- , Mission #

"Upgrades Complete"



The Sentinel continues to fight at Sigma Rho, overwhelming Tzenkethi forces holding their lines despite the beating they're taking to match the one they're giving out. More enemy reinforcements are on the way, and the station is almost evacuated - it's soon going to be time to decide what happens next and where this war takes them.


<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Resume Mission >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>



All: Status report!



CO: Sensors and deflector systems are still at full ma'am. I'm sorry the tachyon pulse didni work.



CO: Our forces are regrouping, and the Tzenkethi are tightening up. ::pauses for a moment:: Incoming from Griffiths, putting it up.



*CO: In Sickbay sir, hopefully will be released in a moment.  Shields are highly reinforced Ma'am.



CO: Captain, the Tzenkethi forces are going into turtle formation, they're going on the defensive are waiting for reinforcements



CO: Engines are still operational captain



:: checks over a few patients and finds a rather anxious engineer :: ENG: As much as I appreciate you sitting still for once, Ensign, I hate to say that you can go now. You're good to go. Just make sure to head back here if you start to feel dizzy or sick. :: tries not to laugh ::



CO: They seem to moving back, Ma'am



::Nods:: OPS: On screen. ::Puts a hand to her head and realizes she's still bleeding slightly::



CO: Shields are at 52% and climbing, phaser banks are recharging and our photon and quantum torpedoes are still good.



:: Runs out of sickbay, and enters a TL for Engineering.::



All: While they're regouping and pulling back, this is our chance to do the same. Let's see what Griffiths has to say.


ACTION: Captain Griffith's face pops up on screen, his usually immaculate coif in disarray, soot and blood on his face. The bridge around him is decidedly less pristine than earlier.



@::winces and grips his side, trying to sit up straighter:: *CO*: Captain. I'm glad you're still in one piece, If if wasn't for the Sentinel the entire flank would have fallen. Looks like we've made them pull back, anyway...



::Nods. Whilst trying to come up with something to use.::



:: Enters Engineering, and takes a seat at Console #2::



*Griffiths*: We're getting there to be sure. Are we able to get any reinforcements?



NAV: Ventral phaser banks issue, keep our belly out of the way until I get them fixed.



@::shakes his head:: *CO*: Not in time. There's a large force inbound if you haven't already picked them up, but by the time the Fifty-first fleet arrives they'll be entrenched here.



*aCO*: We might need to do what we did at the last base...and self-destruct the Rho before making a tactical retreat.



::Scrolling through information on the console. Hears the conversation:: CO: Captain... we canni afford to keep falling back.



ENG*: I'll do what I can, but I don't want to stay nose down for too long. The dorsal shields can only take so much! Make it quick ensign Marcus out



@::winces slightly and sucks in a breath, gripping his side tighter:: *OPS*: The secondary tactical subprocessors were destroyed, we can't make any remote connections to the Rho. It was the first thing they hit after Starbase 621.



:: Goes behind the far honeycombed wall and pulls out a toolkit, then races into a Jeffrey tube.::



:: grabs a medikit and turns to the nearest nurse :: Nurse: I'll be making house calls around the ship if anyone needs me. :: waves goodbye and heads off to check around the ship ::



*aCO*: Then...one of the MACOs on the ship will have to get the codes, input them manually?



::Nods:: *Griffiths*: It does seem like the prudent course at this point....We might hold off or even destroy this enemy wave, but we won't be able to hold back a second wave...Alright, we'll have to hold them off and rig the station for when their reinforcements arrive.



:: traces the power couplings for the ventral phaser banks, checking relays functionality 1 at a time and continuity.::



@::nods slightly, wondering if that'll work:: *CO/OPS*: The Rho is still overrun, I'd suggest getting the evacuees out of here and reinforcing the MACO on the station if you're going to make an attempt.



::Turns back to his console. Still hoping there is some way to save the station.::



CO: What's the status on evacuees, Captain?



@*AMB*: The last lot are leaving shortly, they're about done. We just need to get those escape pods picked up and pulled out of here.



:: First stop: the holodecks. Those look to be in decent shape, if the lone surgeon can stop running around like a headless thrai for a moment. At least the nurses and medtechs have themselves together ::



*Griffiths*: We'll send over who we can. But we wont be able to retake the station. Only hold them back.



@*Griffiths*: That's good news sir, Thank you



:: Finds the balky relay, fused to the interior panel.  A cracked energy conduit twists in intermittent contact.  Hissing sparks dance in the tube.  That wasn't hard to find!::



CO: Captain... has the Picard manoeuvre ever been attempted with a fleet?



CO: If we just need enough time to make sure all the evacs are safely picked up, then all WE need is a small team to get in, rig the station, and get everyone out before she blows.



CO: Captain I'll pilot the shuttle, I know I am the best flyer you have ma'am



OPS: Would a small team be able to pull it off? This enemy works best in ground combat.



