echo $ship['ship_nameprefix'], " ", $ship['ship_name'] ?> - echo $tran['transcript_date'] ?>, Mission # echo $tran['mission_num'] ?>
"The Right to Fight"
USS Bremen - Stardate 11504.16 - Mission # 51
Summary: So, the Bremen is stuck deep in Tzenkethi space, with 4 Tzenkethi on board who are just coming out of stasis. They seem to consist of one female, the Autarch, and three males.
The ship itself took a beating as they escaped a Tzenkethi attack. We join them now, as the Captain goes to speak with their guests.
<<<Resume Mission>>>
CO: Captain, I suggest we set course back for Federation space immediately.
::Stands at Tac, reading her reports from the security teams::
::shakes her head:: CEO: Not yet, Mr. Adalberto. We need to verify we have the Autarch, and then we need to get her to her loyal forces, as per our orders. ::taps her combadge:: *CMO*: Sumner to Dr. Tomesu.
::nods:: CO: They fighters are not that far behind.
*CO*: Tomesu here.
::in sickbay, monitoring the status of the Tzenkethi::
::sits on her biobed, eyes closed, totally still::
*CMO*: Are our guests awake, Doctor?
*CO*: Barely, Captain. I wouldn't expect too much from them for a while.
::opens both sets of eyelids and gradually turns head towards CMO::
CSO: Lieutenant, are the fighters following ?
::frowns some, and gets to her feet:: CEO: Keep us at the ready; I'll get us a destination. ::moves towards the turbolift::
::stands up:: CO: Yes ma'am.
::steps onto the lift:: TL: Sickbay.
CEO: A couple on long-range, at sublight. We have at least 36 hours.
Autarch: How do you feel?
::grabs the cane and walks over to the center seat:: OPS: Ear to the floor, Ensign. Let me know if you catch any transmissions to and from those fighters or the surrounding sectors.
CSO: So no hurry then?
CEO: We have time, yeah.
::inner eyelids blink, giving the Autarch a ghostly appearance:: CMO: We... need... heat.
::sits down::
Autarch: No problem. Computer: Raise ambient temperature by 10 degrees celcius.
CMO: Your ship... is... unacceptable.
Autarch: Welcome aboard the U.S.S. Bremen. And I apologise.
Autarch: How do we make it acceptable?
::steps off the turbolift and strolls into Sickbay, pausing for a moment at the sight of the Tzenkethi; one was never truly prepared for their size::
aCTO: Commander, what's the status of shields and weapons ?
CMO: Welcome... Apologise... softbelly weakness. ::blinks and turns away from CMO in regal disgust:: CMO: Light, heat... humidity.
Computer: Increase light by 20%, humidity by 15%. And make a note in the log that medical staff in sickbay can open their collars.
Autarch: We'll be sure to adjust your quarters appropriately. ::glances to the doctor:: CMO: Surely we have some heating pads, or blankets?
::turns head to look at CO:: CO: You...
CO: I'll make sure it's sorted, sir. I've already increased the temperature here in sickbay sir. That should suffice.
::stands a little straighter:: Autarch: I am Commander Sumner, Captain of the Bremen. I understand you've asked us to help you reach loyal forces.
aCTO: Commander? We are in enemy territory.
CO: Help? No, not "help"... I require of you. It must be done, Commander Sumner Captain. ::stretches her back a little straighter, adding to her already formidable height:: CO: There is no choice. You must do.
All: I have a bad feeling about this.
::Gives Adalberto a glance:: CEO: The weapons and shields are as they were before, prepared.
::gives Jameson a thumbs-up::
CEO: But would be better if you could boost the shields from their...hmmm...10%. You are still working on them, right?
OPS: Mr. Mor, anything on the board?
aCTO: Mac's on it. Apparently I'm needed here to babysit. ::winks::
::thinks a moment before responding:: Autarch: I agree. If getting you back to them leads to a faster end of the war, then that is my duty. ::glances to the doctor:: Speaking of which, we need a direction. I'd rather not be standing still in Tzenkethi space.
::Rolls her eyes:: CEO: Naturally, I was talking about the royal 'you'.
CEO: All quiet on the frontier sir
::Wonders what it is about being in dangerous enemy territory that makes her sarcastic::
::taps his cane against the floor nervously::
CO: Where are we now, Commander Sumner Captain? ::shudders and blinks inner eyelids::
Autarch: Just outside the Zenzuks asteroid field.
CEO: Do you need to walk off some nervous energy? ::raises brows::
CSO: Or shoot something.
CO: Z'enz'uks... ::looks disgusted at the CO's mangled pronunciation, but breathes it off with effort.:: CO: Your fleet, we are how many?
::shoots her a look:: CSO: Keep your eyes on the long range sensors kid.
::frowns for a moment:: Autarch: Z'enz'uks. Our people haven't shared as much of our cultures as we would like... As for our 'fleet,' it's largely occupied with fighting your rebel forces. We're the only ship Starfleet could spare.
