- , Mission #


USS Bremen - Stardate 1140710.09 - Mission # 29

Overhaul, Part 4. 

So, things are going even better for the Bremen crew than they already were, aren't they?

The Captain and his Away Team have made it over to the Bremen in EVA suits where they have discovered everyone in Main Engineering fast asleep, and under the influence of anaesthazine gas.

Meanwhile, back on the Defiant Class, USS Belligerent, Jameson and the remainder of the crew are dealing with the damage done to their transport, and the death of Captain Suder.


Self: Fuck! ::pulls his hand back, sucking on his thumb::

@::Frowns some, watching the Captain:: CO: Sir, is your suit malfunctioning?

::sat in sickbay, silently writing reports, trying desperately not to write THE report::

*Bridge*: Bridge, I've realigned the port shield generators. We should have the shield generators back online in half an hour.

@::taps his suit and glances around:: CTO: Nothing on the diagnostics HUD...

::looks at his burned thumb and sighs, at least he was keeping busy::

@::motions to the lights seemingly following the Captain:: CO: The ship seems to be reacting to your presence... ::pulls out his tricorder and scans the Captain::

*CEO* Acknowledged ::Looks down at the department status reports, trying to keep her mind occupied::

@::raises his hand, turning it over as te lights coalesce:: CTO: I don't feel anything. It's almost like plasma energy in the way it moves, but it's inert.

Two: Two, give me a report on the repair schedule in fifteen minutes.

ACTION: CO sees slight movement off to the side of Main Engineering.

@::moves over near the Captain, looking at the nearest console::

@::glances off to the side, bringing his rifle up suddenly, eyes glued to the area:: CTO: 8 o'clock, check it.

@::snaps his eyes to the area, holding his rifle at the ready as he investigates::

ACTION: Another alarm goes off in the Belligerent's Main Engineering.

::looks back at the MSD::

::Realises that she's been reading the same line over and over again::

@::sweeps carefully, scanning in infrared, but doesn't find anything:: CO: Clear... ::looks for the most likely route of retreat::

ACTION: NAV detects an eddy forming in the nebula ahead as the Belligerent begins to shake.

::feels the shake in sickbay, then returns to his reports::

::Feels the shaking::  All:  Anyone know the cause of this disturbing disturbance?

::starts brushing soot off her console before grabbing hold in case the shaking gets worse:: XO: Maybe we should get back out to open space?

*Bridge*: Bridge, what the hell is going on out there? I'm reading a huge power drain on the SIF!

@CTO: I swear I saw something. ::keeps his eyes open and slings his rifle onto his shoulder, grabbing the Tricorder instead and running a full spectrum analysis of the area::

::steps into Sickbay:: MED: Doc? ::looks around, holding on the the wall as the ship shakes, worried::

::Nods to shHruvek:: SCI: Agreed, if we can avoid the Bremen

::looks up from his reports::  TAC: What is it?

@::frowns some before returning to the powered console near the Captain, trying to access the environmental controls to clear the anesthazine::

::Hears Adalberto::  NAV: Take us out of the nebula immediately

XO: On it sir

*CEO* We are leaving the nebula.  Something in here is affecting our systems

::stands with hand on the wall:: MED: I don't know.. I hit my head when we were being attacked. I seemed OK, but... my eyesight is weakening rapidly, now... I- I don't know what's happening.

*XO*: The readings I'm getting....it's like we're close to a black hole! External pressure is rising!

ACTION: CO spots movement in the opposite direction

XO:how far out of the nebula should I go sir? If I go too far surely the Bremen will detect us

TAC: Let's get you on the biobed.  ::moves towards the biobed and motions for TAC to sit down::

*CEO* What can you do to help us away from it?

@::swings his head about again, tapping at the tricorder and pulling up the scans::

*XO*: Away from what? Gravimetric readings are showing nothing!

NAV: As far away as we need to avoid this black hole situation.  Just take us out of the nebula

*CEO*: I want us out of the nebula

*XO*: Then get your navigator on it, Commander! You have full power !

::walks to the table to get his tricorder and stops for a moment to steady himself, taking a deep breath::

*CEO* He's working on it

:: Types in the necessary instructions to take the ship out the nebula::

ACTION: CTO's work to remove the anaesthazine gas begins to show results. The sleeping crew start to stir a little.

::shunts all available power into the SIF:: *XO*: Commander, the outer hull is starting to show signs of strain.

