- , Mission #

"Grey Area"

Summary, Mission #13


The U.S.S. Sentinel is in orbit around a planet in the Chi Leonis system, having responded to the distress call of one Shan A'ran. They have located her downed ship and are preparing to mount a rescue operation, though some feel that despite the clement(ish) weather and general normality of the situation, something darker is afoot.


<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Resume Mission >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>



::Exits the Ready Room and steps onto the Bridge:: XO: What’s our situation?



::Stands:: CO: We're currently in orbit around a planet in the Chi Leonis system. We're responding to an automated distress call.



::sends off a message to Starfleet--yet another detour--while attempting to contact A'ran::



OPS: Any luck getting a hold of A'ran?



CO: No, sir; she cannot receive any message.  Transmit only, it seems.



Self: Naturally...



OPS: Lifesigns? Is she still down there?



::walks closer to OPS, pearing over his shoulder::



XO: Still reading her, ma'am. But we aren't going to be able to beam her up, I cannot get a lock.



XO: Looks like you're headed down there.



::Looks over:: CO: I'm thinking a shuttle down to get her.



CO/XO: Whichever you decide, please decide quickly. She might need medical assistance.



OPS: Is something blocking our transporters, or just the nature of the lifesign?



CO: There seems to be dense foliage around her and the ship that makes it difficult enough, and I do not have any specific signal from her to lock onto.



::starts fidgeting::



CO: We could beam down ourselves, but a shuttle would be safer, especially in getting back up.



XO: Looks like you're taking the shuttle then.



::Nods and starts moving towards the lift::



::moves after the XO and enters the Turbolift::



::She tells the computer where to go and pauses for a moment.:: CMO: What do you think of all this? I've always been suspicious of random recorded distress calls.


ACTION: The turbolift whooshes smoothly to life, speeding towards the nearest shuttlebay.



XO: It's a large galaxy, Commander. People seem to be everywhere. Until proven otherwise, I'd like to worry about that woman's life rather than a global conspiracy concerning distress calls.



::Shrugs:: CMO: Point taken.



::nods and buries his hands in his coat::


ACTION: The turbolift arrives unceremoniously and opens onto the shuttlebay.



::steps out and accepts a tricorder and a medkit from a nearby Ensign, but refusing the phaser::



::Steps out and move directly to the shuttle she intends to use.::



::steps into the shuttle and starts rummaging through the medkit::



OPS: Do we have any indication as to what caused the crash?



::idly runs some scans of the planet, and particularly the area surrounding the downed ship. might help the AT when they get there::



::seems satisfied witht he equipment and medicine and closes the kit before fastening his seatbelt:: XO: What are we waiting for ?



::Shakes her head and launches the shuttle::



CO: I don't think 'crash' is the right word, sir.  It looks plenty intact to me, but...I'm not entirely familiar with the design. Seems to match a non-aligned race, Feinis. ...Hm. ::frowns at his station::


ACTION: The shuttle glides effortlessly out through the open door, heading towards the coordinates on the planet.



OPS: Now that's a little odd, you saw it's intact. Can you tell how much of it is functional?



CO: Reading no power signatures.



::checks his tricorder, making sure to remove what looks like spider goo before turning the old model on, the light flickering for a second before it activates::



CO: ...Not reading a whole lot, actually. The engines do not appear to be fuelled.


ACTION: The shuttle enters the atmosphere, beginning it's slightly rough descent.



::Compensates for the rough conditions::



::turns off the device and returns it to his pocket, then grabs the supports::



CO: I realize we are already going to be as cautious as we can be, but we might want to be on the lookout for any Klingons around.  The Feinis appear to have some military pacts with them, and if her own people aren't looking for her, it could be that Klingons might.



OPS: Klingons? That's just what we need. Make some long range scans, lets be absolutely sure we're the only ones out here.



::Finds a spot 150 meters from the crash site and lands the shuttle there.::



@::unfastens his seatbelt and stands up:: XO: Anything on sensors?



@*CO*: Captain, we've landed and we're going to be checking out the crash site in a moment. We'll keep you updated. ::Looks over to see anything on the sensors.::



@CMO: We're all clear. We can pick up her distress call from here...just some low power readings. Probably from the ship itself.



::definitely looking out at long range:: CO: We could always enlist their help if we're not. Always nice to win some brownie points with Klingons.



@::activates the hatch and steps out::



@::Walks with the CMO::



@::watches the shuttle land from her position, hopping and clapping her hands delightedly at finally being off this miserable rock before hurriedly beginning to pack her meager goods::



@::flips open his tricorder and locks on to the signal:: XO: That way.



