- , Mission #

"The Right to Fight"

USS Bremen - Stardate 11504.09 - Mission # 50


The Right to Fight, Part 5.


Summary: So, the Bremen is stuck in the middle of a forcefield whose generators are located at four relatively equidistant points on a set of asteroids. Within the field with them, are the 4 life-signs on a larger hunk of rock.



<<<Resume Mission>>>


TAC: Keep scanning for any weapons platforms, any weapons signatures at all within the field.



CSO: Waiting on your scans off that field, Lieutenant.



:: in the transporter room, waiting for the Captain::



::gets up and moves towards the turbolift:: CSO: Keep scanning for any ships in the area. ::looks to Tony:: CEO: You have the bridge; return fire only, Mr. Adalberto.



CSO: On it, pods are also still deployed.



::nods as he stands up and grabs his cane:: CO: Yes ma'am.



::gets in the turbolift:: TL: Transporter room 1.



::walks over to the center chair and sits down::


ACTION: The ship is scanned by a bright energy beam.



::shields his eyes:: CSO: Report.



::rubs at eyes, blinking rapidly, trying to focus on her screens:: CEO: Obviously scanning us, not, uh, not sure what FOR...



::Squeezed his eyes nearly shut and tries to check probe readings, to see where this thing originates from::



CSO: Origin ?



::steps into the transporter room, seeing an empty pad:: Transporter_Chief: Where are they?



::squints:: CEO: Polaron beam...I hear that's Tzenkethi tech, so it was at least set up by them. Doesn't tell us much else... Uh, from the forcefield generator dead ahead of us.



CSO: Harmful ?



All: Damnit I don't like just sitting here.



TAC: Any danger to us or this ship, Chief ?




::Nods to CO:: CO: Coming through, now, sir. ::beams the four lifesigns, plus pods over onto the cargo transporter pad::



CEO: Only if they were using it as a weapon or trying to flood us with radiation.



MEDs: Get them out of those pods; I need to know if they're conscious.



::Tries to get anything from the probes:: CEO: Doesn't seem so right now, but I'm having trouble getting readings here. Sensors nor probes..



::nods at Raqiin:: CSO: Keep an eye on that generator.



All: Everyone start coming up with ways to escape this trap.


ACTION: A second scan of the ship begins, this time with an even brighter light



CEO: As far as I can tell from the intel I'm getting, that beam was just a passive scan.



CO: Aye, captain.  ::approaches the transporter pad and scans the first pod::



OPS: Will someone adjust the bloody viewscreen to counter that.



::looks over at Raqiin for an update::



CO: Tzenkethi male, ma'am.  Alive, although I can't say too much more given our limited knowledge of their physiology.



::Squints hard and sees an indicator light, barely though:: CEO: Ah, Anthony? It looks like there's a gap opening up in the field. Dead ahead..




::blindly slaps at the console until the screen flickers and adjusts to the bright, bright polaron light::



TAC: Raise shields.



::sighs softly:: CMO: Is it safe to say they won't be answering any questions in the next minute or so?



::Nods and hits the appropriate tab:: All: Shields up!



CO: I think so, Captain.



::taps his badge:: *CO*: Bridge to Captain Sumner. We have been scanned twice with what seems like a benign device, however a gap has just opened up in the energy field, dead ahead.



::scans the second pod::



::still shielding her eyes:: CEO: Maybe it's a way out instead? Maybe the forcefield was only for the protection of the Autarch, and now that the scans know they're aboard and still alive, it'll let us go...?



CSO: Your job to figure that out, Lieutenant.



aNAV: Take us towards the gap, one quarter impulse.



CO: Second male, captain.



:: scans the third pod::



*CEO*: The Autarch is currently unable to answer questions, and I don't trust that gap. Target the field generators, just in case is snaps shut.



CEO: If anything changed, I'd let you know, sir! ::like...now, say, for instance:: Some mild energy spikes coming from the gap. Not sure what it is yet.


ACTION: From behind countless iron-laden asteroids and asteroid fragments, dozens upon dozens of small Tzenkethi fighters appear, all careening towards the opening in the forcefield.



CO: The second is in the same condition as the first.



*CO*: Yes ma'am.



CO: Third male.  Alive.



:: scans the fourth pod::



::stands up:: TAC: You heard her, Chief. Target the generators. Use torpedoes. Fire on my mark only.



Self: Assuming we have the Autarch...



CO: Tzenkethi female, sir.  I think it's safe to say it's the Autarch.



