- , Mission #




SUMMARY: As the 'interviews' draw near, the Hyperion prepares for what could be sweeping personnel changes throughout the ship. Some are somber, some are partying, and many are upset. Meanwhile, Admiral Walker has apparently arrived on DS9...






::Is back at her station, the morning after the night before, but not showing it::



::On the bridge, is lost in thought, reading all she can find on Walker on her armrest console::


ACTION: The Captain's console in the ready room chirps with an incoming comm.



::Is stretching his legs as he's stood on guard for several hours already::



::Wonders at what point it would be inappropriate to speak to Danann after her interview, to query the content::


::opens the comm::



::chews her lip::



::drums his fingers quietly on the railing around the command circle on the bridge, watching the empty viewscreen, lost in thought::



:: Sitting at his station trying to keep all the voices out of his head::



@*CO*: Captain Rome. Would you do me the honor of joining me in Habitat Conference Room C?



CMO: Can you please not do that? You're ruining my dark cloud down here.



::just nods:: *ADM*: Of course Admiral. I shall be there immediately.



::looking over medical padds in an effort to keep from thinking about the interviews..::



@::cuts the comm::



::smiles briefly:: XO: It sounds to me like I'm succeeding at my life's goal, Commander.



::taps his badge:: *XO*: Commander Danann, please take command of the Hyperion. I am leaving to meet with the Admiral on station.



::gives up and putters around sickbay, taking vitals and checking biobed readouts::



::Can't help but think at how close the wormhole to the Gamma Quadrant was:: Self: We could be off exploring a new frontier instead of stuck here getting bitch-slapped. ::Sigh::



::Tries to shut off her brain, and focus on the tactical work in front of her::



::opens another comm to Transporter Room 1:: *TR1*: Transporter Room, lock onto my commbadge. Site to site transport to the station, Habitat Conference Room C. Engage when ready.



CMO: Find a different life goal, eh? ::hears CO's command:: *CO*: Yessir. Understood. ::stays sitting::



::chuckles, listening to everything going on around him:: XO: I'm too old and set in my ways for that.


ACTION: Rome disappears in a mess of blue sparklies before reappearing on Deep Space 9, in a mostly empty conference room on the habitat ring. Only Admiral Walker and one other person are there.



::shuts down her research and starts to go through department reports for the last few weeks::



@::nods to the Admiral, then to the person at his right:: ADM: Admiral. Reporting as requested.



Self: Gotta love paperwork. ::doesn't look up:: CMO: Hey, doc, after I get out of this interview, be ready, yea? I don't know how far up my ass this Captain wants to shove his boot.



::can't help but smirk just a little, standing up straight:: XO: I have a surgical team on standby.



<Henry Sumner>

@::starts at the sudden appearance of Captain Rome::



@::chuckles softly:: CO: You're a prompt one, Jonathan.



::keeps reading:: CMO: You have experience with boot-ectomies?



::Starts writing up a summation of the reports to send as a status update::



@::doesn't wait for permission and grabs a chair and sits down:: Adm: To be honest Admiral, your earlier message inspired that.



XO: I'm pretty sure that I've removed just about everything from a humanoid body at one point or another. Watches, communicators, coil spanners, boots...


ACTION: The turbolift door on the bridge opens, and a rather inebriated crewman stumbles through.




All: Whoo! Axe partayyyyyy! ::twirls around::



::Is showing little signs that he's becoming irritable, scratching his leg, fiddling with his fingers:: Self: Oh god, I need to work on something.....



<Henry Sumner>::nods to the Admiral:: ADM: I'll see you around, Martin. ::leaves::



::Turns around quickly on the spot, to prevent the officer entering the bridge::



::Looks up at the unexpected entrance, takes a quick overview of the situation, and nods over to Douglas to 'deal' with it::



::Looks at Crewman Roscoe and thinks ohh not agagin::



@::nods to the unfamiliar civilian, then turns his attention back to Walker::



::turns around and tilts his head slightly at the drunk crewman, a frown on his face::



<Crewman Roscoe>

::blinks blearily at Soule before wrapping him up in a bear hug:: TAC: I don't know you, but I'mma miss you, man!



Drunky: Hey buddy, you're probably gonna wanna go back down if I were you....



CMO: Coil spanner...? I won't ask... ::looks around as Roscoe:: Roscoe: Jesus... CMO: Kymar, do me a favoour and stick him in a drunk tank?



::Looks down at the man still hugging him:: Roscoe: Like seriously, stop touching me now.....



::looks back to her reports, confident that her crew can handle this:: NAV: Gunn...