@::mutters to himself, the Tricorder coming up clean. Instead, he steps over to the nearest crew member and runs his tricorder over the stirring form::

NAV: What's stopping us from leaving the nebula?  Why aren't we out yet?

::turns to see TAC on the biobed and drops his tricorder; all he can see on the biobed is Suder, skin burned horribly, holding out her hand desperately::

@::next tries to access the weapons systems to bring them offline::

::moves with MED to a biobed and feels her way into a seated position on it:: MED: I can't go blind. YOu ever heard of a blind tactical officer? My aim would be rubbish.

XO: I don't know sir. My console says we should be moving everything's been in-putted correctly I am sure

:: double checks the commands entered into the console and realises her mistake::

*CEO* Thomas says we are moving, what do your engines tell you?

NAV: Check again.

@::nods as he gets the medical readout:: CTO: It's working, Lieutenant. Nicely done.

::looks down at the engine output:: *XO*: Engines are at full power but we're not moving! Did she leave the brakes on?

XO: Found the mistake sir, won't happen again sir, but nothings happening and I'm sure I've fixed it

::Walks over and looks down at NAV's console::  *CEO* Doesn't appear so, just checked myself

::shakes his head in disbelief::

ives the console a sound THUMP, getting the flickering display to settle:: XO: I'm not detecting anything that should be stopping us...except the eddy. It's almost like we're getting pulled into the middle of it.

ACTION: CO disappears in a shimmer of blue.

::brings up the external sensors:: *XO*: There's an eddy of some sort in the vicinity....I have no idea what it's doing, but it's anchored us in place.......we can try erecting a warp bubble and engage a short warp burst?

::frowns:: MED: You there, doc?

@::looks up in time to see the Captain disappear:: Self: Shit...

SCI: Any ideas on freeing us from it?

@::blinks, seeing the blue haze, glancing around as he re-materialises somewhere entirely different:: Self: What th-

*CEO* Do it

::snaps out of it::  TAC: What?  Yes, of course, just give me a second.... ::scrabbles on the floor for his tricorder::

All: Everyone, I know we're nowhere ready....but prepare the ship for warp!

::starts bringing the warp core back to full power::

ACTION: CO appears in a café in Paris, a view of the Eiffel Tower in the distance. It's a warm, pleasant day.

@::narrows his eyes slightly:: Self: I remember this....Computer, pause program.

Bridge: Hold tight, if this works, it might get bumpy

::approaches the bed with his tricorder, hands trembling::  TAC: Right, let's take a look.  ::holds up the tricorder to take a reading::

::takes hold where she can::

::taps his commbadge:: *NAV*: Ensign Thomas, I'm slowly aligning the intermix chamber....we've had some damage so this needs to be a smooth ridge. On my mark, bring the ship to warp 1 for 3 seconds, that should take us well out of here.

ACTION: The scene continues to play out as before. A young lady in a beautiful silver dress is sitting at a small table by the window.

*CEO*: Ready when you need me to be

::looks up from his tricorder to see Suder again, her skin peeling from her burns, her eyes rolling in agony::

::shrieks briefly in terror::

@::tilts his head, a flash of memory coming back to him:: Woman: S...Sylvia?

MED: Hell's alive, doc! You're scaring me! ::looks around Sickbay blindly::

Self: Here goes nothing....::brings the warp core online, feeding all available power to the warp coils::

*NAV*: Go!

::grabs a hold of the console::

:: presses the engage button on the prellaid in course quickly pulling out of warp after 3seconds::

ACTION: The Belligerent blasts forward out of the eddy's grasp, screaming and whining and shuddering as she pops out of its gravity well like a cork from a bottle.

TAC: I - I'm sorry, I - I'll be....um....er......

::holds on as he feels the ship ready to tear itself apart:: Self: Fucking Defiants

@::pads forward slowly, tapping his comm badge as he goes:: *CTO*: Griffiths to Sumner, I'm in one of the holodecks. Keep working on getting control of the systems, I'm safe.

::Grabs hold of the back of NAV's chair as the ship flys forward::

@ ::glances over her shoulder and smiles at the CO::

::grabs a fire extinguisher and aims at it a small plasma fire erupting:: *XO*: Commander we're out, but we're not going anywhere for a while!

@::taps his combadge:: *CO*: Understood. ::tries to do so, but sighs as the console winks out, now that the Captain is gone; he goes off to find a power cell::

@::frowns, not sure what to make of the whole thing:: Silvia: How...how are you here?