::Sees his screens light up red:: All: We've got company, lots of it! Hmm, Tzenkethi fighters, dozens of 'em, All going for that gap!



TAC: Blocking us or joining us ?


ACTION: The first wave of fighters strafe the Bremen's exposed forward hull.



::feels the ship rock:: *CEO*: Get us out of here, Commander; any means necessary.



::taps the intercom:: *ALL*: All hands to battlestations.



*CO*: Yes ma'am.



TAC: Fire at will, Chief.



All: Shields are holding. Didn't even dent us, strangely..


aNAV: Get us out of here, full impulse!



TAC: Focus your fire on keeping them at bay, we cannot let them past our shields.



CMO: See if you can figure out how best to resuscitate them, Doctor. I'll be on the bridge. ::leaves the transporter room::


ACTION: A second wave swirls and dives towards the Bremen, losing a barrage of torpedo fire.



::Breathes deeply:: CEO: Aye. ::Engages shipwide multi angle repel pattern, auto targeting any incoming craft::



*Engineering*: Engineering, reinforce our SIF.



<ENG_Mac>: *CEO*: On it!! Engineering out!




ALL: Where do I go?! Where do I go?



*CEO*: Is that gap still open?



::sighs:: Self: Can't believe I'm doing this. ::taps his badge:: *MACO*: Maco leader, prepare for possible borders.



aNAV: For the gap!



CO: Aye, captain.  Transporter Chief: Beam the pods directly to sickbay.  ::makes his way out to sickbay himself::



::Hits the second formation with a torpedo spread, set off in front of them::



::boards the turbolift:: TL: Bridge!


*CO*: Yes ma'am, we are attempting to bust out.



::enters the turbolift::  Sickbay.




CEO: Yessir! ::aims for the gap, even though it's swirling prettily with Tzenkethi fighter craft::



CSO: Raq', status of that gap ?



TAC: Chief, be kind and clear us a path.


ACTION: Second spread takes heavy losses, thanks to TAC's expert aim.



All: Shields down to 72 percent! Their torps are a little tougher, it seems.. ::has phasers fire in cross patterns, blocking the Tzenkethi group’s' flight paths::


::enters sickbay and sees the pods in the main area::



::steps back onto the bridge, looking to the viewscreen:: TAC: Everything we've got, Mr. Harlan; full power to the pulse phaser array. I want that gap cleared immediately.



::kind of too busy to make any comments on the name. Hey at least it's not 'lieutenant'?:: CEO: Still there, just big enough for us if we fly right.


ACTION: Several of the second wave of fighters appear damaged, but regardless, they regroup and begin a run towards the Bremen.



TAC: Reinforce forward shields.



CEO: On it. ::Sets off a series of torps, each going off a little farther than the previous one, towards the gap::



::looks over at Sumner:: CO: Captain.



Self: Right, let's see how we can get you guys out of there.  Computer: Full scan of each pod.



::moves towards the command area:: CEO: We have the Autarch, but she's out of commission for the moment.



CEO: If we can just plow through and go to warp, these fighters can't possibly have warp capability; they're too small.



::limps over to his station:: CO: Let's hope they are not a trap as well.



::Sends the two scanning pods still out there on a ramming course, a fighter each::



CSO: That is the plan.



::sits in her chair:: CEO: Did you mobilize the MACOs?


ACTION: The suicide run at the Bremen is decimated by TAC, that is to say, one in every ten or so is blown to bits.



::sits down at his station:: CO: Attempting to assign more power to the shields, Captain.



CO: Yes ma'am.




::chrips at CMO:: CMO: Scans commencing...



CEO: Good. ::looks to the conn:: aNAV: Mr. Bleet, why are we still in this forcefield?



::waits for the results of the scan::




CEO: It's an awwefully tight fit, sir, I'm... calculating... gimme a second!


::Crams the newly installed extra shooters to red and hits everything straight ahead, while boosting shields as high as possible::



CO: Captain, I don't wanna sound negative....but isn't this all rather too easy? If they wanted to stop us, they would never leave that thing open for us to escape.


ACTION: TAC's efforts cream the suicide run, but ah, hard luck, two still make it through, exploding on the Bremen's shields in an array of colours, but, mostly red.



CEO: True... ::chews her lip for a moment:: TAC: Rear launchers; disable those field generators.



::winces as the shields take a powerful hit::



*ME*: Engineering, I need more power to shields!



::Eyes Bleet:: Self: Tight fit, my a.. damnit! ::checks shields after that impact:: CEO: Forward shields down to forty.. and firing on the generators ::taps:: now!




