- , Mission #




SUMMARY: The Hyperion nears the Betreka Nebula, and the coordinates given to Captain Rome by Admiral Walker. What awaits them, and the reason for all the cloak and dagger, remains a mystery.






::Stands at Tac, not feeling a little tired::







::glances down at his console:: CO: Five minutes from the perimeter, ten more minutes to the co-ordinates, sir.



#aNAV: Very good, Commander.



::heading down the halls to sickbay, looking out the windows at the Nebula, wondering what lays ahead::



#CTO: Joanne, scan for other vessels please.



::Is running between the TAC and Security, checking the systems are at 100%::



::checks the readings on the science sensors, integrating it into the rest of the information that flows past his gaze::



::steps out of her office and onto the bridge, making her way down to the XO's chair.



::Looks up at Rome, replaying the last few seconds in her head to acknowledge what the request was:: CO: Yes Sir



::Initiates the scan::




::waits quietly in sickbay::



::arriving back into Sickbay and checking in, looking at the day's patient roster::



::Notices Feyna zone out for a moment, shakes it off and gets on with what he's doing , keeping an eye on her::



#::looks over at Sara:: AXO: Have you heard anything from the Admiral ?



::Glances up at the entrance of Sumner, before looking back down at her sensor readings::



::shakes her head:: CO: Nothing, sir. Been remarkably quiet, actually.



#::shakes his head:: AXO: I agree. I suspected HQ to order us back.....but nothing.



::keeps compiling the information coming from SCI, making side forays into power flow and optimization::




::watches the doctor quietly, tapping something against his leg::



Wick: Can I help you?



::scans ahead for any communications signals - anything that could indicate there were other ships out there::




CO: We're approaching the perimeter of the nebula, sir. Ready to drop from warp.




::shrugs:: MED: Probably not.



#aNAV: Thank you Commander. Take us to the coordinates at best possible speed.



::sits and sighs softly::



Wick: Well, if you need anything, let me know. ::continues to go over the patient list and makes some notes::



#::looks over at Sara:: AXO: Come now Sara...you missed this.




::enters the commands and drops the ship from warp, proceeding at half impulse to see what the nebula holds:: CO: Dropping from warp. best speed to coordinates, aye.



::smirks softly:: CO: I... did. I really did.



#::smiles at his old friend::




MED: Whatcha doin'?


ACTION: The Hyperion drops out of warp and plunges into the nebula.



#All: Anything to report.....anyone?



Wick: Crewman, are you in here for a reason?



CO: Nothing yet, sir. Still scanning for comms signals.



::Notices Feyna is extremely tired, moves over to her:: CTO: Ma'am, perhaps you should get some rest and I'll take over.



<Crewman_Wick>::sighs softly, lowering his head, shifting the object in his hand a bit, revealing it to be a phaser:: MED: I'm tryin. To get up the courage.




::eyes glued to the navigation console:: CO: Other than commentary on flying through nebulae that makes you feel you're peering through pea soup, there are unnatural levels of Deuterium near our destination, sir.



#::stands up, adjusting his uniform::



#aNAV: Naturally occurring ?




CO: Unknown at this point, sir.



#aNAV: Any risk of igniting ?



::Takes over TAC from Feyna::



#::nods at Douglas as Joanne leaves for Sickbay, hoping his renewed trust in the young man is deserved::




CO: Unknown at this point, sir. Sensors are having trouble making a determination in this muck.



::notices the phaser, tries not to look alarmed::



#aNAV: Take us around the highest concentration, let's not risk accidental ignition.




::makes the appropriate course adjustment:: CO: Aye, sir. No igniting the Deuterium by accident.



::remains calm, stepping away... and presses the silent security button underneath one of the biobeds::



#aNAV: A sound lesson, Commander. ::smiles::




MED: He said... he said to do it. He said to take as many along as I could, but... ::starts to well up with tears::



aNAV: Whilst the pyrotechnics would be spectacular, we would all probably die. ::Chuckles::




::gives a rueful chuckle:: CO: They throw that one at you at the Academy during flight training.



