echo $ship['ship_nameprefix'], " ", $ship['ship_name'] ?> - echo $tran['transcript_date'] ?>, Mission # echo $tran['mission_num'] ?>
"The Second"
USS Bremen - Stardate 11412.11 - Mission # 38
The Second, Part 7.
The crew of the “Vergh'mej” have “landed” on Tau Ceti Beta, an L-class planet with an Oxygen/Argon atmosphere that contains poisonous particles, and a marginally hostile environment. The ship is looking the worse for wear. With energy systems strained, a hull breech on Deck 4, multiple systems damaged and an Engineer with a mighty hole in his shoulder... things are not looking rosy.
::adjusts the phaser holster on his belt as he stands on the bridge, surveying the view on the screen::
<delete last>
::reaches up to check the dressing on his shoulder::
::Tries to find a working console and haul up the scanner readings of the attack::
::busying himself collecting hyposprays and notices Adalberto waking up::
SCENE: The view on the screen shows a barren, grumpy looking rocky landscape, somewhat dusty and dishevelled since the Vergh'mej crashed into it.
::looks over as Tomesu turns over:: MED: What's up, Doc ?
::walks over:: CEO: Nice to see you awake after trying to take matters into your own hands, Commander.
::sitting is preferable to just about anything while she prods at communications, trying to coax some form of electric life out of it. less movement means less dizzy. slightly...slightly less.::
Self: Not exactly a welcoming landscape. ::glances over at the conn:: CSO: Any luck getting a distress signal out?
::injects Adalberto::
::grimaces as he tries to sit up but feels the pain subside as Tomesu injects him:: MED: Oh you know us Engineers...
::Smiles to herself as she successfully gets the data. and begins her analysis::
CEO: Yes, I do. I will give you just one order.
::raises an eyebrow:: MED: Really, Ensign ? I'm all ears.
::taps his comm badge:: *CEO*: Griffiths to Engineering, report.
::Moves out from underneath a console he was trying to power up and notices he's right next to Jameson:: AUX: Oh, hi there.. sorry ::twists around to stand up:: ...bit cramped down here..
CEO: The MINUTE you start to feel things get really sore, or should you see any bleeding from that wound, you get back in here immediately.
::looks over at his commbadge on the bedrest and grabs it::
::shakes head, then thinks better of it with a short groan:: CO: Nothing, sir. Not a thing. ::hm, but her trusty old science console's still got some life left in it. which we go...moving::
CEO: I mean it. Or else I'll inject you with something that will MAKE you wish you had.
::injects CEO with tri-ox::
MED: Sure thing Doc...I'm not doing that again. ::taps the badge then grins at Tomesu:: MED: I belive you kiddo.
CSO: Keep working at it, Lieutenant. Give it another half an hour, if it doesn't look good then maybe we can see about manually launching a comms buoy.
::Steps over to one side, but only enough so she can continue using the console:: TAC: That give you enough wiggle room?
*CO*: Tony here Cap'n. I was just getting the Doc's blessing, heading back to work now...I'll have that report in 15 minutes sir.
::scratches idly at his arm, nodding to himself:: *CEO*: Make it 10, Tony. We're counting down the minutes.
::makes sure that everyone in sickbay has been treated, secured and inoculated, then makes his way out of sickbay::
CEO: Commander?
::sits up and swings his legs over the side, looking around for his uniform this time around:: *CO*: Yes sir. ::closes the comm::
CO: Maybe I can--whoa--transfer power...or see if maybe there's some sort of operating communications system around here? If there's a planetary defence system, who knows what else might be here. ::she reaches for her console, misses the first time or two, but eventually slides into that seat::
CEO: Get us out of here. Not quite an order, but a really strong request. ::grins a little::
::Uses the console to lift himself up:: AUX: Yeah, that'll do fine ::coughs:: Thanks. Once this console lights up, we should get access to the tactical sensor logs, too.
::Holds in a small snigger at the elegance being shown by shHruvek::
MED: I will Doc. ::reaches for his pants and slides them on:: I promise.
MED: I maybe jumped the gun a bit there.....I promise not to let us suffocate here, how's that?
::Beams a little at Harlan:: TAC: That would be useful.