CMO: Pods consist of a bioplastic outer casing, atmospheric regulation units comprised of aluminium, liquid water, biomatter and polidinium...




::has it figured out:: CO: Going to half impulse now...



Computer: Physiology report on the Tzenkethi.




CMO: Each pod contains one adult occupant, approximately 18 cycles according to Tzenkethi age measurements.



aNAV: Full impulse, Mr. Bleet; we're running for our lives, not leaving spacedock.




::pauses explanation of pods themselves at CMO's interrupted request::


Computer: Resume report on the pods themselves.



TAC: Chief, no more kamikazis on the forward shields please.


ACTION: A Third wave forms in front of the Bremen, a solid phalanx to begin with but breaking up and wheeling in a seemingly random formation as they close in, firing a bank of torpedoes and phasers at the ship.



CO: Captain, if we went excess plasma from our nacelles as we attempt to dodge that wave, we might disrupt their visibility.



::Looks up for a second at Tony, not saying anything, before returning to firing a full barrage of torpedoes and phasers onto the incoming wave::



::sighs in mild frustration and gets to her feet, moving to the conn and grabbing Bleet by the collar:: aNAV: Out of that chair. ::takes over the helm:: CEO: Do it!




::chirps:: CMO: The pods share a computer control devise, located in the female pod.


::starts building up plasma::



CO: Say when, ma'am.



::takes the ship into evasive manoeuvres, speeding up to full impulse and gunning for the gap:: CEO: Now's good.


ACTION: Bleet stumbles as he's removed from the conn seat. Poor Bleet.



::vents plasma::



TAC: All forwards weapons, fire on the gap; we need it clear!


ACTION: The computer shows CMO a scan of the internal working on the female pod. It includes a devise tagged with no computer explanation.



Computer: Hypothesise.  Can I open the female's pod without killing her?



::Frowns:: CO: pretty much on it right now.. ::Engages pulse cannons to join the rest of the fireworks::



::narrows her eyes at the screen, barrelling down on the gap:: Self: Damn the torpedoes...


ACTION: The third wave explodes into a gigantic fireball of ship bits and charred bulkheads, parts of it smashing into the Bremen's forward shields.



TAC: Chief, what did I just say?



::starts moving emergency power from secondary systems::



::Without looking up:: CEO: Still working on my telekinetic powers. Those take time, you know..



::chuckles despite the stress::


All: Shields down to twelve..




CMO: Theoretically, initialising the start-up sequence will revive the occupant.



CO: Captain, I suggest we get the hell out of dodge.



Computer: Analysis of that device.


ACTION: The Bremen makes it to the gap, despite heavy resistance.



CO: Captain, we need to stay ahead of those fighters. Our forward shield generators need time to recharge.




CMO: Please specify parameters of query.



::lays an array of torpedoes across the gap as they clear it, ready to set off once they're out of blast range::



::barrels the ship through the gap, making for open space:: CEO: Just a few more seconds... ::begins programming a destination for warp::


ACTION: The remaining ships line up and block the Bremen's path to freedom. They remain static, firing repeatedly at the ship.



CO: I'm giving you last of the reserve power I can scrounge up for shields Captain!



::actually kinda growls and changes course, trying to avoid the wall of ships::



::Sighs, then kicks the pulse cannons again, setting off the most recent wave of their torps when they're still near the fighters::



Computer: What is it, what does it do, how does it pertain to the occupant.  Let's start there.

ACTION: The last of the Tzenkethi ships are destroyed in a fireworks display of death and destruction.



::Feels the shudder from that blast::



::points the ship towards a clear section of space and initiates maximum warp for three seconds::




CMO: The pod contains nine vials of biomatter. The biomatter within each vial is Tzenkethi in origin.



Self: Do you know what? Sod it.  Computer: Open the female's pod.


ACTION: The Bremen streaks away from the asteroid field, beaten, but by no means down.


ACTION: The Computer chirps and begins working. The female's pod starts to hum and pulse with light. Gas begins to build up within, some of it seeping out as the pod comes to life gradually.



::sits back in the chair for a moment before vacating it:: aNAV: Resume your post, Mr. Bleet. ::moves to the command circle:: CEO: Get me a damage report.



CO: Yes Captain.



::Hovers his hands above the fire controls for a few more seconds, then retreats them:: Self: Nice.



::sits in her chair, eyeing the viewscreen, taking a few seconds to make sure they were truly out of danger, at least for the moment:: ALL: Well... that was fun.




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