::tries to settle himself again, and looks at the tricorder::

::looks up at the warp core, still and dark with steams of coolant running through the system:: Self: Mac....I'd need you right about now.

ACTION: The Belligerent has had it. Power levels are fluctuating, most main systems running on auxiliary power.

@ CO: I never left. ::smiles gently:: CO: Come, sit.

:: Begins to panic. As a Cadet almost fresh out of the academy situations like this are foreign to her and her fear is not as well hidden as she thought it was or could be::

::runs a hand through his hair, just staring at the warp core....completely blank::

TAC: Your retinas have become detached.  Your optic nerve has weakened.  You'll be fine.  ::smiles weakly::

XO: This would be a good time to be given the go-ahead to go back to our own ship. ::sighs::

*XO*: Bridge...I...I don't know what to do.

@::stands up straighter, walking over a little more confidently and taking a seat, watching her across the table carefully:: Silvia: Is it you controlling the ship? Why did you attack us?

::Gives shHruvek a look:: SCI: If today hadn't been such a bad day, I'd be giving you a long hard look right now.

::grabs the railing surrounding the warp core tightly, his head spinning from the lack of sleep, the vast amounts of liquor and shock....dammit Kesh::

*ALL* Prepare to return to the Bremen once I get the all clear from the Captain

@ ::looks at CO with her big, silver eyes:: CO: I didn't start this. I was attacked, you left me, I was alone...

MED: Oh... good?

*CO* Captain, Is the Bremen safe to return to.  The Belligerent is on her last legs

::lets go and sits down by the warp core, ignoring the pleading looks from the Belligerent's engineering crew::

@::tilts his head slightly:: Silvia: We never attacked you. We didn't even know you were still here, we thought that you'd perished months ago.

ACTION: XO's comm gets through to CO.

@ ::waves her hand, cutting the comm link:: 

TAC: I'm preparing the regenerator now.

@*XO*: Stand by, Command-::frowns and looks down at Silvia:: Silvia: Why did you do that?

@ CO: I don't like her.

@::hefts a power cell to one of the consoles and starts hooking it up::

::prepares the ocular regenerator::

::LLoks up at the blank screen. wondering why the comm didn't go through properly:: *CTO* Sumner, my comm with the Captain just got cut off.  What is happening over there?  We want to transport the Belligerent crew over

@::tries to suppress a smile:: Silvia: You seem to have all of the power here, Silvia. What is it that you want?

::starts to treat TAC::

@ CO: I want to stay here. I wasn't solid... but, it was pleasant. I found joy in watching you. ::tilts her head and looks at CO:: CO: This is more pleasant.

::just stares blankly ahead at the flickering consoles and the engineering crew running around fighting small emergencies::

ACTION: CTO's console comes to flickering life.

@Silvia: We spoke once about this. Your presence was causing problems, it hurt the people around you. ::gestures to the area around them:: Do you prefer this?

@::grunts and taps his combadge:: *XO*: Not completely sure what's going on; the Captain's been beamed to one of the holodecks, where I'm guessing he's meeting whoever's behind all this. ::taps at the console:: If there's still a hole in the shields, you can try beaming over; I've cleared the anaesthazine. Be warned, however, I haven't been able to deactivate the weapons systems.

@ CO: I hurt no-one. ::pouts,leans forward and reaches for CO's hand::

SCI: Scan the Bremen, see if we can still transport over

@::keeps his hands where they are:: Silvia: My crew are hurt. They need to come on board and you're not letting them. It's important to me - they are important to me and you're hurting them.

@::attempts to bypass the lockouts with his security code, assuming the Captain didn't change it::

CEO: Sir! My console won't stop moving!

::looks up at Five:: EO: What does it matter?

::taps at her fading console a few times:: XO: Appears to be safe to do so, ma'am.

ACTION: CTO's codes don't work.

SCI: Start transporting the crew over, non-essentials first

MED: Is the Cap' in here somewhere?

XO: Yes ma'am. ::starts the transport::

@::sighs:: Self: Fine... we'll do it the hard way... ::attempts to reroute the non-essential systems, trying to use up CPU power before setting up a cracking algorithm::

::takes a deep breath::  TAC: Not any more.

::Tries to key in a stabilizing script for a coolant conduit:: CEO: We're only trying to delay the inevitable, I know, but with all due respect, sitting on the floor won't help. ::frowns:: CEO: Sir.