#aNAV: Let's hope it stuck then.


ACTION: Suddenly, the nebula gives way to clear space; a bubble of clarity that shouldn't be there.




TAC: Beautiful fireworks, horrible death... All: What the?



Wick: Who said? :: trying not to show fear::



#::looks up:: OPS: Report.



CO: Sir, there are structures in the distance. ::magnifies the view on the main screen::



::Sees the Security console light up with an alert:: CO: Sir? ::Runs over to the console.::




CO: All stop?



#aNAV: No...keep going.



#TAC: What is it, Ensign ?




::nervously rubs the side of his head:: MED: Amon... ::takes a deep breath, trying to steady himself:: Honest... I was hoping Dr. Kymar would be the one to come in. Doesn't feel right, shooting a lady...




::nods and keeps the ship pointed at the coordinates locked into the console::



::Points at SEC::



#::walks over::


ACTION: The viewscreen shows what appears to be a shipyard. And extensive, and busy, shipyard.



::sidestepping to one of the medical cabinets, trying to keep calm::



#::eyes widen as he accesses the internal scanners in Sickbay:: TAC: Take a team there, now.



#AXO: Sara, take over Tactical.



::frowns at the viewscreen::


ACTION: Lt. Feyna walks into Sickbay.


#OPS: Is it Federation?



::starts shaking in spite of herself... :: CTO: He's.. got a phaser



::Nods at the captain and taps his commbadge:: *SEC*: Security meet me in sickbay now! ::Runs into the turbolift:: TL: SICKBAY!



::fingers still flying over his console:: CO: Determining that now.




::jumps and reflexively fires towards the doors, hitting the Lt. in the shoulder before she can react::



#::runs a hand through his hair::



::The turbolift doors close and it begins to descend to sickbay::



::frowns with worry, both at the screen and at whatever security alert showed up, and moves towards Tactical:: CO: I'm not feeling particularly confident about this one, sir.



::dives for her office:: TAC: Security to sickbay, there's a guy with a phaser!



#AXO: Hasn't stopped us before. ::walks closer to the viewscreen::



*MED*: I'm on my way Izzy. Stay calm. We're coming....




MED: Oh... I guess that wasn't so bad. ::hops off the biobed, and strolls towards the scrambling doctor, whistling to himself::



::The turbolift opens on Sickbay deck. Soule sprints out of the lift down the corridor to the sickbay door, unholstering his phaser::



::scooting away.. trying to make it to the tactical cabinet nearby:: Self: Oh crap TAC: I'm trying...







::fires near the doctor, sending sparks flying:: MED: You know... maybe I shouldn't be so fearsome. Amon says it's a wonderful place; I'm sure you'll like it there.



::frowns at the readings:: CO: There are Federation elements sir, but not to standard specs. I'm picking up transponders from Cardassian, Romulan, Breen, Tzenkethi and Tholian ships, but no Federation ships.



#aNAV: Full stop.




::stops the ship:: CO: All stop, aye.



#::looks over at Lyon:: OPS: What the hell is his place?



::fumbling the latches on the security cabinet, finally opening it, grabbing for a phaser::



CO: We are about to find out, sir. We're being hailed. On screen?



#::clears his throat:: OPS: On screen.




::fires at the doctor, hitting her in the hand::



::transfers the incoming hail to the main viewer::



::Nods at the SEC team, goes in point, raising phaser and visually scanning the room:: Wick: Put the phaser down crewman!



Self: Aaahhgh! ::gasps in pain, holding her injured hand::



MED: Are you ok Izzy?



<Grigory>*Hyperion*: USS Hyperion. Cut your engines, and prepare to be boarded, on the authority of Starfleet Command.



Tac: nope, not really... ::wincing::



<Crewman_Wick>::looks to Douglas, a curious look on his face:: TAC: ... No.



