- , Mission #

"The Right to Fight"

USS Bremen - Stardate 11504.02 - Mission # 49


The Right to Fight, Part 4.


Summary: The Bremen is teeming with MACO marines, and is wired up with a QSD that just about functions alongside her regular systems. Captain Sumner has received the Bremen's Mission Orders, , and we join the crew 5 minutes out from the Zenzukz asteroid field...



<<<Resume Mission>>>


::rubs her eyes softly, tossing aside the skimpy PADD on Tzenkethi society before tapping her combadge:: *AUX*: Commander Jameson, please see me in my ready room.



::pouring over the scanners on the lookout for any ships or any...irregularities. just in case.::



::Looks up to the ceiling of the bridge at the comm, wondering about this meeting as her last report had said that there was, well, nothing to report::



::Stands, and heads to the door of the RR, making it chime::



AUX: Enter. ::makes herself sit up and look Captain-y::



::Steps onto this bridge for the first time, looks around and steps over to tactical::



::nods at Harlan::



::Enters the room, thinking that Sumner suddenly looked a lot more formal than in their last RR meeting::



::sits in the center chair and skim a report on a PADD::



::puts on a tired smile:: AUX: Commander; tell me, how did you fare with your tactical courses at the Academy?



::Nods back at Tony:: CEO: Commander. ::finds the console vacant and checks readiness across all stations::



::Returns the look:: CO: The ones I took or the ones I taught?  Either way, they feel a long time ago.



All: All departments report please.



::in his office writing reports, attempting desperately to ignore the marines::



::pushes herself up to her feet:: AUX: Well, I'd like you to brush up, if you need to. I'm temporarily assigning you to Chief Tactical Officer.



::keeps herself focused, despite her frown:: CEO: Nothing on sensors. Nothing yet, at least.



::Looks up:: CEO: All stations ready, maintaining condition red, commander.



::Nods at the Captain, having anticipated the request:: CO: I will do my best Captain, and hope to live up to the standards of the Bremen.



::nods some:: aCTO: Mostly, I need someone who'll be able to stand up to the MACOs, should the need arise. Major Deiter's proven to be a hardliner. You have the experience and rank necessary.



CEO: ETA to Zenzuks asteroid field is five minutes. Energy scans show nothing artificial, yet.



::nods while making a few notes on his PADD:: TAC: Mr. Harlan, I've been reading the battle reports from Admiral Blackthorne and Captain Griffiths. There's a high risk of the Tzenkethi using ramming vessels to punch through the hulls of ships and board that way. Please focus on any means of deterring small vessels.



CEO: Asteroids as small as us and as big as 200km across.  Iron, nickel, ice, random movement, nothing standing out. ::looks at NAV:: But we still need to be careful.



CO: And a certain insight that some others may not ::Taps the side of her head::



CSO: Find us a big one, rich in iron.



::nods:: aCTO: Indeed. Assume your post, Commander.



::Nods:: CEO: Indeed, we should avoid getting flanked, too.



::taps his badge:: *CO*: Captain, we are 5 minutes out from our coordinates.



*CEO*: Understood, I'll be right out. ::makes to follow Jameson::



::Nods again at Sumner, before turning and exiting the RR, assuming a post at a Tac station::



::stands up:: All: Captain on the Bridge.



::nods to Adalberto:: All: At ease. What've we got?


ACTION: The MACOs at the bridge's exits stomp their boots as the CO enters and return to their guard poses.


::hands her a PADD:: CO: We are approaching the asteroid field. I've instructed Lieutenant sh'Hruvek to locate a large iron rich target for us to stick close to, to scramble scanners in the area.



::Doesn't react to Tony, busy scanning, but notices Jameson at Tac 2 and nods briefly::



::Thinks she can feel the vibration through the floor of the stomp, but knows it's just in her head::



CO: I suggest we attempt to hide behind it while we get our bearings.