::puts his boots on and carefully drapes his jacket over his shoulder then heads for the exit::
::steps down from his chair and walks over to the science console with sh'Hruvek, lowering his voice slightly:: CSO: Everyone okay there, Lieutenant?
CEO: That'll do. For now. Go. ::makes his way to the bridge and leaves Adalberto to get himself sorted::
MED: Yes sir!
::heads for the Engineering section:: *ENG*: Mac, report!
::fires up some scans before doing anything else, starts at the captain being there:: CO: Oh! Oh. Ah, I' fine. Just...injuries. That's all...
CO: Captain, i've done a quick analysis on the weaponry used to fell us, and it appears to be evolved from very early federation phaser technology. Which implies that the source tech could be from the original settlers in this area
::enters the bridge and starts to inject the crew::
AUX: Oh, here we go.. ::Sees the panel light up, displaying it's very Klingon vocabulary, cracks his knuckles and starts typing:: Self: O..kay.. sensors online, let's see...
::nods, giving her a reassuring pat on the shoulder before turning to Jameson and walking in that direction:: AUX: That technology would have to be several hundred years old, they must be getting their upgrades from somewhere if they cut through us that easily.
CO: Unless it evolved from their knowledge? Their experiences?
*CEO*: You're up! ::sounds happy:: *CEO*: Hurray! ::grins to herself as she climbs out of a tight space covered in what she hopes is grease:: *CEO*: Deck Four is still totally busted, that forcefield is barely holding, sir. We're trying to find some way to get more power to essential systems right now.
CO: Do we have to assume that someone else had to be involved?
AUX: Unless they're a colony ship full of Khans, I'd still expect the might of the Klingon empire to outpace anything they'd cook up technologically.
::approaches CSO and injects her:: CSO: How are you holding up?
CO: Captain, I have tactical sensors showing the source of the attack at only 3 kilometres away from outr current position! ::Taps some more:: Hold on, there's more..
*ENG*: I actually have an idea for me in deflector control.
TAC: More, Chief?
TAC: Sounds like an opportunity for an away team, if we can find the environmental resources
CO: If we're to assume this place has been getting regular upgrades, they could get regular visitors. ::frowns at the injection:: MED: I'm alive. Seems good enough for now.
CO: There is, or rather was, a second one. 7 to 8 klicks north. This one looks damaged.
::taps his badge once more:: *TAC*: Chief Harlan, if you're not needed on the Bridge I could use your hands at the Power station on the Bridge.
Self: Of course we run into the one that's *working*...
TAC: Are they just weapon installations, outposts, cities?
CSO: Agreed. But I was referring to the antenna.
::Gives a cynical smile to shHruvek:: CSO: Of course, we are the crew of the Bremen, when is it ever easy?
CO: So far, I'm only getting weapons signatures. Active and residual. Not much else on sensors there...
::winces as a pain shoots up his shoulder and checks for blood under his jacket, finding none::
::sighs softly, scratching his chin with one hand:: TAC: Cloaked weapons platforms, with significant firepower. This is just getting us more questions.
*CEO*: On my way! ::wipes her face on her sleeve, and trots out of Engineering.
*CEO*: Alright, commander. I just got the TAC sensors working, so I'll join you as soon as I'm done checking the area!
::steps into deflector control, surprised to see it more or less intact after the crash::
::brusquely:: MED: Getting used to it.
CO: A cloaking device does suggest Klingon or Romulan involvement
ACTION: An alarm comes to life and starts beeping on an OPS console, indicating a new breach in the hull on Deck 2. The outside atmosphere is leaking into that section.
*TAC*: Thanks, Chief. Tony out.
AUX: Agreed. There's definitely more to this than meets the eye.
AUX: If it was Klingon tech, I don't think they'd want to fire on their own ships. ::looks over at OPS console in alarm::
::pulls a lever and a large piece of the bulkhead slides out, revealing lots of ancient controls and blinking diodes::
CSO: Good. Come see me when we're out of this. I might be able to help. ::pats her shoulder and moves on::
::Frowns:: CO: I do seem to get that same power fluctuation again, the one we got on scanners before we got fired at...
::skids into Deflector control::
::glances around and steps over to the OPS console:: TAC: Get down to deflector control and help Tony, we're going to need shields pretty soon.