::glances at Miller, mouthing "SFC" but gets a shrug and "I don't know" look from his husband::



#*Grigory*: This is the Hyperion, on what orders?



::Lines up the phaser on Wick:: Wick: Drop the phaser, put your hands on your head and lay face down on the floor....before I drop you..... ::Gritting his teeth::



<Grigory>::finally appears on screen; there's something familiar about his black uniform...:: *CO*: On my orders, really. I can't really back up the whole Starfleet Command claim. However, if you *don't* do what I say, I'll be forced to kill you and everyone on your ship, and believe me when I say that'd be just a massive headache.



::Starts taking slow and small steps towards Wicks::




::frowns:: TAC: Amon says she has to die...



::shares another look with Miller::



#::recognises the uniform:: *Grigory*: I was sent here by Dixon....



::tries to get ahold of herself, eyeing Wick and looking pleadingly at Douglas::


#::puts a hand on Miller's chair::



::His prosthetic eye vibrates as he tries to find a good shot on Wick without hurting Izzy:: Wick: Amon has forgotten the truth...



<Grigory>::snickers, then laughs heartily:: *CO*: That... that was a good one, Captain. I really must commend the effort. Were he not literally right over there, I might have actually believed you.



#::shrugs and grins:: *Grigory*: I had to try.



::thinking, who the Hell is Amon??::




::prepares for a quick scramble::



#::gives Miller's shoulder a tap::



<Dixon>::off screen:: Grigory: Stop wasting time; kill him already!



#::feels the hairs on the back of his neck rising::




::narrows his eyes dangerously:: TAC: Amon *is* the truth! ::points the phaser at Soule::



::Smiles:: Wick: Got ya... ::Fires his phaser at Wick's chest::




::rolls his eyes:: Dixon: Stop being so bloodthirsty all the time. Seriously, what's your deal, man? ::shakes his head:: *CO*: Sorry about that, Captain. Anyway, your being here is a bit of a problem, as you might guess.



#*Grigory*: I do try my best....




::engages the engines, full impulse, reversing their course::



<Grigory>::glances off screen:: *CO*: Seriously? All I was gonna do was wipe your ship and crew's memory. Now I'm going to have to chase you. ::sighs::



#*Grigory*: Sorry to disappoint. Hyperion, out.



#::motions for Lyon to cut the comm::



#aNAV: Take us to warp now, and I don't give a damn about the risk.



::cuts the connection:: CO: At least a stern chase is a long chase...


ACTION: Wick cries out as he's hit, and he slumps to the floor, the phaser falling harmlessly out of his hand.


#::looks at Sara, knowing she heard his voice too:: AXO: Call the Admiral.



::Points the SEC team at Wick as he runs over to Izzy to check on her.:: MED: Hey. ::Kneels down, and gently takes her hand.:: Let's have a look shall we. ::Smiling in relief at her.::




::grits his teeth:: CO: Aye, sir. Maximum warp. And let's hope we don't die in the process. ::engages the warp engines::



::grinds her jaw lightly and nods::



#::moves over to his seat and sits down, activating his restraints::



::shaking, trying to stand up, hugs TAC::


ACTION: The Hyperion jumps to warp, putting the shipyard behind them for the moment.



::Holds her, whilst helping her up:: MED: It's ok Izz, you did great. You did great.



::Starts analysing the ships that were on screen, comparing their known warp speeds against the Hyperion's::



::gives up trying to stand up, shock takes over.. ::



#AXO: Red alert.



TAC: I need ..something for a burn. My hand..



::activates Red Alert, the klaxon sounding through the ship::



MED: Whoa, ok, lets get you to the....::Hears the alert:: Oh shit.....Yeah, lets just sit you down first.



TAC: Thanks.. for being here



#aNAV: I want every inch of power rerouted to warp.