CEO: My eyes are--peeled, that's the phrase? ::doesn't make his practically vibrating energy and nerves any less intrusive::
CSO: Good.
::stands up:: CO: One... ::throws the three males an angry look and turns back to CO, disgusted:: CO: This... is what the rebel forces are fighting? This incompetence? Your people will not survive long.
::flicks a switch on the chair:: *ENG*: Engineering, status of shields ?
*CEO*: eh... Aft shields at 100%! Port shields... 97%, starboard... 98%... Dorsal and ventral both acceptable... er... ::mutters something and trails off::
::sighs:: *ENG*: Mac, replace that emitter if you have to.
*CEO*: We're out of spares, sir... I have Vic replicating one now.
::gives the Doctor a look before approaching the Autarch:: Autarch: With all due respect, Madam Autarch, we've heard that before, from numerous species, all backed up with powerful fleets and ill intentions. And still, the Federation has stood for over two centuries, repelled all attempts at invasion, and now holds the largest amount of the Alpha Quadrant.
*ENG*: Tell her to cut the chatter and keep working. She can flirt on her own time. Tony out.
::folds his arms and tries not to show a hint of the wry smile trying to force its way into view::
::widens eyes, grimaces and turns to Victoria Reed:: Vic: You get all that?
Mac: He's been in a shitty mood ever since he got back from that dumb rock... someone needs to knock that dark cloud off his head. ::shuffles out of the jeffries tube and gets back to work::
CO: Arrogance does not become your race. ::takes a few careful steps as she recovers some more:: CO: That has caused the downfall of many... ::stares down at CO:: CO: Take me to my bridge.
::stares directly at the Autarch:: Autarch: One would do well to remember their own words... ::takes a step back:: If you're sure you're ambulatory, I will lead you to the bridge, where you can stop wasting our time and tell us where we need to take you.
All: This is too quiet.
CO: I will ensure your disagreeable environmental conditions, and your manner of address. Take me, now. ::stands tall and waits::
CEO: Well, the doctor hasn't called up reporting that we've been infiltrated by imposters, so it can't be TOO bad right now.
CSO: One can hope.
::nods, and walks out of Sickbay, leading the way to the turbolift, wondering if she was going about this right::
::can't believe the CO didn't present her with a plate of ceremonial fermented eels to suck on. Contains her distaste for the Federation as best she can and follows::
::steps onto the TL, pressing herself lightly against the wall to make room for the Autarch::
::ducks into the tiny space:: CO: Your people are.. very small. They must break easily.
TL: Bridge. ::looks to the Tzenkethi:: Autarch: I dunno, I like to think it makes us elusive and scampery.
::is amused. Doesn't show it::
::goes back to his work in sickbay and the cleanup of the pods::
CEO: ...We have something coming in fast on long range!
::slides out of the turbolift as it reaches the bridge:: Autarch: Here we are... ::looks about:: All: What have we got, people?
::stands up:: CSO: Position ?
CO: Incoming.
::frowns:: Autarch: If you have a heading, Madam Autarch, now's the time.
aNAV: Move us away from the approaching vector. Forwards shields are still being repaired.
CEO: Large object vectoring in off the port bow. And it's coming from deeper in Tzenkethi space.
::looks to the Tzenkethi, his hand almost automatically reaching for his phaser::
::looks around the bridge, examining the crew scampering about within.:: CO: Vector 120, mark 02.2, mark 290. My people will be waiting. ::stares at CEO, watching his every twitch::
::doesn't look away immediately, then looks at the conn officer:: aNAV: Got that?
::gives the CEO a stern look as she makes her way down to the command area:: aNAV: You heard the lady, Mr. Bleet. Maximum warp.
CEO/CO: Tzenkethi warship! Heavy artillery going on. Away is better. Hopefully they won't be able to match our speed...
::manages to utter something intelligible and turns back to his console, inputting the figures:: CO: Ready to engage on your captain, commander!
::walks over to his station, ignoring the Tzenkethi::
Computer: Computer, Raise temperature and humidity on the bridge to match that of Sickbay. ::sits in her chair:: All: It's gonna get a little warm, people. ::she looks to Bleet:: aNAV: Now's good, Mr. Bleet.
ALL: They will match your speed. ::turns to CO:: CO: I hope to see some of this... elusive behaviour you spoke of so highly.
::Engages Warp::
Autarch: Don't be so sure...this baby has some speed in her.
ACTION: The Bremen leaps into life, warping away from its position, towards the mystery co-ordinates given by the Autarch.
::brings up the warp engine controls and taps his badge:: *ENG*: Engineering, I need full speed. Everything you got.
*CEO*: Sure thing, boss!
::smirks:: CEO: Tell them to break out the Cheetah blood, Mr. Adalberto.
::looks at CEO:: CEO: Answer back again, and you will lose your tongue.
CO: Aye aye Cap'n. ::grins, then turns his attention to the Tzenkethi and shakes his head before turning his attention back to the screen::
::looks to the Autarch, then to Tony:: CEO: You'll have to forgive our guest, Commander; she's not used to being around soft-bellies.
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