::nods over his shoulder to Danann and steps on over to the turbolift, a disarming smile on his face:: Roscoe: Crewman, you're in the wrong section for the party. Come on, let me get you where you're going. ::glances at Douglas::



@::Nods to Henry before looking back to Rome:: CO: Good. My tone got across; hard to tell how effective it is in my advanced age. ::motions to a crystal bottle nearby:: Can I interest you in some scotch?



::turns back to her work, trusting in Douglas and Kymar::



:: Finally stands up to help with the drunk::



@Adm: Have I ever said no? ::smiles::



::Looks st the doctor:: CMO: How do you wanna deal with this sir?



@Adm: Sir..what's going on here?



XO: Aye Ma´am



NAV: You... c'mere. ::waves him over to the spare seat::



<Creman Roscoe>

::looks between the CMO and TAC:: CMO/TAC: Wha? The whole ship is the party, doc! They're splittin' us up, sending us on our sep... separate ways, 'cause we're too badass...



::Smirks a little, before cough as a distraction:: Roscoe: That may be the case, but not on the bridge.



:: Walks over to XO:: XO: Aye Ma´am ?



@::quietly pours a pair of glasses, sliding one over to Rome; before speaking, he produces a small device from his pocket and activates it, and Rome's combadge gives a chirp as it deactivates::



CMO: ....I could literally throw him in the drunk tank if you need...



::outwardly puts on a grin, grabbing Roscoe gently but firmly by the upper arm and casually steering him back into the turbolift:: Roscoe: You can tell me all about it at the real party, Crewman. ::throws Douglas a brief smile:: TAC: No need for that, Ensign. Just a little merrymaking.



@::looks down at his combadge, then grabs the glass and takes a sip::



Self: Isn't there a hypospray to quiet him down? Sober him up ::Murmers as his raucousness is distracting her from her report::



NAV: While we wait to be called for... whatever is going to happen... ::smiles:: NAV: I've been going through department reports. I notice Navigation is missing some logs, Cadet.



<Crewman Roscoe>

::pats Soule on the chest a few more times than he needs to before moving along with the Doctor:: TAC: I love you, man... I'll see ya on the flipside! ::waves enthusiastically at the bridge crew::



CMO: I know sir. I guess I'm just used to drinking in all the wrong places.... Anything I can help you with anyway sir?



::looks over to the command circle:: XO: I guess that's a good example of current crew morale, and not in a positive way.



XO: Aye Ma´am...


ACTION: The Hyperion receives a comm from DS9.



::turns and faces out onto the bridge, rolling his eyes:: Turbolift: Sickbay.



::Waves back at the sozzled officer:: Roscoe: Later.



@::turns his glass briefly in thought:: CO: I tried to access the intelligence information from the station wreckage. My codes were denied.



::keeps a hold of the crewman with a smile:: Roscoe: I take it you were drinking something a little stronger than Synthol, so let's get you a mixer to go with that, huh?



::looks at NAV seriously:: NAV: I like you, Gunn. You're a damn fine pilot. But if you want that first pip, we need to see some paperwork.



@Adm: My sources also...seemed to have dried up....and with Captain Suder's passing...No one's telling me anything, sir.



:: Looks down at this feet:: XO: Aye Ma´am



<Roscoe>::pats the doctor's hand lovingly:: CMO: You're a ::hic:: you're a real pal, you know that?



XO: But Ma´am, I feel good as a Cadet.



All: Shall I grab the comm?



::pats NAV on the shoulder:: NAV: It happens to the best of us, Thor. You need a hand, have any questions, you let me know, all right?



::Notices a flashing light, and responds:: XO: A comm from DS9 Commander



::looks up:: CTO: On screen... ::shrugs, and waves NAV back to his post::



::Puts the communication on screen::



::takes a sip of his scotch:: CO: My codes being denied is a problem. The only level of access above mine is the C-in-C's; if he's the only one seeing the information, that means it's critical.



:: Goes back to his post hoping that this was the last of that conversation::



@::takes another sip of the scotch, enjoying the warm finish::



@ADM: Not sure what I can do, sir. I've tried, my only connection to Intel just passed away.



<Capt_Winters>::appears on screen:: *XO*: Commander Danann. Meet me at the promenade replimat in five minutes. ::the comm cuts::



::laughs softly, guiding the Crewman out of the Turbolift and into Sickbay:: Roscoe: Oh, I'm just the best. Here, take a seat, I'm going to get you a nice chemical cocktail that'll make you feel great. ::gives Rousseau a smile as he helps Roscoe up onto the biobed, then pulls over the medication cart and begins mixing something up::




::sits on the biobed and promptly falls over::



::smiles at CMO... and tries to keep the drunk guy from falling off of the biobed::



@CO: The intelligence reports are just the start. Thanks to a friend who's handy with the sort of thing... ::he nods to the doors:: ... I now know my personal terminal is being monitored.


