the Academy.
ACZ: Thanks, Alexi. I hope to see you and Brooke again soon.
:: standing outside with her rucksack slung over her shoulder :: Kate: You look lovely!
RO: Great, thanks! :: nods to the Risan, hops up onto a railing meant to keep people out of plants in order to get space from the crowd leaving the cruise ship, and takes off over the people, fighting for lift ::
Syvek: Yes Sir. :: Salutes the Vulcan and then goes to resume his vacation and checks into his hotel room. ::
:: twirls, the flowing toga flares :: Lexy: Thank you! I really appreciate what you did.
:: blushes a little :: It was the least I could do, since you have so graciously invited me to be your guest here.
:: reaches the hotel and turns :: aCMO: Shall we rendezvous here once we have placed our bags in our respective rooms?
SCI: Why do we not request neighboring rooms so that we can contact one another when we are ready?
Lexy: It is a bit more than the least you could do.
:: muses over that :: aCMO: That would appear to be the most logical course of action.
:: watches the Cadet leave, wondering if he really will learn from this, but only time will tell.... ::
:: blushes harder and stares at her feet ::
:: is completely exhilirated at open air, for it's been quite a while being cooped up on a ship and holodecks are only so cool, and soars past the front-end of the crowd, bellowing happily before rising higher ::
SCI: Wow, I never assumed that I would suggest the logical decision to a vulcan
:: Smiles::
:: lifts an eyebrow :: aCMO: If I were you, I would relish this now, for it will be unlikely to happen again.
Lexy: Come on then, enough dally-dillying!
:: looks up :: Kate: What? Oh, right! Lead the way!
SCI: I think I will withdraw my previous comment, and just say I agree it is logical lets get our rooms! :: Smiles again::
:: leads to the transporter room ::
:: silently amused and certainly doesn't show it on her face :: aCMO: Agreed.
Take care, Ian, T'Kirr. Zuriyev out.
::: the Federation logo replaces the bald Admiral ::
:: looks from the now logo-ized screen to Blackthorne ::
:: follows along, glancing at the swish of Kate's hips in her traditional garb ::
::Is already in his room, freshening up. Changing out of his uniform, and into his black and white pin-striped suit, black shirt, a pink tie, some snazzy leather shoes and a pimp black and white striped trilby.::
T'Kirr: I could sense that he was confident, at least.
:: strides up to the front desk and politely waits for a receptionist ::
:: is just observing... for science ::
:: enters the transporter room :: TChief>
Suraya Bay, I asssume? :: without looking up ::
Ian: As could I. We've done our part and must not worry on it. I believe meditation is in order.
TC: No, not for us.
:: Unpacks his duffel bag and pulls up the events scedule at his console. He decides on lounging by the pool and reading a PADD. ::
:: looks up, then looks Kate up and down, then again since the toga isn't hiding her skimpy clothing underneath :: Oh, you're Risan! Where would you like to go?
:: flies over tropical greenery and beautiful buildings nestled into hills, taking in the increasingly ascending view ::
TC: It is a small town about 200 kilometers up the coast from Suraya. Lunat Bay.
T'Kirr: I could never have imagined me meditating before I met you. Where shall we?
SCI: Hello and welcome, How might i be of service to you?
:: looks it up on the map, following the coast :: Ah yes, there it is.
Receptionist: Greetings. I am searching for a pair of adjacent rooms. Are there any available?
Step right up, ladies!
:: steps up, smiling at the TC and then at Kate ::
:: smiles a bit too much at the pretty ladies as Kate steps up on the pad ::
TC: Energize.
:: shimmers away ::
SCI: I believe that we have a two room suite, but unfortunately we do not have any adjacent rooms available at the moment.
:: also shimmers away ::
::Pulls a two wooden poles and a metal jewelly from the back; he screwed them together and formed a cane, with an old Andorian insignia on top of the metal. A memory of the ship he was frozen on.::
:: lifts an eyebrow :: aCMO: What would be the best option? :: totally clueless about what to do here ::
Ian: Let us get to our room on the southern coast. It will be easier to relax once we're settled.
:: appears on the main street of a tiny seaside village, with shops, B&Bs, and more affluent tourist attractions, since they're well away from the usual stops ::
:: A peddlar comes by and offers to seel him a cool looking statue. He takes one as a souvenir. Studies it for a bit before placing it on the table next to the lounge chair and continues reading. ::
:: looks around with great interest ::
T'Kirr: You actually thought to book us a room? We're usually so bad about shore leave planning;
Lexy: This is Lunat Bay. My hometown.
Kate: It's charming!
Receptionist: Are the rooms in the suite seperatte and not adjoining? :: Asking so that she gains some reassurance::
::Splashes a bit of musk on, and struts out of his room; straight out of a 1950s novel.::
aCMO: Yes each room in the suite has its own lavatory and does not connect with the other, except for the common area.