CSO: Just because it could be related to their tech, doesn't mean it's Klingon's controlling it....
::looks over at Mac and smiles:: ENG: See that console over there? Pull it apart to reveal the field harmonic matrix.
CO: Do we have the equipment to put together an away team in that atmosphere?
::taps his badge:: *MED*: Doctor Tomesu, come in.
*CEO* Tomesu here.
CO: i think we need to get to one of those weapons platforms
CO: I think it would be best to try and launch a buoy now rather than wait. I agree with Jameson that taking a hike might be in our best interests...and everyone else here can work on keeping the good air in and the bad air out.
CEO: ON it! ::gets to work on dismantling the console:: CEO: How's the, er... shoulder.. area...?
CSO/AUX: Taking a hike on a hostile planet towards an unknown enemy isn't a smart idea, however you paint it.
*MED*: Doc, if you have the time I need you at Environmental controls. I need you to start pumping as much oxygen out into the outer layers of the ship when I say.
::Looks over at the CSO, raising her eyebrows at her in invitation, assuming the Captain agrees::
::looks over at Mac:: ENG: Trying not to think about it.
CO: Alright, on it. best keep an eye on those fluctuations.. ::nods at the console and steps away::
*CEO* Acknowledged. ::starts to look around the bridge for the console:: CSO: Er, where's the environmental console?
ACTION: Several crew members enter Sickbay, coughing and spluttering, one with a nasty rash to his face and neck.
::finds the small console behind the wires and starts bringing up the deflector control node::
::gives the Chief a nod and moves over to his place at Tactical, checking on the readings and the fluctuations, trying to make some sense from them::
::points to one of the consoles on the far side of the bridge:: MED: I think over there? My Klingon is rusty.
ENG: You have it?
CO: Then we need to find another way. We need to know who it is that is controlling the mix of technologies. If we were in different circumstances, I would flag them as renegades
CSO: Got it. Thanks. ::makes his way to the console and tries to find his way round it.
AUX: Normally I'd agree with you, Commander. But right now my first priority is getting everyone out of here alive, we don't have time for sociological mysteries.
::Squeezes past Jameson towards the ladder down:: AUX: Sorry.. just passing through.. ::Starts down the ladder towards deflector control::
*CEO* Tomesu to Adalberto.
*MED*: Go for Tony. ::rummages through wires, pulling away insulation::
::Takes a moment to wonder if Harlan was getting close on purpose, or suggesting that she had gained some weight...::
::gets the update from sickbay with a sigh, then taps his comm badge:: *CEO*: Griffiths to Adalberto. Tony, where's that report? We've got atmosphere leaking into the ship already, how long until the shield is in place?
*CEO* I think I've got it. Just let me know when.
::mumbles soemthing, grabs hold of the part and yanks:: CEO: Got it!
CO: I can't help but be curious about who and why we were shot down. I don't want the injury and illness caused be for no reason
::motions for her to hand it over:: *CO*: Cap'n, you will have to wait. Just know I have a plan and there's no time to waste.
::gives a helpless shrug in AUX's direction. captain's got a point...and running around recklessly against orders is what stripped her of her position in the first place::
ENG: Mac, get to Engineering. I need to to redirect all power from the SIF and IDF to deflector control on my say.
::her scans give an insistent beep, and she turns back to the console to check it out::
::glances around and lowers his voice:: AUX: Commander, we are in danger right here and now. I won't feel any happier knowing who shot us down as I die, so I'd rather put that energy towards making sure I do. Understood?
<making sure I don't>
::Steps in to the deflector bay:: CEO: Alright, where do you need me?
CO: Sir... ::leans in closer to the console, squinting:: CO: ...Sir! I've got something that might change your mind...
::hands over the contraption:: CEO: OK...
::feels the warmth of blood running down his chest and stomach and sighs as he checks to see a small pool of blood, but nothing serious:: *CO*: Honestly sir, my first priority is stopping us from suffocating.
CSO: Unless it's a portable CO2 scrubber and enough hull plating to patch up the ship, I doubt that. What is it, Lieutenant?
::Looks over at Griffiths, taking a moment before answering:: CO: Yes....Captain.
