- , Mission #

"The Patrol"



SUMMARY: Adria has shown herself to be behind the suicide bombing plot, which seems to have spread beyond Mizar II. After interrogating Lt. Nalta, the Captain has ordered a course for The Badlands in the hope of ending Adria's threat once and for all.






::sits in the Command chair, reading through reports from Engineering::



::Walks onto the bridge after her extended time with Nalta, her patience wearing a tad thin::



::looks up and sees CTO:: CTO: Jo.. ::stands:: CTO: A second...



::Is at his post, going over the targeting sensors, prepping them for the Badlands::



::Makes diagnostics for the connection of the ship::



::Pauses as she was heading to tac, and diverts to the Big chair tm::



::steps over to Rousseau with a nod:: MED: Ensign, you have Sickbay here, I'm going to head up to the bridge and keep the Captain company. Make sure he doesn't run us off a cliff after this...woman.



<Change big chair to mini Big Chair tm::



::steps to the side, out of earshot and waits for CTO, arms folded lightly::


ACTION: The third section of the Hyperion, which is really the second section, drops out of warp, ready to rejoin its brethren. The Main Bridge receives a hail.



::Follows after Danann:: XO: I know you wanted a word Commander, but I thought it would be more appropriate once we have resolved the Adria situation



Self: Man, these gravitational anomalies and plasma storms are going to play friggin' wonders with the sensors.



CO: We will be ready to connect the section in about 5 min. :: Starts to prep for the connection::



NAV: Thank you Cadet. Please oversee the process when ready.



CTO: It'll only take a second. ::looks up at the tactical console:: CTO: I have major concerns over Ensign Douglas' suitability as a bridge officer. I'm after having a very one-sided discussion with him about following protocol, and the chain of command. He's on report. No Away Team duty, no socialising. I want you to keep a close eye on him if we get into anything serious. He's too



bull-headed to be trusted, understood?



CMO: No problem, I'll hold down the fort here as usual..


::smiles, giving her a nod:: MED: I can trust you. Hopefully it'll be quiet, I'll do what I can to make sure it is. ::picks up his medkit and straps it around his shoulder, adjusts his belt and heads into the Turbolift before sending it towards the bridge::



::Nods in complete agreement with Danann:: XO: I had hoped that it wouldn't have got as far as a disciplinary. I will monitor him to the best of my ability, in amongst everything else Commander. But I will make the ship and the Captain my priority over babysitting Douglas, mind.



::Recieves a hail:: CO: We're being hailed by the ventral section sir.



TAC: Tell them to prepare for docking, Cadet Gunn is overseeing the procedure.



CO: Aye sir. ::Sends the relevant information to the ventral section, telling them to prepare for docking::


ACTION: The three sections of the Hyperion begin to align in preparation for reassembly.



CTO: One hare-brained idea of his, and we may lose both, Feyna. But I see your point. Do what you can. ::nods her dismissal::



::steps out onto the bridge, his labcoat swaying with elegant finesse as he takes up the nearest science station:: Computer: Computer, transfer medical operations to this console. ::taps out his codes::



CO/TAC: Everything is ready for docking. :: Goes over everything one last time for the docking::



::preparing for incoming casualties.. again.::



::Nods at Gunn:: NAV: Got it.



::looks up at Danann:: XO: Problem?



::glances over to the view screen, then down to NAV, sitting where she wants to be sitting most of all. Sighs and sets her expression to neutral before returning to the CO's side::



CO: Docking engaged :: Starts the docking procedure::



::Flashes a smile, before heading back over to tac, not giving Douglas any particular attention::



::nods to Gunn::



CO: Everything's under control, sir.



XO: Glad to hear it. Is the ship ready for battle ?



::Takes a station, and does a review of the ship's preparation::



::hesitates, still concerned over TAC's responses to her questions:: CO: We're ready, Captain.



::Feels the tension on the air from Feyna and Danann, but continues prepping the sensors nonetheless::


ACTION: The lights on the three bridge stations turn a pleasant shade of blue as assembly procedures commence, the sections moving gently to stack atop each other. Once the fit is confirmed, clamps and connections throughout the superstructure engage, turning the three vessels into one.