:: looks around, it having been a while since she was here :: Lexy: You know, it really is. I did not appreciate it as much growing up.
Ian: I had to arrange something until we gave it more thought. You had enough on your mind. It's my duty to think of what you do not.
T'Kirr: That's true, I suppose. Let's go then.
:: picks up her bag from near the door ::
:: pulls on his beaten up jacket and A-frames, then grabs his bag and shoulders it ::
:: turns around in a full 360, taking in the signs and then turns to Kate :: Where to from here?
:: deeply inhales, savoring the fresh salt air :: Lexy: This way. :: nods up the street :
SCI: I think that is acceptable, if it is for you?
:: runs over a brief mental list of pros and cons before deciding :: aCMO: It will be acceptable.
:: tries not to look at Kate too much, because that diaphanous outfit is very... distracting ... and walks side by side up the street with Kate ::
:: walks with Ian through the ship towards the exit where all of Risa awaits ::
::Walks out of the hotel, and towards the nearest bar on the beach for a stiff drink. Removes his spectacles with the little sunglasses attachment from his pocket and puts them on upon hitting the sunlight again.::
T'Kirr: I honestly don't know if I can really relax after all of that.
Ian: That is the point of meditation--to assist you.
:: as they pass stores displaying horga'hn :: You should probably not buy any of those statues unless you understand their meaning.
SCI/aCMO: I hope that it will be a very enjoyable experience to both of you. :: Hands them both keys to the suite and gestures towards the lifts::
T'Kirr: Of course, it takes the logical Vulcan to calm the basketcase Betazoid down.
:: accepts the key and heads towards the lift, trying not to feel awkward about this. It is simply a... room arrangement ::
Kate: Oh, those are... oh. :: blushes yet again ::
Ian: Exactly. I will help you not feel so much.
Lexy: Tourists commonly get caught by that one.
T'Kirr: I would like that. :: enters the TR ::
:: Follows behind her, and grabs her hand to show her that his intentions are honorable::
Self: I shall buy a Horga'hn later. ::Grins to himself.::
:: accepts his hand and is still mildly nervous, but mostly assured ::
::Twirls his cane.::
:: A woman comes up to him and asks if he's seeking jamaharon. He asks :: What is that?
Kate: I'm glad I have you here to make me into ... less of a tourist.
Lexy: Well, that is a nice side-effect; you get to see the way Risa was before it turned into a resort. But it was not why I invited you.
Kate: Why did you invite me, then?
Jack Cahalan>
:: relaxing at a beachside bar in a Hawaiian shirt and a sliiiiick hat, drinking for once instead of serving ::
:: gives the TR attendant the coordinates of their resort ::
Lexy: Because I enjoy spending time with you.
:: files them under tourist and sets the coordinates :: Step right up.
::Notices Jack, tipping his hat to him, before grabbing a corner table staring out at the sea.::
::: tips his sliiiiiick hat back ::
:: She explains it and the horga'hn he had displayed. :: Not actively... although I'm not opposed to it either. :: She asks if he has a room. :: Hold that thought, I sould check with my Doctor. Protocol. aCMO: Dr. Slade, would interspecies relations between a Zaldan and a Risian be safe?
:: still hasn't stopped blushing from before :: Kate: I... really like spending time with you, too.
:: her parents' business in sight ahead, she stops and turns toward the sea a minute ::
:: stops, turns, and looks at the sea, somewhat confused ::
:: She explains it and the horga'hn he had displayed. :: Not actively... although I'm not opposed to it either. :: She asks if he has a room. :: Hold that thought, I should check with my Doctor. Protocol. *aCMO* Dr. Slade, would interspecies relations between a Zaldan and a Risian be safe?
Lexy: Lexy... each time I somehow survive something that should have killed me, I do at least seem to have some realizations on the important things in life.
:: nods at Kate, waiting for her to continue ::
:: stands in the lift, debating whether or not to change out of this annoying robe and into something more comfortable ::
*TAC*: Cadet, for the sheer fact that I want to enjoy this vacation I will not ask why. Interspecies relations is safe for a pleasureable course of action but not for procreation. From now on consult a PADD unless you have a medical emergency Slade out
:: turns from her native shores to look at Wright :: Lexy: One of those things is to be sure that those close to you know how you feel about them. I would not have invited anyone else, and after that ordeal, even more so.
::Flags down a waiter to order a beverage.:: Waiter: Good sir; I would like... you know what... surprise me. Something different and unexpected... don't be afraid to concoct something with a 90% alcohol content.