::Smiles over at Harlan, not wanting to step on toes this early in, making her main focus on handling the MACOs, whilst he can handle the war::



::nods and smiles at Tony:: CEO: Good thinking, Commander. ::looks to sh'Hruvek:: CSO: Have you found us anything, Lieutenant?



CO: thank you ma'am. I have also instructed Mr. Harlan to come up with scenarios to safeguard us against these Tzenkethi boarders.


::turns a little in her seat:: CO: I think I've got us a suitable rock to duck behind. Sending coordinates to navigation now.




::is staring at the main view screen, like a cat, staring at a speck of dust in a sunbeam, totally entranced by the chaos ahead.::



::sits in her chair, hoping her sigh wasn't too noticeable:: *MED*: Bridge to Doctor Tomesu.



*CO* Aye, Captain



::returns to the engineering console::



*MED*: I wanted to let you know that, as of now, you are our Chief Medical Officer. For obvious reasons, we don't have time for ceremony, but I promise we'll do something when we're not in enemy-held space.



CO: I propose drinks, ma'am.



CSO/*CMO*: Yes, all of the drinks.



::Murmers:: CSO: Careful what you propose around here, who knows what people might think  ::Gives her a quick grin::



aCTO: That she's fun? ::smiles at the Lieutenant::



::smirks to herself. at least nobody ELSE has lost their mild sense of humor...:: CO: *ahem* The downside to iron to scatter enemy sensors is that it hampers our own.



::frowns some:: CSO: That's true... anything we can do to compensate?



::Narrows his scanning bands for added power:: CSO/CO: Yeah, it's interfering with mine, too. Advising extreme caution here..



::turns in his seat:: CO: Might I suggest launching surveillance probes, they are shielded from passive scans and should give us better view.



CEO: More than just a pretty face. ::looks to Tactical:: TAC: Launch us some probes, Crewman.



::smiles:: CO: Yes ma'am, so they keep telling me.



CO: And at times he's barely even that....



::Engaged the launch sequence as soon as he heard that:: CEO: Probes away. Scanning..



::Taps on her console, looking at the MACO's movements and shift patterns::



::smirks some, hoping her lack of sleep isn't making her too foolish::



*CO* Aye, sir.  Thank you, sir.



::Whilst looking for the movements, notices a beacon on sensors:: CO: Captain, there's a weak beacon signal on the far side of the field.



*CMO*: Ma'am. Congratulations, Ensign.



::frowns some:: aCTO: Anything else in the area? Ships, comms, structures...



::Adjusts the probes' navigation patterns for efficiency among these rocks::



*CO* Thank you, ma'am.



::Shakes her head:: CO: All I can find is the beacon.  And weak.




::turns in his seat:: CO: You want me to go towards the beacon, ma'am? ::looks worried that she just might::



CO: A shuttle might be better.



CO: Captain, perhaps the probe should have a first look.



::thinks for a bit:: aNAV: Mr. Bleet, take us to the beacon; keep us near the larger asteroids for cover. ::turns to sh'Hruvek:: CSO: Eyes open, Lieutenant.



::reflects for a moment, then gets back to his reports::



::Continues her work, but maintains sensor readings on the beacon as they approach::



::bites her lip but keeps herself busy looking for anything else anomalous::



::Stands up and walks over to Harlan:: TAC: Chief, can you load the port and starboard tubes with quantum torpedoes in case we need to create some chaos?




CO: Yes ma'am... ::makes a low keening sound as he begins to weave the Bremen through the field::



::Nods again:: CEO: Yeah, indeed. They should be loaded already.. ::checks:: Yep. Got a bad feeling about this field here..



::wonders to herself if it's a bad thing that she doesn't have a bad feeling about the field::



::pats his shoulder:: TAC: You're not alone there Chief. ::walks around the Bridge, keeping an eye on the stations::



::watches the viewscreen, the clock in her head making her a little nervous:: TAC: Mr. Harlan, tactical analysis; with our upgrades, how much punishment can we take?



::returns to the center of the Bridge:: CO: Captain we have prepared quantum torpedoes in case we need to scatter the field a bit more.