CO: I wasn't getting any biosigns from orbit, and what I'm getting now is still...sketchy. I think scans are being deflected. But when they're not, I'm getting a reading. Biosigns. Humanoid. A *lot* of them, it looks like.
::grabs the device and starts hooking it into the primary control node, bypassing the ruined connections::
CSO: So we have a lot of hostiles to contend with? That doesn't make me feel any more confident.
::looks at CEO work, frowning:: CEO: Wanna let me in on the big plan, Chief? ::smiles at TAC as he enters Deflector Control::
::Starts working on internal sensor scans, trying to pinpoint any areas that potentially may break soon, to know where the next danger areas are, and initiating evacuation of them::
::looks up at Mac:: ENG: The Big Chief wanted a bubble, he's getting one.
::plugs the device in and brings it online:: TAC: Chief, over here.
ENG: Go.
CO: There isn't any reason to believe they're hostile toward *us*. ::adjusts her scans accordingly:: CO: If there are at least two weapons platforms that they're situated between, and most scans are deflected, then it seems like they're hiding. That they want to be left alone. They must at least have *air* there.
CEO: You got it. ::smiles at CEO, nods to TAC and trots out::
CSO: I don't know if you remember those same people shooting us out of the sky not two hours gone, Lieutenant, but it's quite fresh in my mind.
::Nods back at Mac, then sees Adalberto's head pop up and steps over there:: CEO: Any luck?
CSO: They might have air there, but we don't have the tactical manpower to stage an assault on an overwhelming force even if I would consider that an option.
TAC: Chief, I hurt my shoulder golfing. Can you crawl under here and start bypassing the main command nodes, I want manual control of the deflector control. In the meanwhile, I will start programming a new distribution pattern....we don't have much time.
::huffs a sigh:: CO: At least I'm not detecting any weapons on them from here.
::doesn't want to say anything prematurely about maybe finding that lost colony. bad timing.::
::Looks at her console, up at the ceiling, and then at the console again:: CO: Captain, we need to evacuate the bridge
CO: There is a huge stress line immediately above us. Breech will be imminent...
::taps his badge:: *Bridge*: Bridge, this is Tony. We're almost ready to boost power and pattern cohesion down here...I'm bringing the navigational deflector in close, around 2 meters out from the hull. With the right modification, we will be able to block most of the particles out there. Is the Doc ready?
::glances over with a frown:: AUX: The bridge? We didn't pick anything up on damage control sensors. How close is imminent?
::taps at the console, boosting pattern cohesion::
::taps his comm badge:: *CEO*: Whatever you're going to do, Tony, now is the time.
*CEO* Ready here, Commander.
::Notices the growing patch of deep red on Tony's shirt and nods at it:: CEO: So I see.. ::Gets down on the floor on his back and crawls until he can reach the nodes:: On it..
CO: It's a dangerously large stress-line, taking in much of the roof of the bridge. So I say we need to go now. It doesn't look good
*Bridge*: We need 2 minutes.
TAC: I hate to push Chief, but....I'm pushing.
::mutters something under his breath and putting everyone back on disciplinary:: All: Alright, everyone out. Make your way to main engineering, we'll control the ship from down there.
AUX: Start rerouting controls from the bridge down to ME. ::using the Tactical console to begin the process::
::As he is switching the nodes in their sockets:: CEO: ::strains:: there!
::Reroutes her own console to ME, making sure she quickly reviews the route to ME::
::sees lights coming on beneath the open console:: TAC: Well done!
::brings the navigational deflector online::
::stands down from the environmental console and waits for the rest of the bridge crew to be ready::
::Heads towards the exit of the bridge, resisting clicking her tongue to chivvy people along::
*MED*: Doctor, if we have a seal, punch it.
*CEO* We've been ordered off the bridge, sir. We're en route to main engineering.
::reroutes and stands--ugh. makes her uneasy way out of the bridge, trailing a hand along consoles and walls when she can::
ACTION: A loud "whomph!" noise engulfs the Vergh'mej as the CEO's deflector shield comes on line beautifully.
::waits for everyone to go before shunting the last console down, then makes his way off the bridge, locking and securing the door before he leaves::
::looks up:: *MED*: What?? I just thinned the atmosphere considerably!
Self: YES!
::high fives Harlan with his good hand::
*CEO* Take it up with the Captain and Commander Jameson, sir.