::turns back from his console, stepping over and resting his hands on the railing as he stares at the image on the viewscreen:: CO: So what's the plan, Captain?



::looks to his right:: CMO: Stop reacting.



CO: Sir the Ventral section can't go past warp 9, that is if we want to stay in one peace ::After reading the last diagnostics::



CO: Wouldn't that mean standing still? Should we paint targets on the hull too? ::smiles ruefully::



::sighs with relief as the ship assembles itself once more:: NAV: Nice work, Gunn.



NAV: Let's hope we won't need to.


ACTION: In sickbay, alerts go off as Danesh begins to code once more.


CMO: Doctor, it means that I am done reacting to Adria's games. We're going after her, not running around cleaning up after her.



NAV: Set course for the Badlands, Cadet. Take us in. Full power to shields and the Structural Integrity Field.



CO: Of course, Captain. Let's hope that she didn't have the same idea. ::stares back out at the turmoil on the viewscreen::



::Is concerned that the sensors range will be limited, keeps going over them to get as much out of them as posible.::



::checks the biobed readouts, gets the crash cart, cortical stims, etc..::



CO/XO: Course set for the Badlands. :: Sets in the cords for the badlands, now being able to put power to the FR so people can gets it coffee again::



::nods:: CMO: Assist Science with their scans of the area if you can, Doctor.



Nurse: Cortical stim at 30%! Hit it!



::nods, turning back to his console and slaving a sensor readout to it, beginning a full sensor sweep of the approaching area - it was likely trapped, but even then cloaked mines could be the least of their troubles::



XO: Keep an eye on his piloting Commander. I trust him, but these are treacherous waters.



CO: Captain, I'm concerned about the sensors when we enter the Badlands, they wont give us much warning.



TAC: Do what you can, Ensign.



::has her eyes glued on NAV, turns to CO, a little startled, then back to NAV:: CO: He's got it in hand, sir. You may spill your coffee, but I bet you won't drop the cup. Gunn's got this.



::Scans Danesh with tricorder, continues with the Cortical stims, checks readouts::



::takes a deep breath and stares out the viewscreen at the plasma fires ahead::



CO: The Bajorans used to use a form of echolocation during the occupation. I'm not fully read up on the specifics though.



CO: We are about 10 hours out from the Badlands at warp 9 Sir.



NAV: Engage.



::glances back at TAC, frown-lines appearing at the corners of her eyes, then returns her attention to watching NAV work::


ACTION: Danesh stabilizes for about 15 seconds before he begins to sieze.



TAC: We have 10 hours to become experts, get to it.



:: Ship engaged::



CO: Aye Sir.



CO: Not much we can tell from this distance, Captain. The Badlands is a hostile place, there's a reason we hid there to such good effect. It's the perfect place to hide, or set a trap...



Nurse:Increase to 50%!



::Checks Danesh's biosigns::



::Nods at the captain:: CMO: Hey doc, I may need your help on this.



CMO: Is there some way to destabilize the area? Force her out ?



*Engineering*: Things are gonna get pretty bumpy, Chief. This is your last chance to bolt anything down you don't want bouncing around the place. Don't say we didn't warn you.



::Gets a firmer grip on her console, as she carries on with the tactical update::


ACTION: The Hyperion aims for the Badlands and jumps to Warp, setting it on a path of either Justice or Revenge; we'll see how the Captain's feeling about it.



::runs his fingers across his console, frowning slightly:: CO: The entire badlands? It takes up an area two sectors wide, for a start, and there's little you can do to destabilise plasma storms. They're unstable enough as it is.



::nods thoughtfully:: CMO: Thank you Doctor.



NAV: Remember to use the eddies to steer the ship if you have to. Their internal currents may be useful if we need to slingshot our way out of here in a hurry. ::holds on to the railing with one hand::



::Raises her eyebrows slightly in appreciation of 'slingshot'::



Self: How does one echo-locate in a vacuum? ::Frowns at the problem:: CMO: Doc, what is the particle density of the badlands?



::sighs silently, but doesn't turn from his console:: TAC: Doctor.