SCI: I don't think so, but I'll consider it. Are we able to use transporters, or are we stuck with shuttles?



:: Field bypasses the phaser energy conduit by instrument loop, leaving the Relay free to touch. ::



@::nods again and shifts in his seat, sitting up a little straighter:: *CO*: We'll keep them off your back, Captain. I'm going to take the Iowa Jima and the Hercules and make sure that the Tzenkethi stay back, see if we can pick off some more of their fighters.



:: she comes across a few people in the corridors who happened to have been thrown into a wall and ended up unconscious. Thankfully, they're all close to the holodecks and sickbay for right now ::



CO: In that case, the smaller the team the better.  Working fast, quickly, quietly, efficiently. They would just need to rely on the MACOs to hold out a little longer; they wouldn't do well distracted by a fight.



CO:Captain, I'd like to volunteer for this; Ground combat is my specialty.



:: Replaces the relay and tests.  Taev then slips a sleeve over the cracked conduit, wraps it in duct tape, then releases the instrument loop.::



CO: I hope the transporters are in working order. I really wouldn't want someone to go Shuttlin' out there.



::Nods:: OPS: Alright, let the MACO's know our intentions, I'd rather not lose those people if we can help it.



SCI: Good to know. NAV: There are still a lot of fighters out there, and they'd take out the shuttle without too much difficulty. Our deflectors should hold while we do a beam in and out.



NAV: Ventral phaser banks re-connected.  You can go belly up now.  Just don't ask for a tour of the repair job.



CO: We could see what ships are willing to spare security to help hold the line, so long as everyone gets pulled out before the station goes.



CO: We could control the shield geometry, make a small hole and beam through it.



CO: Aye Captain :: Wishing that that he could take the mission:: *ENG*: Glad you have your ways taev!! :: Positions the ship back in forward flying position::


ACTION: Around the Sentinel the other Federation ships move up, harassing the defensive enemy line and taking a few hits in return, popping fighters and the odd raider that zips out too far like lizard-filled balloons.



:: Slips out of the Jeffries tube and returns to Engineering, panting.  Taev wishes Romulans could sweat like a Human.::



TAC: Alright, you're on the team, Marcus, you as well. Take a few security officers and we'll beam you over...You've got to imput the self destruct codes set it for a good amount of time to give us all a chance to get out.



SCI: If it'll work, do it. Let's not give them any opening.



:: she finds a few people with broken legs or arms who are still trying to walk and work. Before they can argue, Sarissa orders them to Sickbay. Well, at least the ones with broken legs. ::



:: Nods to the Captain and heads for the TL::


ACTION: One of the crewmen grabs Sarissa by the arm and screams suddenly, clutching at his side and stumbling down to his knees, collapsing like a bag of bones.



::just going to stamp down any urge to volunteer himself. it'd look strange...and he's needed here, coordinating::



TL: Transporter room 1 TAC: Are you coming?



NAV: I'm coming. ::Gist moves into TL::



CO: Aye ma'am. A small hole is better than the our entire shields. ::Starts manipulating the shield emitters, preparing to open a hole in the shields for the transporter to beam through.::



::TL door closes and the cpmpartment swiftly moves through the ship to our destination:: TAC: Ready for this?



:: jumps and grabs a tricorder, scanning the crewmen :: Self: Imirrhlhhse. *TR-1* Sarissa to Transporter Room One, emergency transport for two directly to Sickbay!



NAV: Ready as I'll ever be.



:: Winks to the Cadet and takes a slow breath::   :: TL Doors open to the corridor leading to the the Transporter room::



:: Monitors the power drain from the battery cells in Cargo bay 1 which are reinforcing the shields.  Opens a release valve in tank #1 to increase coolant flow.::



::getting in touch with each of the MACO teams, briefly outlining the plan to send a small team...and blow the hell out of the Rho. just hold the line. hold the line until they're beamed out::



::Hurries out of turbolift into transporter room::



:: Walks down the corridor to the Transporter room::



:: the transporter dumps them in Sickbay and at least two medtechs are already prepared :: Medtechs: Get him on the biobed and prepped for surgery. :: thinks about how this won't be a party ::



::continues keeping an eye and ear on the Tzenk turtle formation::



::furrows his brow in response:: CO: Ma'am, Colonel Reeves is concerned the Tzenkethi may be plotting something.  Internal sensors are offline, and they're only taking enough pot shots to keep the marines pinned but nothing more.



OPS: Anything on Rho that they'd want? Besides it's strategic location?



TAC: Grab the charges and a phaser, if we cannot rig the core to overload we are going to have to rig the explosives to impact the core


ACTION: The Medtechs comply, immediately setting about prepping for surgery, setting up lifesign monitors and surgical supports.



