- , Mission #

"The Endless"






The USS Sentinel is repaired and refueled, ready to begin the two week journey through Klingon space with just a short stop at a Klingon colony with the USS Artur in tow. H'Atoria has been experiencing some unusual and heavy tectonic activity which has severaly damaged several locations planet-side, and the Federation is providing aid to keep the peaceful relations between the two races ongoing.



We join our intrepid crew as they're about to undock from the station.



<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Begin Mission >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>



::sitting on the bridge, looking around at his crew::



::Sits in her chair on the bridge, flipping through a PADD::



::swivels in the chair by the aux. life support station on the Bridge::



::leans over to the XO:: XO: Obtain clearance for departure and let me know when all departments are ready to get underway, Commander.



""Steps out of the Turbo lift and walks to station::



:: tidying up Sickbay, making sure everything is in place and ready to grab if needed ::



::Nods:: OPS: Open a channel to the station.



XO: Message from the station: moorings clear, docking clamps disengaged.



::Checks HUD:: CO: Green Lights across the board captain. Weapons and shields in full working order and standing by. ::Continues to monitor his station::



::Starts getting messages on her console with departments claiming their readiness::



::nods:: TAC: Very well, Ensign. *Shipwide*: All Hands, prepare for departure.




CO: Ready to go on your mark, sir.



::looks over to the XO::



::spins his chair once more:: Self: About time.



CO: All departments are ready, sir.



:: hears the announcement :: Self: I hope I don't get space-sick. That would be awkward.



All: Let's go already.



XO: Thank you, Commander.  ::looks forward at the viewscreen:: aNAV: Ensign Taylor, thrusters forward. Take us out.




CO: Aye sir! ::slow and steady to win the race::


ACTION: Slowly and steadily, the sleek form of the Sentinel glides away from the station on thrusters, moving through space like a majestic creature gliding through the ocean.



CO: Sir, hail from the Artur. Captain Reynolds is ready to go on the course we have given them.



::smiling, he nods, looking over to the Artur on the viewscreen:: OPS: Aye, Lieutenant. Signal Captain Reynolds an acknowledgement.



CO: Engineering reports warp power online and we're ready to go.



::nods:: aNAV: Warp 7, Ensign, once we’re clear of the station.  Course for H’Atoria.




::takes them out smooth and easy like until they're far enough away to engage warp::


ACTION: The Sentinel moves away from the station under Impulse power, gliding out to a safe distance alongside the USS Artus, both ships in formation



::leans over to the XO, whispering:: XO: I’ve always wanted to do this.



::Raises an eyebrow:: CO: Command a ship? This isn't your first time, is it sir?



::smiles, saying nothing in reply:: aNAV: Engage.



CO: Not inspiring me with confidence here.




XO: New ship is always different, ma'am. ::smirks:: Warp aye. ::engages::



::looks over at the CMO:: CMO: Doctor, one, you’re not ruining this moment for me.  Two, you are free to disembark when we get to Starbase 123.. or any place between here and there.



::smiles:: CO: Aye sir.



::Can't help but smile:: aNav: Very true.



CMO: If you want to go harass someone, go train your new Ensign.



CO: Nah, I like it here. The chairs turn.

ACTION: The Sentinel explodes into warp speed, the Artur shortly behind it, both ships screaming through space at frankly reckless speeds.






::Coughing:: CO: Hey Cap, don't involve me in this!



::Finally feeling more at home, she openly giggles outloud::



::chuckles softly::


TIMEWARP: The next four days pass calmly, communications going back and forth between the Sentinel and the Artur, friends made and plans planned until they drop out of warp a few minutes out from H'Atoria. The Klingons have been notified and are expecting the Federation ships with an unusually open attitude - the colonists are in bad shape.



XO: We are coming into range of H'Atoria, Shall I inform the Captain?



::in his Ready Room, laying down on his couch::



::Nods:: TAC: Of course.



:: preparing medical supplies for any colonists in need of them ::



::goes over the medical supplies once more, marking each create on a PADD::



::Clicks combadge:: *CO*: Captain, we are now in range of H'Atoria



MED: Hurry up will you. We need to get these to the transporter before I die of old age.



::nods, rising:: *TAC*: Very well.



CMO: Aye sir. Just checking the last of the supplies now. And don't worry, death of old age is far from happening today. Maybe another day.



XO: Hopefully the Artur can help. The inhabitants seem to be in a pretty poor way.



::grumbles:: Self: Are you sure?



::Steps out onto the Bridge::


ACTION: The Artur quickly establishes a geosynchronous orbit around the planet above the largest affected colony



:: puts the last of the supplies in a crate and turns to York :; CMO: There. All done, sir. And nobody died of old age in the process.



OPS: I'm sure the Artur can handle most anything that comes their way.



