Profile Information
General Statistics
Cadet Demetrius
Sex: Male
Race: Trill
if (!empty($char['character_race_sec']))
/ echo $char['character_race_sec'] ?>
} ?>
Weight: 83 kg
Height: 188 cm
Age: 38 years old
Current Assignment
Transfer order SFR-02-0933-3440
Assigned to the echo $char_position ?> position onboard the echo $name['ship_nameprefix'] ?> echo $name['ship_name'] ?> on Stardate echo $char['last_join_date'] ?>
Physical Description:
Muscular Body, Short Brown Hair, Black Eyes, Tall, Athletic, Trill Spots Running Down Body
Family & Personal History:
Born on Trill, has 2 sisters, has a Mother and a Father, No Children, First in Family line to ever be joined, never married and no children.
Worked for a intelligence company before joining starfleet.
Educational History:
Went to Starfleet Academy at the age of 24, Favourite subject was studying the Borg. Also took courses in: Intelligence Analysis, Interrogation, Starfleet Protocol: Advanced, Electronics Operations: Communications, Electronics Operations: Security Systems, Electronics: Communications, Signal Intelligence: Collection & Jamming and Language: (specialty - any non-native language). Excelled at Borg studies and Starfleet Protocol: Advanced. Had trouble in Interrogation but fixed problems thanks to some help from a Romulan visitor.
Medical History:
Was once admitted for a back injury which resulted in replacement of some skin but healed quickly due to the advanced medical expertise. Other admittance was for just regular check ups.
Service Record
11610.17 - Assigned to the U.S.S. Hyperion as AUX