@ CO: You hurt me. I have watched and let you make your choices, but then you left, and they arrived, and they tried to kill me. The tried to kill me, and all I wanted to do was watch. ::flicks her silver hair off her silver shoulder. Looks at CO with sad, silver eyes.::

@::shakes his head, refusing to let it get to him - and wondering where she learned the puppy-dog eyes:: Silvia: We didn't even know you were here. You hid, you spied on us, and if we hurt you it was because we didn't know you were watching.

::sighs and pulls himself to his feet:: EO: The mains are shot, the main dilithium matrix is fractured. We've lost containment....there's no way to feed power to the main systems. What do you suggest we do ?

::finishes the treatment::  TAC: You'll, er....you'll experience some blurring for a couple of days, but it's gone well.  Excuse me.  ::makes for the door at a very sharp pace::

::sits in silence:: MED: Doc? ::realises she's alone:: Self: Well, that's great... ::feels her way off the biobed and makes her way slowly in the direction she thinks the exit is::

CEO: Buy as much time as we can, I'd say. Keeping this coolant flowing might reduce our chances of being roasted before the core blows. I could use your steady hands here, sir! ::can't manage both holding the console and typing on it::

::stands in the corridor, panting in terror::

*XO* Sickbay to bridge.

::growls, and walks over to the stairway leading up to the next level and grabs his phaser from his belt and fires two short burst on both sides of a handle, cutting it lose, then walks over to the console and thrusts it between the console and the buckled frame::

@ CO: I have grown stronger. I was weak before. Fear made me fight and control. Now I have control. Now I can live, and survive and kill those who wish me harm. You do not wish me harm, Captain. Others may.

::holds the handle:: EO: What if we went the plasma relays, then fill it with coolant? Not like we're going to use them for much else.

ACTION: The oxygen level in Main Engineering drops dangerously low. The recovering crew all around CTO begin to gasp for air.

@::shakes his head:: Silvia: None of us wish you harm, Silvia. We never did, none of us, and we never would. We were sad when we thought you'd died, a lot of us missed you.

::Blinks, then gently touches a suddenly steady button:: Self: Okay then.. CEO: Sound valid, sir, let's try!

@ACTION: Silvia waves a hand and shows CO the scenes in Main Engineering:: CO: They mean me harm.

EO: We will need to manually align the feed. Let me.

@::sighs in frustration, killing the hacking attempt:: All: Alright, I get it! ::tries to restore the oxygen::

::Nods at the CEO and steps aside, checking a side console, which seems rather dead::

::runs for the broken stairway and pulls himself up for the second floor::

@Silvia: They are trying to save the people that you're hurting, because you want to hurt them. If you agree to let my crew back onboard I will ask them to stop.

ACTION: Oxygen levels return to normal in the Bremen's Main Engineering.

@ CO: I consent. But only because it was you who asked. ::smiles sweetly:: CO: Isn't it pleasant here?

::grabs a hydrospanner and applies the tool to the main coolant injector, trying to force the seal apart::

::blunders past MED in the corridor::

@Silvia: Paris is beautiful, yes....::watches her carefully:: Will you let me talk to my crew?

EO: Have you vented plasma?

@ CO: You have no need of them. I have much to learn from you.

@Silvia: I have need of them. They are my friends, my colleagues, and it would make me sad if that got hurt. It would hurt me.

::loosens the injector and starts work on the plasma feed::

::Hits the venting controls, hoping they're not jammed yet:: CEO: Just initiated, sir. I hope they're clear!

EO: You better hope. Last Engineer I know did this ended up with half his face burned off.

::Shakes her head, and replies to the comm:: *MED* This is Jameson

@ ::frowns, considering this:: CO: I do not wish you hurt.

::Swallows hard and eyes the little sparking parts of his console::

*XO* I was wondering.......if you're....um....looking for a medic.

::pulls the plasma relay out and sighs a breath of relief::

ACTION: Venting controls respond as expected, probably the only thing left on that blasted bucket that IS functioning correctly.

*MED* You are definitely coming over to the Bremen with us.  All the Belligerent crew are

@::offers her a touch of a smile:: Silvia: Help me to keep them safe. Let them come back onboard and be safe here, it would make me happy.

::grabs the plasma relay and forces it into the coolant injector, doing his best to seal it shut::

EO: We have a lock, go!

*XO* Aye, sir.  ::heaves a sigh of relief and leans against the wall, contemplating his future::

::Hits the flow control:: CEO: Aye sir!

::jumps back::


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