::reaches into his labcoat and retrieves his glasses, placing them on his nose before running through the inventory once more:: MED: It was touch and go for a minute.


All: Captain on the bridge.



:: chuckles quietly :: CMO: Aye sir.




XO: Ma'am, sensors are reading pockets of tectonic activity all across the planet, it's almost as if the mantle has been shattered into hundreds of pieces. Performing a geophysical analysis now.



::winks at Sarissa::



::Nods at the Captain. Then Checks his panel.:: CO: I'm reading the same thing here, some pretty serious damage on the surface.



::overhears Science::  aNAV: Match orbit with the Artur.  OPS: Lieutenant, signal Captain Reynolds we stand by to assist as needed.



aSCI: Is the tectonic activity the reason they need the medical supplies?



MED: This looks good ::signs off on the inventory and motions for the Tactical officers:: aTAC: You can take these to Transporter Room 2.



CO: Aye. Hopefully they will not need us...but it's looking like they could use a hand.



:: nods and checks her PADD for any updates on the condition of the colonists. This certainly could get interesting. What even was happening down there? ::




::nods to th Doctor and begins shifting everything onto Antigrav with his partner for moving::


ACTION: The Cargo bay is a bustle of business around the two Medical officers.



aTAC: And be careful with those!




XO: Earthquakes, flooding, lots of localised disturbances means injured people, Commander. We've got reports planet-wide for everything from medical supplies to rebuilding material.



::frowns:: OPS: Hail the colony.



CO: Just how far are we supposed to go? I know the Klingon High Command can be touchy about how much assistance they ask for.




::continues running his analysis:: XO/CO: Sirs, I'm reading some sort of energy disturbance under the mantle, some kind of field permeating the planet's crust. I think this might be the reason for this tectonic activity, geophysical scans show that the cracks are centuries old, the plates have been this way for a while.



MED: Take over here. Bed two requires a change of meds soon, the computer will alert you. I'm going to the Bridge.



aSCI: Are you saying this isn’t natural, Lieutenant?



CMO: Aye sir. :: sets the PADD down and goes to grab the required meds for Bed Two ::


::sends a hail, hopes they'll be greeted as warmly for Klingons as they have been so far::



::heads out of Sickbay and towards the nearest Turbolift::




::grabs the CMO's attention before he leaves:: CMO: Sir, they're asking for your assistance in Cargo Bay 2. ::turns to Sarissa:: MED: You as well, ma'am. Something about an opened container, they want to know if it's still viable.




CO: Possible, sir. I can't seem to find a source for the field.



::sighs:: aTAC: Fine, I'll head there first...damn children.



:: sighs :: Self: Opened crate? Why the hell is a crate opened in the first place?



MED: Come on kid.



CMO: Aye sir. Any idea why some idiot would open a crate that isn't supposed to be opened?



*H’Atoria*: This is Captain Jonathan Parker of the USS Sentinel.  We’re here with the USS Artur with needed medical supplies for the colony.  Of what more assistance could we be? We’re detecting some kind of field that may be the cause of the planetary .. disruptions.



MED: Have you met golden shirts?


ACTION: The face of a haggard, white-haired Klingon woman shows up on screen.



TL: Cargo bay 2.



CMO: Well, some of them seem to have sense. But if it's closed and labeled, it doesn't need to be opened.




*Sentinel*: Captain, it's good you've arrived. The Artur is already beaming relief supplies and medical personal to the worse affected locations ::holds onto her chair as the ground begins to shake again:: You mentioned some kind of field?



MED: Let's hope it's not biomimetic gel.



*Governor T’kat*: It appears so.  I’ll have my science teams send you the data we’ve received so far.  It appears to be beneath the surface.. some form of energy disruption.



CMO: Isn't that illegal?



::steps out of the Turbolift and heads for the cargo bay doors::




XO: Ma'am, I think I may have found the source. It looks like- ::widens his eyes as he looks at the readout:: I'm reading a massive energy surge!



aSCI: What is it?

ACTION: On the screen, the shaking appears to be getting worse, consoles explode and the Governer waves her hands and orders her staff to get down before another explosion washes out the screen and cuts off the comm.




The field is...it's expanding!



MED: Not for medical purposes.....what school did you graduate from again? ::looks at her with annoyance before entering the cargo bay::



aSCI: What's the source, Ensign?



TAC: Yellow alert. OPS: Signal the Artur the same.



::Console flashing red:: All: The field is growing exponentially! We will be totally enveloped in 10 seconds. Brace for impact!



CMO: Not all of the professors appreciate biomimetic gel. Mine thought it was the worst possible thing to happen. It allows some... difference in what's actually taught. :: lifts eyebrow ::



Location on-screen, sir! Confirmed on the expansion, it'll hit us in 3 seconds! ::grips his console hard::



::Going to Yellow Alert:: CO: Sheilds up!



