Profile Information
General Statistics
Ensign Y'rehl i'Torvan
Sex: Male
Race: Romulan
if (!empty($char['character_race_sec']))
/ echo $char['character_race_sec'] ?>
} ?>
Weight: 73 kg
Height: 185 cm
Age: 42 years old
Current Assignment
Transfer order SFR-02-0933-3440
Assigned to the echo $char_position ?> position onboard the echo $name['ship_nameprefix'] ?> echo $name['ship_name'] ?> on Stardate echo $char['last_join_date'] ?>
Physical Description:
Y'rehl has a lean, athletic build. His black hair is cut in the customary Romulan style, and he has the modeled brow ridges which much of his race possesses. He has black eyes and a ready smile, and always seems to be in motion.
Family & Personal History:
Y'rehl's past is something of a closed book, though he will readily tell anyone who asks that he has the background of a defector, and that his story is as any other's.
He is unmarried, and left behind parents and some extended family on Romulus.
Educational History:
Romulan Military Academy
Starfleet Academy; cum laude (Xenobiology specialty, Xenobotany focus)
Medical History:
Y'rehl has had corrective eye surgery, and has a weakness in the radius, ulna and carpal bones of his left arm due to an old injury not receiving proper treatment.
He has faint burn scarring on his neck, wrists, and ankles.
Service Record
11601.04 - Assigned to the U.S.S. Sentinel as MED
11604.25 - Promoted to Ensign for successfully graduating from Starfleet Academy