::nods:: CEO: Good. Thank you, Commander. I assume our systems are fully recovered?



CO: I'm getting something from the beacon..."Tzenkethi Autarch deposed. Liberate me."



CO: Aye ma'am. However I would like a complete overhaul of our power grid when we next dock.



::Doesn't look up from the probes' feed:: CO: We're at full red, backup power also ready and QSD offline. We should be able to withstand some serious stuff..



::frowns some:: CEO: Understood. ::stands up and moves over to Science:: CSO: Scan the beacon.



::stands before the viewscreen, resting on his cane:: All: We sprung the trap....what now?


::the good thing about all of this is it gives her hands something to do almost constantly. But then she gives a noise of exclamation:: CO: I'm detecting Tzenkethi lifesigns on the other side of that asteroid.  Four of them.



CSO: Any power or weapon signatures?



CO: All I have are lifesigns... ::shakes head:: And just enough power to keep them going.



::Sends the scanning probes to flank the Bremen and links them to the forward sensor array, trying to widen the field::



::looks over at Raqiin and the Captain::



::thinks for a moment:: CSO: Can you see anything that would interfere with transporters?



CO: Maybe even pods? Since they have a beacon and aren't talking to us themselves.:: All: I'm getting something here.. ::looks closer::



::Notices a flashing light on her console::  TAC: I'm getting it too



CO: I'd recommend getting closer to make sure we DON'T get any interference from any deposits-- ::looks over at the tactical officers::



::turns to tactical:: aCTO/TAC: What do you have?



CO/aCTO: We've got energy spikes! Starboard, port and aft!



::Sounds intense:: CO: Energy spikes have started around the ship....Port.  Aft.   Now off the starboard bow.



::turns and heads for his station:: CO: It's a trap!



::Rotates the probes to scan all around the ship::



ALl: Spike, twelve o'clock!



aCTO/TAC: I need details! ::moves to her chair::



::Boosts power to the shields and keeps tapping:: CO: On it.. ::tries to decipher the feeds::



aCTO/TAC: Return fire only.



::Gestures her head at Harlan:: CO: What he said



CO: Aye.



CO: All I have is energy spikes! Is it...something surrounding us-- ::jumps in her seat:: aNAV: FULL STOP!



All: Do we have any visual?




::screams like a 5-year-old girl and slams the stop control::



CO: Ma'am, it's a forcefield! Like a...net, surrounding us.


ACTION: The ship shudders as it's suddenly forced into a full stop.



TAC: Chief, locate the least iron rick asteroids in our vicinity and lock them into the guidance systems of those torpedoes.



TAC: Belay that! ::turns to sh'Hruvek:: CSO: Is it affecting our systems?



::Keys in the needed adjustments, then hovers his finger above the key and looks up at Sumner, sternly::



CO: Captain, I believe in being prepared to run. And if we do, scattering this asteroid field will give us the advantage we need.



::bent over her console now instead of in her seat:: CO: I have nothing, I repeat, I can read nothing beyond the forcefield.


ACTION: The asteroid-mounted forcefield surrounding the Bremen shimmers in a way that would be considered quite beautiful if it wasn't so sinister...



CEO: Not until we know we need to run, Commander; we have a job to do, and we'll not abandon the Autarch unless we have no choice. ::looks to the viewscreen:: CSO: Where are the lifesigns in relation to the source of the field?



CO: Aye Captain. ::looks over at Harlan then back at his station::



CO: Thankfully they're inside the field, too.  Straight ahead, 100km.  Do you think this was to protect them, or a trap by those who deposed her?



::Looked at Tony before refocusing on the scans, keeping his hand very near the prepared set of commands on the console::


CSO: Lieutenant, can you give me a scan on the composition of this field ?



::thinks for a moment, gripping her armrests:: CSO: Let's find out. ::looks to Tactical:: TAC: Lower shields, and transport those lifesigns to transporter room one. Have a security and medical team meet them there.



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