:: Draws down power flow to Shields as they reach saturation capacity.  Heat levels in capacitor banks holding.::



CO: Ma'am, we could send out a jamming signal so that they can't communicate between ships



::Grabs the charges and phaser::



NAV: Got it.



AMB: Good idea. It is possible to jam all of their signals while not hindering our own?



Self: That ruptured spleen shouldn't be a problem, but that shattered pelvis is really going to put a crimp in my day. :: turns to one of the medtechs :: Medtech-1: Get a regenerator and fix the abdominal tearing.



::Grabs equipment and checks the two security officers that are escorting then steps up on to the pad:: *CO* Captain, Gist and I have the security team and the charges just in case we cannot rig the over load I hope you are ready for us when it is time to come back



CO: It's old and outdated with an older core.  I do not know of anything other than position that they could want with it.



CO: Ready to open the facing shield on your mark ma'am.



::Frowns and tries to shake out the light headed feeling:: OPS: We'll continue with our strategy. SCI: Alright. Mark. *NAV*: Good luck and be careful. They might be up to something. *TR1*: Energize.



CO: I can try to patch into a frequency that only their ships use



::Opens a patch of the shield facing the station.::



AMB: Do what you can. Every edge helps.



::bright lights fill his eyes as he is atomized and sent to the station that is currently under attack::



CO: If I can send out a small probe, that could work. Assuming it doesn't get shot down



:: is wrist deep in this poor crewmen when a small flood of injured crewmen trot into Sickbay. :: Self: Can't catch a break around here lately...



CO: If I can get a probe near their ships, it could generate a jamming field



CO: It could be...trying to get a drop on our forces from another angle? ::shakes his head and patches through to the Away Team:: *NAV/TAC*: There are enemies in ops, main engineering, and...in one of the cargo tubes? Reading about a hundred across the board.


ACTION: Marcus, Gist and their security attachment beam in behind the Promenade lines with Colonel Reeves and a handful of other MACO manning a makeshift barracade.



Col Reeves: Colonel, we are from the Sentinel, I assume you know what we are here to do sir?



::begins taking steps to send out a small communications probe near the tzenkethi turtle formation::



::Shakes head:: AMB: It'd be shot down almost immediately.



<delete last>



OPS: That's a thought....What angle though?



CO: Sigma Rho is one of the command stations for the region.



CO: Understood, Ma'am



CO: If there are some in the cargo tubes, I have to wonder if there might be something being stored on the station that they don't want us to know about. But if there is anything out of the ordinary, I do not know of it yet.



::taps her finger on the console, trying to come up with something else...::



@::turns and shoulders his heavy rifle, looking over the Starfleet brass:: NAV: Yeah, I was told. The other one looks like he can be quiet, but you've got about twenty lizards between here and the turbolift.



:: well, at least the spleen was an easy fix, but this pelvis is really going to be a tough fix. :: Medtech-2: Hand me the osteofuser, would you? :: notices that Medtech-1 is done :: Medtech-1: Good work.



CO: ...There IS that experimental new ship hanging about with Captain Griffiths, however. Perhaps there are secret parts being contained, while they were building her?



CO: I'll do a full scan of the station. See what I can see see see.....



Self: But then that would mean they knew about the new ship, and more about what's in the cargo hold than we do...



OPS: Again...that's a thought. However if we succeed in taking out the station, it'll all be a moot point.



@::Looks at Gist and then back to Reeves:: Col: He can be quiet sir, but he is a genius in hand to hand tactics, not to mention weapons. How many decks to the core sir?



CO: It does raise some questions about possible intelligence leaks, or even concerns about possible advantages they might gain if they make off with any experimental parts. But you are right, all off the cuff speculation.



@::smirks, just slightly:: NAV: Fourty-three.



::Starts scanning Sigma for anything out of the ordinary.::



@::Stares blankly at Marcus for a second:: Col:Yea, right.



@Col: Is the TL the only way? What about Jefferies tubes? Its a lot of climbing but if its less lizards I would prefer it sir!



::attempts to get in touch with Griffiths, chasing his idea:: *aCO*: Captain, does the Rho contain any materials or parts that should capture their interest? Anything for your ship, maybe?



@NAV: Aye, that'll get you there. We've seen some of them crawling that way though, they move like greased shit on two legs or all fours, so keep your damned eyes peeled. ::keeps his eyes on the distant curve of the promenade::



:: Closes relief valve to tank #1.  Begins a remote link start-up script for the spare Shuttle power-plant in Cargo bay 2.::



:: finds that the pelvis isn't too awful of a fix, just tedious. :: Medtech-2: Grab another osteofuser and help me out here.



@Col: Understood Sir, We will follow you and shoot what we see, but when we get to the core we will need cover to set up the overload :: Pulls out his phaser sets it to full power looks to Gist and nods in the direction of the MACOS::



::Readies phaser rifle::


<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Pause Mission >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

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