::Leaves just before Griffiths, but ensuring he is behind her::
*ENG*: Engineering, do we have stable power?
::Gets high-fived as he crawls back to his feet:: CEO: Brilliant stuff.
*CEO*: Chief, I'd not consider this Starfleet-standard "stable", but we're looking good considering!
::follows the rest of the crew::
*MED*: Well hurry up! We need oxygen and fast.
*ENG*: That's good enough for me. Start diagnostics on the warp core and start bringing it back online.
*CEO* Acknowledged.
::Heads towards the location of ME in silence::
::falls back against a bulkhead and takes a deep breath:: TAC: I think I might need some help getting back down there.
*CEO*: On it!
::Grabs Tony's good arm and hoists him up:: CEO: No shit.. you're dripping all over the place. ::strains to move:: Let's go..
::takes a seat in Engineering and plucks off his comm badge, opening it up with one of the small electronics tools and begins modifying the subspace transceiver for a lower frequency transmission to get a distress signal out to the neighbouring planets::
::walks with Harlan:: TAC: It's all the awesome spilling over.
::makes his way to what appears to be the environmental console::
::Enters ME, and finds an unused working station, and continues reviewing where the ship is at it's weakest::
ACTION: The deflector shield is doing a wonderful job. Bravo crew!
*CEO* We're here.
*MED*: Alright Doc, use whatever battery power we have to boost oxygen output and bring the scrubbers online. It's getting pretty thin up here.
*CEO*: On it. ::boost oxygen output, then starts the scrubbers::
ACTION: The crew start to feel a little dizzy from the thinning oxygen and accumulating CO2. For CSO, this means she's a little dizzier, of course.
CEO: In my day, medics used to burn such wounds shut.. ::keeps moving through the corridor connecting both sections::
TAC: Engineers still do.
::places the completed beacon on the console, scrubbing the sweat from his face before pulling out his tricorder and setting up a rotating subspace carrier message to channel through his makeshift beacon, setting it to repeat the standard distress signal::
::Shakes her head to try and clear it, and get on with the analysis::
CEO: Then, maybe you should.. ::nods at the thin trail of blood Adalberto is leaving behind:: Almost.. ::strains:: there!
ACTION: CO's beacon chirps flatly at him, and fails to transmit more than a 1 km into the atmosphere.
::"steps" into Engineering with Harlan supporting him:: TAC: That or let the Doc finish what he started.
::lays head down in her arms where she's sat focusing on breathing for a moment.:: CO: If you get the distress beacon working, there's a good chance our not-friends are going to hear it, too. And they can probably get here faster. ::she doesn't say it like that's a good thing. since he won't see it that way.::
MED: Doc.
::Notices himself having to take deeper breaths:: MED: Doc, more meat..
::makes his way over to a vacant seat::
::Can sense the small amount of pleasure in the idea from shHruvek, and leans over to gently put her hand on her shoulder:: CSO: What can i do to help?
::takes one look at Adalberto and blanches:: Self: Shit. TAC: Thanks, Chief. CEO: What did I tell you?
ACTION: The scrubbers and O2 set up by the doc help a little, but they are working with minimal energy due to the deflector shield's demands on the grid, so CO2 is still building, and O2 is still dropping, just more gradually, now.
MED: I was busy!
::quietly:: AUX: Spontaneously time travel back to when Dori talked to us about her findings and punch me in the face so I don't agree to it.
CEO: And I'm busy trying to think of ways to keep you alive. Let's hope neither of us fail.
::Murmurs back:: CSO: And we just go to the bar and order enough cocktails to make us regret it the next day
::looks over at the Captain:: CO: Captain, I secured the warp core before we went down, but we need to get a cold start going immediately if we want to keep the shield up.
TAC: Chief, help me get him stable here.
MED: Just cauterize the wound, I need to work.
AUX: It could be them. It could be them out there.
CEO: It's not my preferred option. But I don't think I have much choice. TAC: Get me a soldering iron.
ACTION: The sound of the bridge crashing in on itself is heard throughout the ship as a low rumble.
::Nods at Tomesu:: MED: On it! ::Looks around to find a tool box in the corner::
CSO: This is your fault, stumpy.
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