Nurse: Hit it again. ::looks at readouts, the pulse is erratic, then _____________^_____^_____________^---^---^---::



XO: Aye Ma'am I got that ready if needed :: Starts to calculate every gravitational anomaly::



XO: Commander, send an update to the Vonnegut. Use an older key, something she can decipher. Tell them where we're heading, nothing else.



::Sighs:: CMO: Doctor, what is the particle density of the badlands?



::nods to NAV, chewing her lip:: NAV: And check the aft thrusters. I have read of instances where they have partially failed after extended periods of MVAM... ::looks at the CO, realises she's acting like a nervous hen::



::brings up the information:: TAC: There's a range from sixty-six ppm to twenty-eight million ppm. The plasma storms tend to jumble everything up.



::Still doesn't think that Douglas is showing his best, interacting with the Kymar in such a way::



:: Looks at the XO sensing strangeness from her:: XO: I got this Ma´am.



::chews on his bottom lip for a moment longer, than finally turns around:: CO: Captain, may I speak with you in your ready room?



CMO: If the Bajorans used echolocation during the occupation with guerilla technology, then that must be enough of a medium for sound waves to radiate through.



CO: Yes, Captain. I'll send it at once. ::sits down and wonders how Uhura was able to stand all the constant message-sending she had to do in the old days::



Nurse:increase Lextrazine dosage, let's see if he'll stabilize



::looks up:: CMO: Is it urgent?



NAV: I know... ::looks at NAV, throwing him half a nervous smile::



::offhandedly answer:: TAC: Sound doesn't travel in a vacuum, we used a modified tachyon pulse to gauge distance. ::nods down at the Captain:: CO: It could possibly be, yes.



::Glances over at Soule, to see if he understands why the Doctor corrected him::






::stands up and motions for his Ready room::



XO: You have the Bridge, Commander.



::nods, stepping over to the door and waiting for the Captain to go through first before following::



CMO: Well, that answers my questions. Tachyonic Echoes. Ingenious.



::enters the room::



::doesn't sit down, just waits for the Doctor to start talking::



::looks up, half way through her message:: CO: Yessir... ::looks unsure why he's disappearing, and what the CMO has to say to him in private::



::waits for the door to close, then takes a seat while the CO stands:: CO: I'm curious about your actual game plan, Captain. I figured you would be more open in private.



::Looks over as Rome and the CMO disappear, hoping that it won't increase the pressure slowly pressing down on the bridge crew::



::finishes her message to the Vonnegut, encrypts it and sends it::



Comp: Computer, what would be the correct piece of equipment to emit a tachyonic pulse?


ACTION: Slowly but surely, Danesh begins to stabilize, though the damage to his cerebral cortex has increased. Much is riding on the oddly named chemical currently synthesizing in the labs.



::sighs audibly, trying to hold back the feeling of worry building with every minute::



::looks a bit surprised to see the Doctor's casual manner and smiles as he heads to his seat and sits down:: CMO: Adria wants me, for some reason....she wants to impress me, show me. But always from afar. Never up close, never where I can get to her. So far she has been playing me for months....her followers know all about me, means she's obsessed....I plan to use that.



:: Senses that the XO is truly not on her finest hour:: XO: The FR are back online and I put in new blends of coffee in the programming.



::leans forward:: CMO: I'm changing gears, Doctor.



::looks across the desk at the man on the other side:: CO: What makes you believe that she isn't using it too? You said it yourself, she's been playing you from the get go, pushing your buttons. For whatever reason she's focussed entirely on you through all of this.



::Overhears Gunn, and sighs, truly hoping the Captain will stick to Raktajino::



CMO: It's a gamble, I know. But one I am willing to take.



Self: Just one more hour on the funkyoxitan cooling process.. One more hour... ::rubs tired eyes::



::eyes widen:: NAV: You are my favourite.



::stands, moves to the replicator, and looks at the entries NAV has added to the system. Selects a Bolian Chocolate Mocha, for the hell of it::


CO: You're gambling the entire crew of this ship on the roll of a dabo wheel, one which is definitely in favour of the house. There is no better place to hide than the Badlands, my people used it for decades. Do you know how many bigger and badder ships we took down in there? There's a reason that civilisation stays out of it, you can't tame the storms.