*Shipwide*: All Hands, brace for impact! ::grips the handrail::



::Braces against her chair:: *Shipwide*: Brace for impact!



::signals the Artur, and grips for his life::



Self: Wait, what? :: makes a grab for the nearest bulkhead ::



::Braces for impact:: All: 2 seconds!


ACTION: A blue, crackling field of energy expands outwards from the planet, the Artur just below the Sentinel raises it's shields just in time but it does little good as the Sentinel crew soon find out, the ship rocking, turning almost entirely on its axis as consoles explode across the ship, the lights cutting out with sparks and waves of acrid smoke, crew flying from their positions



to crash against the nearest object.



MED: It's very good for field traumaaaaaa...::is thrown against the bulkhead moments after hearing the alert::



<delete my last>



::flies into the bulkhead near the front of the bridge::



:: proceeds to curse in every language she knows how to as she's thrown against the bulkhead that she currently has a death grip on ::



::Flies to the floor::

ACTION: The buckling and shaking goes on for long minutes afterwards, even the emergency lights onboard are dark, the only light cast by fires and exploding consoles, sparking conduits and panels flickering once before dying. In the cargo bay, York crashes hard against one of the containers, cracking his skull on the firm edge while Sarissa gets thrown across the other side to slide



along the floor apparently uninjured.



ALL: Report!



::Tries to push himself up, but his left arm is bent at an unnatural angle, clearly broken::



:: tries to maintain a relatively controlled slide ::



::reaches up to check the back of his head before the darkness slips in and he passes out::



::Crawls up to her chair and presses a button on her console:: ENG: Engineering, Damage report?


ACTION: None of the consoles respond, everything is dark, there's no viewscreen, no lights, nothing but the cries of the wounded.



::despite being flung from his seat onto the floor and into another station, he's back up on his feet as soon as he can, pulling himself along despite the shaking and his own bleeding to check on crew and try to douse fires::



::Blasted forward by an exploding junction. Grabs his station and pulls up, slamming his console:: *Security teams*: Security, report to cargo bay two and assist the medical team in anyway you can!



:: finally manages to grab onto an antigrav to pull herself up to her feet :: Self: Damn. That was not at all appreciated. All: Was anyone hurt? Can I get a head count in here?




::groans as he clutches his side, trying to stand but failing:: MED: S-...sir...I think there are others.



CO: Sir-- ::coughs as he checks aNAV's pulse while she's out on the floor:: CO: We have no control on the bridge.


ACTION: There are some weary groans from the darkness in the cargo bay.



All: Alright, who's not dead. Sound off.



*Engineering*: Bridge to Engineering. Come in Engineering!



XO: Ay! Not dead.. Sir! ::Coughing::




XO: Sir....::slowly climbs to his feet, reaching under his console and searching around for a beacon before attaching it to his arm, casting a beam of light into the darkness on the bridge::



Self: Right then. :: breaks open a nearby crate and pulls out a few medical supplies. :: All: If anyone can walk, try to see if anyone is trapped under crates or equipment. Anyone else, sit tight and wait for someone to check on you. If you feel like your injuries are life-threatening, let me know.



::Noticing the comms are down:: Self: Dammit! CO: Captain i'm checking on the status of the power systems.



CO: I think the comms are dead. No power-- ::groans as he gets back up to his feet:: CO: And no way to check on the Artur either. Or the planet.



::sits up, leaning against the wall beneath the viewscreen:: OPS: Aye. Let’s do what we can to at least get emergency power up.  It’s going to get cold in here quick without life support.



::Moves to the aux life support console and starts attempting to repair it with the supplies on the bridge::



::glances over to see a PADD beginning to float off the floor:: All: Well that's not good.



::feels around for a torch to click on. he could've sworn there was one right around here...:: CO: We must assume this is what the rest of the ship is like as well. ::oh there it is. he swings it around to the CO's general direction:: CO: ...Damn, sir.



:: wanders around the cargo bay and tends to any injuries she finds. Almost by happenstance, she trips across someone's legs and goes flying in the low gravity :: Self: What in Arienyye was that? :: tries to shine some light on the person ::



::Pausing in her work for a moment:: CO: Are we going to be able to maintain orbit like this? Or do we have a bigger problem about to be rammed down out throats?



::shakes head:: XO: Depends on how far we got pushed OUT of orbit.



ALL: Let’s focus on what we can control.  And get power back, people.  We’ll assume time is of the essence.



::Nods:: CO: Aye. ::Goes back to work in her repairs::



:: uncovers the person and stares for a moment before grabbing a tricorder to scan the injured ::


ACTION: The two Federation ships hang dead in space, the lights out, unmoving. The crew onboard the Sentinel are trapped where they are, many injured, the status of life support unknown, and with zero power in any of the primary systems.



<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Pause Mission >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

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