::loads the hypospray with a combination sedative, analgesic and anti-inebrient, turning around just as Roscoe takes a tumble onto his side:: Roscoe: Well, at least I don't have to ask you to lie down...::press the hypo to the man's neck and injects it, smiling reassuringly all the while::



MED: Get his feet up onto the bed, he'll want a couple of hours to sleep it off.



@::takes a deep breath:: Adm: SFI?



::opens her mouth to reply, but finds the comm cut before she can utter a sound:: ALL: Oookay... ::turns:: ALL: OK, attention, everyone. I think it's safe to say that these interviews are coming out of the blue. All of us, doubtless, have our theories, but I expect anyone called to tell the truth as they see it, no matter who they may suspect is being investigated. Lying to save a



crewmate who has committed an infraction is not acceptable on this ship. Am I understood?



<Roscoe>::sings slurringly:: All: Therrrrrrre once was a ship called Hyperioooon, that kicked a green laaaadyyyy's butt...



::Looks over at Danann:: XO: Understood Commander. We have nothing to hide.


::puts the crewman's feet up on the biobed while at the same time having him lay back on the biobed so he can't roll off.::



::Looks at the commander and sighs lightly, knowing that nugget all to well already:: XO: Yes ma'am.



CTO: Glad to hear it. ::tries to smile confidently:: CTO: You have the bridge. ::walks up to the turbolift and steps inside::



::pats the man on the shoulder with a sigh, letting the facade drop as he turns away:: MED: Find out who his duty manager is an notify them, he was on the bridge, inebriated.



:: Looks at XO:: Understood Commander. :: Looks down at his console::



@::shakes his head:: CO: It would be a significant breach of protocol if it was. ::Taps his glass lightly on his desk:: I have a suspicion. There are few Captains under my purview I trust enough to share them with. You're one of them.



::Reroutes Tactical to the command console, and takes a seat in the Big Chair, tm::


::As the commander passes him:: XO: You'll be fine commander.



TL: Docking ring... ::straightens her uniform and fixes her curling hair as the TL starts its journey::



@Adm: Of course sir.



CMO: Interesting.. I'll see what I can do ::starts going through the personnel files for his manager::



@Adm: You can trust me.



<Roscoe>::smiles at Rousseau:: MED: She tried to kill us, with a giant-ass gun, but we stuck it toooo the slut... ::starts to tear up::



@ ::leaves Hyperion and trots at speed towards the Promenade::



@::taps his glass in thought, hesitating a moment:: CO: I'm breaking a lot of protocols saying this, Captain... but I believe Section 31 is behind it. And several other things.



::chuckles bitterly, patting Roscoe on the shoulder:: Roscoe: Don't forget all of the other people that we killed, Crewman. Go to sleep.



::pats the drunk guy on the shoulder and gives him a blanket, trying not to roll her eyes at him:: Roscoe: Yes, yes we did...



@::nods:: Adm: Dixon?



::grabs a bucket and some anti-nausea meds in case they're needed...::




MED: But we did too good. We fought too hard, and... ::sobs lightly in his drunkenness:: Now they're splitting us up...



Roscoe: No one's been split up yet.. ::tries to sound reassuring::



@ ::skids onto the Promenade, swirls past a Bajoran selling some sort of desserts on sticks, and bombs into the Replomat.::



:: Starts to run full system diagnostics on the Navigation system, just to keep his mind on somehting::



::leaves the patient in Rousseau's capable hands:: MED: I'll be on the bridge, Ensign. Let me know if anything happens down here. ::steps out of Sickbay, making his way back up the turbolift::



@::shrugs some:: CO: Maybe. Maybe not. Whoever it is, I don't like it. I'm not as convinced of S31's necessity as my peers.



@ ::looks around for Winters, catching her breath::



@Adm: I just have a problem with their personnel myself.




@::sits at a small table, skimming a padd, before looking up:: XO: Ah, Commander. Please, have a seat.



::Still irritable, he ninja's a PADD from his pocket, stealthily reading passages on the Hyperion's phaser banks, hoping to sneakily workout some improvements whilst guarding the door::



@ Winters: Just try and stop me... ::tries to steady her breathing, but is pretty sure her hearts not just beating fast because of the run. Sits down opposite Captain Winters:: Winters: Hello, sir.