XO: Thought you needed one Ma'am. :: Glances back at his console::



::Calls over::  NAV: Any new caffeine free one?






::Thinks to himself over the problem:: Self: The sensors....the deflector dish.... ::Clicks his fingers:: Depth charges.



CMO: I am not going to risk this ship Doctor. She'll come to us.



::takes a sip as she returns to her seat:: NAV: Oh, baby... ::smiles and takes another long drink::



:: Glances to CTO:: CTO: Sorry, tried to find some but it's like no one likes it.


ACTION: The Hyperion receives a hail from the Vonnegut.



::nods slowly:: CO: I'm glad to hear you say it. There's...a feeling amongst the crew, that perhaps your motivations aren't entirely civil. She has been pushing your buttons after all.



Comp: Computer bring up the schematics for a photon torpedo with the explosive ordnance removed.



ALL: We are receiving a hail from the Vonnegut Ma´am



CMO: Then hear it from me, Doctor. My motives are far from civil.



NAV: On screen, Gunn. ::stands up, coffee cupped between her hands::



::leans forward for the first time, watching the Captain closely:: CO: Then perhaps we shouldn't be the ones heading towards the Badlands.



::Gives a half shrug:: NAV: Guess I'm now considered no-one....



CMO: My mind's made up, Doctor.



:: Puts the hail on the view screen:: XO: Aye Ma´am



::appears on the screen, looking dashing but tired:: *XO*: Hyperion, this is the Vonnegut. We got your message; do you need any backup?



CO: I don't doubt that for a second.



*Harris*: Good to see you, Vonnegut. Is this a secure line?



::leans back and nods:: CMO: I will find her, and I will bring her to justice, or kill her trying. But I will not risk my crew unneccesarily, you can believe that.



::gives CTO a wave to check the connection on their end for security::



@::nods:: *XO*: Yes, Ma'am.



::hides a smile with her coffee as the Captain of the Vonnegut calls her "ma'am". Sips:: *Harris*: What is your current status?



::Gets a detailed schematic of a photon torpedo. Looking over it intently, pointing at parts and talking to himself:: Self: We could put a tachyon generator there.... a sensor relay there....real-time information....create a net....



CO: My first duty of care is to the crew on this ship. I need to know that you will know when to turn back if it comes to that, you can't let anger, fear and thoughts of vengeance control your actions. Not when there are 400 lives at stake.



:: Looks at the CTO and hopes he does better next time finding new recipes::



CMO: Do you think that little of me, Doctor? That I would endanger my crew like that?



::Nods back to Danann:: XO: It's secure



::smiles slightly:: CO: I know how it feels when vengeance takes hold, Captain. It's...difficult to let go, no matter the cost.



CMO: Then you know what I must do.



@*XO*: We've been coordinating the search efforts on Trill and Starbase 621, but things seem well in hand on that front. We're available if you need us.



::stands up, his palms on his desk before him:: CMO: We're going to get her, Doctor. She will pay for what she has done, but not at the risk of my crew. That's a promise.



::nods firmly:: CO: There's a fine line between vengeance and justice. I trust you, John. Let's get this done. ::casually stands back up, a quiet smile back on his face::



::Walks hesitantly up to Danann:: XO: I know we're not really on talking terms right now commander.... but I need your permission to access a photon torpedo.



:: Finds one decap recipe for CTO:: CTO: Found one in the database. You should try it.



::raises an eyebrow at being called John:: CMO: If you insist on calling me anything other than Captain, it's Jonathan.



::flashes a very quick grin:: CO: It wouldn't roll off the tongue so well when I'm angry. After you, Captain. ::steps back to the door and hits the pad to open it up::



::thinks it over:: *Harris*: If the possibility of further attacks on Trill or Starbase 621 has turned out to be a wild goose chace, then yes, please... catch up with us. ::frowns:: *Harris*: Thank you, Captain.






::Looks a little excited:: NAV: A new fruit tea, or is it herbal?



@::nods with a tired smile before the screen goes blank.::




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