@::Nods and starts moving in the direction the CMO pointed::



@::looks around, taking a deep breath:: XO: Been a while since I breathed in unrecycled oxygen.



@::gets mixed up between darting from the ship and her stuff and standing on the 'path' leading to her camp, unable to keep the smile off her face:: Self: Someone came! Someone came, oh yes they did!



CO: Looks like it's just us out here, sir.



OPS: With any luck it will stay that way.



@CMO: Nice isn't it?



@::smiles:: XO: Very.



@::slings her knapsack over her shoulder and stands there waiting, hopping and bouncing from foot to foot::



@::clears his throat and looks down at the Tricorder in his left hand as the signal keeps getting stronger:: XO: Not far now.



@::Smiles back and keeps walking.::


ACTION: The away team enters the clearing to see a bouncing young woman, a landed ship already overgrown with vines and the scatterings of a camp sight.



@::squeals in one long, high-pitched noise and sprints towards Claire, leaping onto and wrapping herself around the Starfleet officer:: XO/CMO: You came you came you came you came you came!



@::Sees the ship with her own eyes:: CMO: She must've been here a long time...I don't think she needs medical attention though. ::Sees her bouncing::



<switch lines>



@::sees the humanoid female and takes a step back to avoid the hugging::



@::Stands there shocked:: Aran: I take it you're Shan Aran?



@::runs his scan up down, circling her:: Shan: You're fine.



@::hops off, rather lithely, looking to make like she's going to leap upon York next:: XO/CMO: I am now! I didn't even know if my transmitter was going to work! let's go let's go let's go!



@::closes his tricorder and puts a hand up:: Shan: No. hugging.



@::Suppresses a giggle::



@::looks at the ship:: Shran: Were you traveling alone...?



XO: How is everything looking down there Commander?



@::can't help but burst into giggles, nodding repeatedly:: CMO: Yes, yes I was. Just me, just this ship. Landed here, all alone. Made a transmitter with the spare parts!



@*CO*: Well, we found her alive and well. She's....a little overexcited from seeing us. She's been here a while.



@XO: See, no conspiracy.



@Shran: Come on then kid, your chariot awaits.



@::Shoots a glance at the CMO:: Aran: Just how did you come to end up here?



@::starts to pant heavily, swaying just a little, the grin still plastered to her face::



@::her eyes roll back into her head and she begins to sway further, tilting steadily forward and towards the floor::



@::takes a step closer and reaches out to grab her::



@::Rushes foward to catch her::



@::grabs his tricorder and scans her body as he lays her softly down into the grass::



@CMO: Let me guess.....we need to get her to sickbay?



@::reads from the screen:: XO: Malnutrition, some signs of unknown bacteria...but that might just be hers, I've never met her species before...::smiles and closes the tricorder:: Hyperventilation....she just got a little too excited.



@::Smiles:: CMO: Overexcited is right. Well, i'd be extatic if I was in her shoes.



@::reaches for a pack of ammonia inhalants from his kit and snaps one, bringing it close to her nose::



@::snorts and wakes up suddenly, bolting up so face she smacks her head with York's:: Self: Ohowwww! ::winces, grapping her forehead, but still doesn't stop grinning::



@XO: Come, grab her arm. Let's get her to the shuttle...she needs a nutritional supplement.



@::grabs his head:: Shan: Oww!



@::Instead of laughing, she lets out a short sigh and grabs her arm to help bring her back to the shuttle::


ACTION: The three of them stumble back to the shuttle, Shan babbling constantly between swaying and panting.



Shan: Save your energy...::and please shut up::



@CMO: Unknown bacteria...is it safe to bring her to the Sentinel?



@XO: It's harmless from what I can see.



@::leans in:: XO: Might give you indigestion, so no licking the patient.



@::breathes heavily but tries to control herself:: XO/CMO: Thank you...thank you.... ::takes the seat in the back, leaning her head against the cold bulkhead and resting her hands against it, sighing with a grin on her lips:: Self: Home...



@::Nods:: CMO: We'll get her to sickbay then till she's back on her feet. ::hears his comment and lets out a short laugh before launching the shuttle again.::



@::retrieves a small vial and inserts it into a hypo, then injects her in the shoulder:: Shan: There, a small immuno-shot. Let me know if you feel sick. ::smiles and pats her on the shoulder::



@XO: All ready here, Commander.



@::Nods and thinks for a moment:: CMO: If your staff isn't as competent as they should, you should probably tell them not to lick. Or do, it's your choice. ::Smiles and flies back to the Sentinel::


<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Pause Mission >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

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