::Helps Izzy over to a biobed, reaching over for a dermal regenerator to heal the burn.::




CO: Aye, sir. I'll remove the safeties for a while so we can redline it. ::nods to Lyon to reroute the power::



::leans back, otherwise she feels like she might pass out::



CO: Sir, we'll outrun them all. Warp 9.96 for 12 hours is a significant sprint. We will have to drop back to cruising speed after that.



MED: Apparently I must be present with all psychos on this ship. ::Activates the regenerator on her hand, whilst looking out for a hypospray::



#OPS: Let's hope it's enough....



CO: From your lips...



#::doesn't know where to run::



::shakes her head, lightly thumping the console:: CO: I can't get through to the Admiral... or anyone.



::smiling at Soule, feeling a bit hazy::



aNAV: We redline it for an hour and we're dead in the water - top speed for 12 hours is a better call.



#::looks up:: AXO: I was afraid of that....what was his last location?




::sighs:: OPS: You are correct. Find us a nebula or something to hid in, will you? Just in case and all that.



TAC: where the hell did he come from anyway??



::checks a few things:: CO: He didn't keep me informed of that. It's worse than that, Captain. Our comm system has been sabotaged. ::swallows softly:: They're on the ship.




::reactivates the safety protocols::



TAC: he was here when I got here.. just standing there, staring at me


#AXO: Lock the Bridge!



::Finds a hypospray and prepares a dosage of pain relief for her.:: MED: I don't know, I'm not really familiar with Wick. But, dont worry about that now, I'll see to him later. Worry about your hand. ::Injects her neck.::



CO: Aye! ::locks down the bridge::



::whirls:: AXO: They dare mess with my computer? ::immediately starts hunting through the systems to see how they got past his protocols::



MED: I'm familiar with hand injuries, so that should definitely take the edge off... ::Gets back to the dermal regenerator::



#::taps his badge:: *TAC*: Rome to Douglas. Report to Engineering immediately with your most trusted men...we have infiltrators on board. Keep the engines safe, Ensign!



::relaxes a bit as the meds flood her system. tries to focus:: TAC: ..never been shot before.. damn, that hurts.



#::slams his fist into the armrest::




CO: Where are we going, sir?



#::stays silent as he thinks::



::Thinks "Oh shit" to himself. Taps his commbadge:: *CO*: Yes sir.... ::Looks at Izzy:: MED: I'm sorry, I have to go. ::Points at the Sec team:: SEC: You watch her and that twat and keep sickbay secure.



TAC: feeling better now.. thanks..



::mutters and grumbles as he runs several diagnostics:: AXO: I'm unclear how they got on board, but there is physical damage to some of the systems.




::drools a bit::



*SEC*: Evans, Roberto, T'Varr.... meet me at engineering, we have an intruder alert.



::squeezes TAC's hand before he leaves sickbay::



#aNAV: Stay on course for Earth....for now.



::Squeezes Izzy's hand back before rushing off to engineering.::




CO: Aye, sir. ::changes course to head for Earth::



::runs a hand through her hair:: CO: This has to stop. Every time they show up it's just worse and worse.



::Runs through the corridor:: Self: This ship is not being taken over on my pissing watch.........



#AXO: He won't get away this time...



::mutters some choice Nausican curses to himself, ignoring the pointed look from Miller::



::isn't so sure about that, but doesn't disagree verbally:: CO: We're going to need some help...



#AXO: Your brother....?




::watches the engine performance as he reaches over to put a hand on Lyon's arm to calm him down a bit::



::glances to Rome:: CO: He has SFI contacts. I don't know what else we can do to counter Section 31's resources.



#OPS: Lyon, we need comms. Now.



Self: didn't exactly expect to end up as a patient today....



CO: It will take at least 30 minutes, possibly longer depending on security measures. I can only do so much from here. I will get repair crews on it immediately.



#OPS: You have fifteen minutes.



::glances up:: CO: I'll wrestle you for twenty minutes if I had five minutes to spare. Fifteen it is, sir.




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