::steps off the Turbolift, walking past Douglas to take his customary place at the railing, once more drumming his fingers::



@::nods some:: CO: I know you do. That's why I chose you over Anders and Harris. ::finishes his glass:: Whatever farce this personnel review, I'll be sure to block it. Once Winters is done with his witch hunt, I'm going to have need of you.



CMO: Will do, Commander..



::Notices the doctor, quickly hiding the PADD:: CMO: Hope he wasn't too much trouble doc?




::sniffles and mumbles as the sedatives slowly take effect::



@Adm: Anything you need Admiral, the Hyperion is at your service.



TAC: No trouble at all. He's sleeping it off for a few hours.




::gives a bemused smile:: XO: Can I get you something, Commander? Some water, perhaps?



::Nods:: CMO: At least he didn't throw up on the bridge.



::grins briefly:: TAC: True, I'm sure you wouldn't have enjoyed cleaning that up.



::Continues to work, occasionally cross referencing some data::



@ Winters: Thank you, sir. I'm fine. ::settles on her chair:: Winters: What can I do for you, Captain? I have to admit this interview... I don't have am iota what it's actually about.



@::nods and picks up a small box off the floor, opening it and producing an odd artifact; a pad of paper, and a pen:: CO: I'm going to write down a set of coordinates. Once Winters is finished, you're to head there, and await further orders. Understood?






CMO: Ah, I'm too busy guarding though, sir.



CMO: I have specific orders to stand by this door until the great heat death of the universe.



@Adm: Yes sir. I'll make sure these stay out of the official reports.....do you have any idea when Winters will be done with his....whatever this is ?



<Winters>@::strokes his chin lightly before giving a dismissive shake of his head:: XO: Nothing too serious. I know I worded it sternly in the communique, but really, I'm just interested in the crew's mental state. The past few months have been particularly difficult for the crew, I would imagine.



@ ::blinks, unsure:: Winters: I imagine you *would* imagine that.



@::frowns some:: CO: I can't say for sure, but I don't imagine it'll be more than a couple days.



@::nods and finishes his scotch::



<Winters>@::laughs heartily, the laugh slowly turning into a cackle as he wipes his eyes:: XO: Oh, outstanding, Commander... Alright, let's begin. ::scrolls on the padd:: How many ships have you served on, Commander Danann?



@Adm: Admiral...how much of this can I share with my first officer?



@ ::raises her eyebrows in surprise:: Winters: Quite a few... Before the Hyperion I was stationed on the Hamburg, before that the Bremen, before that the Hamburg, the Lovelace, The Hamburg, the Morrigan... The Hamburg... You have my record there, I assume?



@::tears off the paper, holding it out to Rome, but hanging onto it:: CO: If you take this mission, I can't vouch for the safety of you or your crew. We're defying Starfleet Command, here. You understand what that means?



@::accepts the piece of paper:: Adm: I do sir, and I know my people will too.



<Winters>@XO: I do. You've also served on the Ironclad, the Outlook, the Tanner Cove, the Tharawal, the Merino... this list goes on. ::frowns some:: Why so many different postings?



@::lets him take it:: CO: Let's hope we're successful, or else we'll all be out of a job. And probably in prison.






:: Notices some inconsistencies in the Navigation system and starts making repairs::



@::pours a swallow of scotch in both their glasses before raising his:: CO: Once more into the breach...



@ Winters: I'm a swiss-army knife, sir. I am stationed where I'm needed. Sometimes, a ship needs a replacement XO when one steps down suddenly, like the Bremen, other times, a ship's XO is losing control of his crew and needs guidance, support and a means to show the crew things could be worse under a different Commander, like the Tharawal ::smiles:: Winters: I got to play bad cop.



@::raises to toast:



there... other ships were training missions with newly graduated cadets, like the Merino. Nice soft mission, that was. ::smirks at her own joke:: Winters: Hyperion is my second permannent placement as XO. Hamburg was the first.



::makes the rounds, checking on drunk guy's biosigns ::




XO: Swiss army knife... an interesting analogy. Tell me, Commander; do you think you're good at your job?



@::downs the scotch:: CO: Good luck, Captain... and watch your back.



@ ::begins to answer, then pauses:: Winters: I should hope so. My various Captains would undoubtedly vouch for me... Captain Winters, am I being accused of something here?



::Looks around the bridge, checking she isn't needed, before continuing with her work::



@::empties the glass:: Adm: You too sir. Be careful.




@::smirks:: XO: Should you be, Commander?



::Gets a chill up his spine, as if someone just stepped over his grave:




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