:: flies until she's probably overdone it in her excitement and lands in a towering tree in what could be an animal preserve ::
:: hears the comm call and is confused, yet amused, all at once. A most intriguing combination of emotions ::
:: steps up on the transporter pad ::
:: leans back under the slick hat and sips at his drink, just watching the room ::
:: follows ::
:: shimmers away with T'Kirr ::
SCI: My apologies
aCMO: No need. I fail to see why he called you with such a question, but cadets are often confused when on what may be their first shore leave.
:: her heart is trilling inside her chest :: Kate: Then... I'm truly honored. Though I don't know what makes me so special.
:: appears with Ian in a posh lobby with three-story ceilings, the decor clearly showing off the upper class resort with three wall a glassed view of the ocean ::
:: looks around :: Very nice.
SCI: I can understand, my first assignment when I came to Atlantis was shore leave. That is where i met Tav!
aCMO: That was when you first came aboard? Fascinating. I was unaware of that. Granted, I was otherwise occupied. :: the lifts arrives at the proper floor :: I believe this is our stop?
Lexy: The best people generally do not know or dwell on it. But you are.
::Retrieves his pipe and tobacco tin. After filling the pipe, he strikes a match and lights it. Slowly puffing away whilst the waiter gets his drink.::
:: reaches reception and obtains their keys for a third-story floor ::
:: grabs T'Kirr's bag when she puts it down to deal with reception ::
SCI: Yes, it is us we are to the left
Kate: You're pretty amazing yourself, do you know that?
:: finds her bag gone and perks a brow at Ian, but he knows it's in amusement ::
:: nods and looks at each room number as she moves past the room, searching for the right one ::
:: smiles :: Lexy: Thank you. This is what I mean. Let those close know your feelings while you can.
:: Looks through his PADD, sure enough the information was there. :: Ohhh. :: He grabs the horga'hn and allows the lady to hold his arm as he shows her to him room. ::
:: pauses at Kate's words, slightly troubled ::
:: holds her wings out carefully :: Self: Ouch...I really gotta keep in practice.
::The waiter eventually comes with the drink in a tall glass. What was in it can only be described as a devil's brew of spirits. Ilaihr was unsure as to the full extent; but there was Romulan ale undoubtedly, some honey run and maybe a dash of vermouth... but there were other things, that even he couldn't put his finger on.::
:: finally finds the right room and unlocks it, stepping inside ::
Lexy: It does not take an empath to know that something troubles you, yes?
:: Slowly :: Kate: What if you're... not sure what your feelings are? Or if you're not sure how they'll be received?
:: avoiding eye contact ::
Self: Most... intriguing... :: looks around the suite ::
:: Follows into the room and is in awe at the beauty of the space::
::Sips his drink. It's powerful, but so's he. No matter how much it bites, it shall not deter or defeat him.::
::: schleps the bags into the lift ::
Lexy: Well, only you can answer your first question. As to the second, it is an age-old question, yes? A true friend will not judge you for them.
:: walks into the middle of the room and looks back and forth between the two bedroom doors :: aCMO: Which one would you prefer? :: not sure if that was remotely proper or unawkward ::
SCI: I have no preference, they are bother gorgeous, but in the interest of saving time ill take the left one over here :: Motions to the room he is closes to::
aCMO: Very well. I will opt for the one on the right. :: wastes no time in entering the room and setting her bag on her bed. This would certainly be an interesting vacation ::
:: Goes into the room and opens his bag immediatly removing his uniform and Comm Badge. Donning a t shirt and swim trunks ::
:: exits it to find their room ::
Ian: Stairs or lift?
(( nevermind ))
:: walks with Ian towards their number ::'
:: goes through her bag and finds something she hopes will be decent for Risa. A simple flowing blouse and a pair of... were these shorts? Either way, much better than this clearly ill-adjusted traditional robe ::
::Exits the room:: SCI: So now that I am out of uniform may i speak frankly?
:: steps into the common room :: aCMO: I do not see how attire would change your freedom to express your opinion.
::Finishes his drink. Laughs triumphantly as he slays the beast. Waves down the waiter again.:: Waiter: I'll have a Saurian Brandy please my boy.
:: As she walks through the door he changes his mind from complaining about the war and blurts: SCI: Oh my stars you are beautiful!!!!!
::Continues to puff his pipe.::
:: startled and trying her damndest to keep a calm face :: aCMO: I... thank you. :: just flat out decides to go with the flow from here on out. It saves time on later meditations ::
Kate: The truth is... :: draws circles in the dirt with the toe of her sandal :: The truth is that I really care about you. Maybe as... more than just a friend. But our friendship is more important to me and I don't want to lose it even if you don't feel the same way.
::Stares at her gazing from foot to head:: SCI: I have to be the luckiest man in the universe right now!
:: doesn't know how to reply ::
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